Version 39 (modified by hettrich, 5 years ago) (diff)


MOSAIK-2: Projects

The MOSAIK-2 project consists of 12 work packages (WP).

Support and Sustainability (S-projects)

The S-projects cover the overall coordination of MOSAIK-2 and PALM-4U PALM, the central model evaluation, support for modules B and C, as well as actions to ensure long-term sustainability of PALM-4U and established structures beyond the project funding duration.

Work package Title Institution
WP-S1 Coordination of MOSAIK-2 and internationalisation of PALM-4U Leibniz University Hannover
WP-S2 Development of a community model design Leibniz University Hannover
WP-S3 Model evaluation and user support Leibniz University Hannover
WP-S4 Model optimisation and sustainability Leibniz University Hannover
WP-S5.1 Uncertainty of model results depending on input data Leibniz University Hannover
WP-S5.2 Acquisition of open-source data and automatic generation of surface input parameters German Aerospace Centre

Click on the work packages for a detailed description.

Precipitation and Clouds (P-projects)

The P-projects focus on implementing additional physical processes concerning precipitation and cloud physics as well as creating an interface to mesoscale models.

Work package Title Institution
WP-P1 Frozen water in the atmosphere and on the ground Leibniz University Hannover
WP-P2 3D radiation and coarse-grid simulation techniques Humboldt University of Berlin & Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich
WP-P3 Extended interface to mesoscale models German Meteorological Service (DWD)

Click on the work packages for a detailed description.

Impact (I-projects)

I-projects focus on improving the PALM-4U aerosol chemistry, by also extending it to biogenic emissions, improving the multi-agent system and coupling it with an agent-based traffic emissions module, and developing a wind-throw model for urban trees.

Work package Title Institution
WP-I1 Urban air quality module Karlsruhe Institute of Technology & Freie Universität Berlin
WP-I2 Coupling of PALM-4U and MATSim Technical University of Berlin
WP-I3 Further development of the multi-agent system module Leibniz University Hannover
WP-I6 A wind throw model for urban trees Leibniz University Hannover

Click on the work packages for a detailed description.

Attachments (1)

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