Version 5 (modified by gronemeier, 6 years ago) (diff) |
Turbulence Parameterization
Since r2696, PALM can be operated as a RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) model. When running PALM as a RANS model, a different turbulence closure is used compared to the LES model where the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) e is completely parameterized.
Two different turbulence models are available:
which are described below.
Switching to the RANS parameterizaion is done by setting the namelist parameter rans_mode = .TRUE.. Selecting one of the available turbulence models is done via the namelist parameter turbulence_closure.
TKE-l model
The TKE-l model calculates the eddy diffusivities via the turbulence kinetic energy e and the mixing length l:
where Pr denotes the Prandtl number. The model constant c0 is set to 0.55 by default, but can be altered via the namelist parameter rans_const_c.
The TKE is calculated using the following prognostic equation:
where Ke is defined as
with σe = 1. This can be altered via the namelist parameter rans_const_sigma. The dissipation rate ε of the TKE is calculated via
The mixing length is defined using the mixing length lB according to Blackadar (1962) and the Dyer-Businger function Φm
where κ, f, Ug, L, and z denote the von-Karman constant, the Coriolis parameter, the geostrophic wind, the Monin-Obukhov length, and the height, respectively. lwall defines an upper limit of the mixing length as the distance to the nearest solid surface (wall).
TKE-ε model
The TKE-ε model calculates the eddy diffusivities via the turbulence kinetic energy e and the dissipation rate ε of the TKE:
where Pr denotes the Prandtl number. The model constant c0 is set to 0.55 by default, but can be altered via the namelist parameter rans_const_c.
The TKE is calculated using the same prognostic equation as the TKE-l model. The dissipation rate ε is calculated via the following prognostic equation:
where Kε is defined as
with σε = 1.3. This can be altered via the namelist parameter rans_const_sigma. The model constants c1, c2, and c3 are set to 1.44, 1.92, and 1.44, respectively. These values can be altered via the namelist parameter rans_const_c.