Version 11 (modified by kanani, 6 years ago) (diff)


PALM Technical Documentation

PALM core
Theory behind the PALM core components, such as governing model equations and numerical approaches

Additional modules
Description of additional PALM modules, such as the bulk cloud model and the multi agent system

Technical aspects
Information about technical realizations of e.g. data handling, code parallelization and optimization

PALM core

Governing equations atmosphere

Governing equations ocean

Pressure solver

Turbulence closure


Boundary conditions


Additional modules

1D model for precursor runs

Atmosphere-ocean coupling

Bulk cloud model (BCM)

Lagrangian cloud model (LCM)

Lagrangian particle model (LPM)

Land surface model (LSM)

Large-scale forcing & Nudging

Multi agent system (MAS)


Nesting in larger-scale models / offline nesting?

Plant canopy model (PCM)

Radiation models

Wind turbine model (WTM)

Technical aspects

Code documentation with Doxygen

Data handling

General code structure

Machine-related information

Parallelization and optimization

Particle code structure

Topography implementation

User-code implementation