Listing of the steering parameters in alphabetical order

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Namelist abbreviations:

  • agt: &agent_parameters
  • biomet: &biometeorology_parameters
  • bulkc: &bulk_cloud_parameters
  • chem: &chemistry_parameters
  • indoor: &indoor_parameters
  • ini: &initialization_parameters
  • lpm: &particle_parameters
  • lsm: &land_surface_parameters
  • nest: &nesting_parameters
  • ocean: &ocean_parameters
  • pcm: &plant_canopy_parameters
  • rrtmg: &radiation_parameters
  • run: &runtime_parameters
  • salsa: &salsa_parameters
  • spec: &spectra_parameters
  • stg: &stg_par
  • surf: &surface_data_output_parameters
  • user: &user_parameters
  • usm: &urban_surface_parameters
  • vfm: &virtual_flight_parameters
  • vmm: &virtual_measurement_parameters
  • wtm: &wind_turbine_parameters

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Parameter NameNamelist
a_rand_target agt L(100) 100 * .F. Flag for agents within a group to have random targets outside of model domain.
advect_particle_water salsa L .T. Parameter to switch on the advection of condensed water in aerosol particles.
adx agt R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 Distance along x between agents within an agent source (in m).
ady agt R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 Distance along y between agents within an agent source (in m).
aero_resist_kray lsm L .T. If set to .TRUE., the parameterization of the aerodynamic resistance for vertical land surface elements follows Krayenhoff & Voogt (2007).
aero_species lpm C*15 'nacl' Define chemical composition of aerosol particles.
aero_type lpm C*15 'maritime' Define an aerosol spectrum using three log-normal distributions.
aero_weight lpm R 1.0 Scale the number concentration defined by aero_type.
aerosol_bulk bulkc C*20 'nacl' Parameter to choose the used aerosol type.
aerosol_flux_dpg salsa R(7) 1.3E-8, 5.4E-8, 8.6E-7, 2.0E-7, 2.0E-7, 2.0E-7, 2.0E-7 The number geometric mean diameter per aerosol emission mode.
aerosol_flux_mass_fracs_a salsa R(7) 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Mass fractions of chemical components for horizontally homogeneous aerosol emission.
aerosol_flux_sigmag salsa R(7) 1.8, 2.16, 2.21, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 The standard deviation of the log-normal size distribution per aerosol emission mode.
agent_maximum_age agt R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 Maximum time an agent can spend in the simulation before it is deleted.
air_density wtm R 1.225 The air density (in kg/m3) is necessary to convert the aerodynamic torque of the rotor into a power (in W).
albedo rrtmg R 0.2 Surface albedo.
albedo_lw_dif rrtmg R depends on
Surface albedo for longwave diffuse radiation for a solar angle of 60°.
albedo_lw_dir rrtmg R depends on
Surface albedo for longwave direct radiation for a solar angle of 60°.
albedo_type rrtmg I 5 Controls the choice of the surface albedos for direct/diffuse/broadband albedo according to the predefined land surfaces.
albedo_sw_dif rrtmg R depends on
Surface albedo for shortwave diffuse radiation for a solar angle of 60°.
albedo_sw_dir rrtmg R depends on
Surface albedo for shortwave direct radiation for a solar angle of 60°.
alloc_factor lpm R 20.0 Factor (in percent) describing the memory allocated additionally to the memory needed for initial particles at a given grid cell.
alloc_factor_mas agt R 20.0 Factor (in percent) describing the memory allocated additionally to the memory needed for initial agents at a given grid cell.
alpha_lad pcm R 9999999.9 Coefficient for constructing leaf area density profile.
alpha_surface ini R 0.0 Inclination of the model domain with respect to the horizontal (in degrees).
alpha_vangenuchten lsm R depends on soil_type Value of the coefficient alpha for the calculation of the hydraulic conductivity of soil in the parametrization after Van Genuchten
anterpolation_buffer_width nest I 2 Width of the anterpolation boundary buffer in terms of number of parent-grid points.
anterpolation_starting_height nest R 0.0 This parameter controls the canopy-restricted anterpolation.
approximation ini C*20 'boussinesq' Parameter to choose the approximation of the model equations.
asl agt R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 Left border of agent source(s) (in m).
asn agt R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 North border of agent source(s) (in m).
asr agt R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 Right border of agent source(s) (in m).
ass agt R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 South border of agent source(s) (in m).
at_x agt R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 x-coordinate of agent group target (in m).
at_y agt R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 y-coordinate of agent group target (in m).
averaging_interval run R 0.0 Averaging interval for all output of temporally averaged data (in s).
averaging_interval_pr run R value of averaging_interval Averaging interval for vertical profiles output to local file DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF (in s).
averaging_interval_sp spec R value of averaging_interval Averaging interval for spectra output to local file DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF (in s).
averaging_interval_surf surf R value of averaging_interval Averaging interval for surface output data (in s).
bc_aer_b salsa C*20 'neumann' The bottom boundary condition of the aerosol (and gas) concentrations.
bc_aer_l salsa C*20 value of bc_lr The left boundary condition of the aerosol (and gas) concentrations.
bc_aer_n salsa C*20 value of bc_ns The north boundary condition of the aerosol (and gas) concentrations.
bc_aer_r salsa C*20 value of bc_lr The right boundary condition of the aerosol (and gas) concentrations.
bc_aer_s salsa C*20 value of bc_ns The south boundary condition of the aerosol (and gas) concentrations.
bc_aer_t salsa C*20 'neumann' The top boundary condition of the aerosol (and gas) concentrations.
bc_cs_b chem C*20 'dirichlet' Bottom boundary condition of the chemical species (cs) concentration.
bc_cs_l chem C*20 value of bc_lr Left boundary condition of the chemical species (cs) concentration.
bc_cs_n chem C*20 value of bc_ns North boundary condition of the chemical species (cs) concentration.
bc_cs_r chem C*20 value of bc_lr Right boundary condition of the chemical species (cs) concentration.
bc_cs_s chem C*20 value of bc_ns South boundary condition of the chemical species (cs) concentration.
bc_cs_t chem C*20 'initial_gradient' Top boundary condition of the chemical species (cs) concentration.
bc_e_b ini C*20 'neumann' Bottom boundary condition of the TKE.
bc_lr ini C*20 'cyclic' Boundary condition along x (for all quantities).
bc_mas_lr agt C*15 'absorb' Boundary condition for agents at the left and right model boundary.
bc_mas_ns agt C*15 'absorb' Boundary condition for agents at the north and south model boundary.
bc_ns ini C*20 'cyclic' Boundary condition along y (for all quantities).
bc_p_b ini C*20 'neumann' Bottom boundary condition of the perturbation pressure.
bc_p_t ini C*20 'dirichlet' Top boundary condition of the perturbation pressure.
bc_par_b lpm C*15 'reflect' Bottom boundary condition for particle transport.
bc_par_lr lpm C*15 'cyclic' Lateral boundary condition (x-direction) for particle transport.
bc_par_ns lpm C*15 'cyclic' Lateral boundary condition (y-direction) for particle transport.
bc_par_t lpm C*15 'absorb' Top boundary condition for particle transport.
bc_pt_b ini C*20 'dirichlet' Bottom boundary condition of the potential temperature.
bc_pt_t ini C*20 'initial_gradient' Top boundary condition of the potential temperature.
bc_q_b ini C*20 'dirichlet' Bottom boundary condition of the water vapor / total water mixing ratio.
bc_q_t ini C*20 'neumann' Top boundary condition of the water vapor / total water mixing ratio.
bc_s_b ini C*20 'dirichlet' Bottom boundary condition of the scalar concentration.
bc_s_t ini C*20 'neumann' Top boundary condition of the scalar concentration.
bc_sa_t ocean C*20 'neumann' Top boundary condition of the salinity.
bc_uv_b ini C*20 'dirichlet' Bottom boundary condition of the horizontal wind components u and v.
bc_uv_t ini C*20 'dirichlet' Top boundary condition of the horizontal velocity components u and v.
beta_lad pcm R 9999999.9 Coefficient for constructing leaf area density profile.
bottom_salinityflux ocean R 0.0 Kinematic salinity flux near the surface (in psu m/s).
bufsize_alltoall rtm I 0 Parameter to set max number of items sent in MPI_AlltoAll calls (0=infinite).
building_height ini R 50.0 Height of a single building in m.
building_length_x ini R 50.0 Width of a single building in m.
building_length_y ini R 50.0 Depth of a single building in m.
building_type usm I 1 Index of used building type in building database.
building_wall_left ini R building centered in
x-coordinate of the left building wall in m.
building_wall_south ini R building centered in
y-coordinate of the South building wall in m.
c_sedimentation bulkc R 2.0 Courant number of sedimentation process.
c_surface lsm R depends on vegetation_type Heat capacity of the surface (skin layer) per unit of area (in J/m²/K).
ini L .F. Solve prognosic equation for soil moisture in the spinup phase.
call_chem_at_all_substeps chem L .FALSE. Switch whether chemistry is called at each substep of the Runge-Kutta scheme or just at each full dynamical time step 'dt'.
ini L .T. Switch to steer the call of the pressure solver.
bulkc L .F. Switch to steer the call of 2-moment microphysics.
canopy_drag_coeff pcm R 0.0 Drag coefficient used in the plant canopy model.
canopy_mode pcm C*20 'homogeneous' Canopy mode.
canyon_height ini R 50.0 Street canyon height in m.
lsm R depends on vegetation_type A coefficient (in 1/hPa) for the dependence of the canopy resistance on water vapor pressure deficit.
canyon_width_x ini R 9999999.9 Street canyon width in x-direction in m.
canyon_width_y ini R 9999999.9 Street canyon width in y-direction in m.
canyon_wall_left ini R canyon centered in
x-coordinate of the left canyon wall in m.
canyon_wall_south ini R canyon centered in
y-coordinate of the South canyon wall in m.
chem_gasphase_on chem L .TRUE. Switch for switching off the chemical reactions but still doing the transport for all chemical compounds. Useful for test purposes.
chem_mechanism chem C*30 'phstatp' Parameter for check of chemistry mechanism.
cfl_factor ini R 0.1, 0.8 or 0.9 Time step limiting factor.
clothing biomet I 1 Choose clothing outfit for human model.
cloud_droplets ini L .F. Parameter to switch on usage of cloud droplets.
cloud_scheme bulkc C*20 'saturation_adjust' Parameter to choose microphysics for bulk cloud physics.
cloud_water_sedimentation bulkc L .F. Parameterize cloud water sedimentation in cloud physics scheme.
coll_t_0 agt R 3.0 Range of unscreened interactions for social force model (in s).
collective_wait ini L see parameter
Set barriers in front of collective MPI operations.
collision_kernel lpm C*15 'none' Parameter to steer cloud droplet growth by collision processes.
collision_turbulence bulkc L .F. Parameterize turbulence effects on autoconversion and accretion of cloud droplets.
comp_spectra_level spec I(100) no level Vertical level for which horizontal spectra are to be calculated and output (gridpoints).
stg L .F. Flag to control the computation of velocity seeds that are the basis of the imposed disturbances.
complex_terrain ini L .F. Parameter to enable simulations featuring complex topography.
conserve_volume_flow ini L .F. Conservation of volume flow in x- and y-direction.
ini C*16 'default' Modus of volume flow conservation.
conserve_water_content lsm L .T. Flag parameter for the bottom boundary condition of the soil model.
consider_obstructions biomet L .T. Considers obstruction.
constant_albedo rrtmg L .F. Parameter to fix the surface albedo.
constant_flux_layer ini L .T. Parameter to switch on a constant flux layer between the surface and first computational grid level.
constant_roughness lsm L .F. Keep prescribed roughness length constant in time.
corner_gate_start agt R 0.5 Distance of navigation gate starting point to obstacle corner (in m).
corner_gate_width agt R 1.0 Width of navigation gate at obstacle corners (in m).
coupling_start_time ini R 0.0 Simulation time of a precursor run..
cpu_log_barrierwait run L .F. Set an MPI-barrier at the beginning of each CPU time measurement.
create_disturbances run L .T. Switch to impose random perturbations to the horizontal velocity field.
cross_profiles run C*100(100) see parameter
Determines which vertical profiles are to be presented in which coordinate system if the plot software palmplot is used.
cs_heights chem R(99,100) 9999999.9 Height levels above ground (in m) to go with cs_profile in order to define initial profiles of chemical species.
cs_name chem C*11(99) 'novalue' Names of chemical species where surface concentrations or concentration profiles are prescribed.
cs_profile chem R(99,100) 9999999.9 Concentration values of chemical species (gases in ppm, particulate matter in kg m-3) at cs_heights.
cs_surface chem R 0.0 Concentration value for chemical species at the surface (gases in ppm, particulate matter in kg m-3).
cthf pcm R 0.0 Average heat flux that is prescribed at the top of the plant canopy (in K m/s).
lpm L .F. Parameter to consider solution and curvature effects on the equilibrium vapor pressure of cloud droplets.
bulkc L .F. Parameter to switch on an activation scheme which considers curvature and solution effects of cloud droplet activation.
cycle_mg ini C*1 'w' Type of cycle to be used with the multi-grid method.
damp_level_1d ini R zu(nz + 1) Height where the damping layer begins in the 1d-model (in m).
data_output run C*10(100) 100*' ' Quantities for which 2d cross section and/or 3d volume data are to be output.
run L .T. Output 2d cross section data by one or all processors.
ini L .F. Parameter for switching on data output in the spinup phase (see spinup_time).
data_output_masks run C*10
max_masks*100*' ' Quantities for which masked data are to be output.
data_output_masks_user user C*10
max_masks*100*' ' User-defined quantities for which masked data are to be output.
data_output_pr run C*10(100) 100*' ' Quantities for which vertical profiles (horizontally averaged) are to be output.
data_output_pr_user user C*10(200) 200*' ' User defined quantities for which horizontally averaged profile data is to be output.
data_output_pts lpm C*30(50)
data_output_sp spec C*10(10) 10*' ' Quantities for which horizontal spectra are to be calculated and output.
data_output_surf surf C*300(100) ' ' Quantities for which surface data shall be output.
data_output_user user C*10(100) 100*' ' User defined quantities for which 2d cross section and/or 3d volume data are to be output.
daytype_mdh chem C*80 'workday' Type of weekday required for the MDH (MonthDayHour) case of the DEFAULT mode of the emissions module.
deallocate_memory lpm L .T. Parameter to enable deallocation of unused memory.
deallocate_memory_mas agt L .T. Parameter to enable deallocation of unused memory.
deep_soil_temperature lsm R 9999999.9 Deep soil temperature (K) used as bottom boundary condition for the heat diffusion in the soil model.
density_ratio lpm R(10) 0.0, 9*9999999.9 Ratio of the density of the fluid and the density of the particles.
depo_pcm_par salsa C(20) 'zhang2001' The method to solve the aerosol size specific dry deposition velocity (in m s-1).
depo_pcm_type salsa C(20) 'deciduous_broadleaf' Leaf type applied in the dry deposition model.
depo_surf_par salsa C(20) 'zhang2001' The method to solve the aerosol size specific dry deposition velocity (in m s-1) over an urban surface.
deposition_dry chem L .FALSE. Switches the deposition calculation for particles and gases ON (.TRUE.) or OFF (.FALSE.)
dim_size_agtnum_manual agt I 9999999 Manually set size for agent-number dimension.
dim_size_factor_agtnum agt R 1.0 Factor to modify the agent-number dimension size for agent output.
dissipation_classes lpm I 10 Number of dissipation classes to be used in the collision efficiency table.
dissipation_1d ini C*20 'detering' Calculation method for the energy dissipation term in the TKE equation of the 1d-model.
dist_to_int_target agt R 0.25 Distance (in m) at which an intermittent target counts as reached.
disturbance_amplitude run R 0.25 Maximum perturbation amplitude of the random perturbations imposed to the horizontal velocity field (in m/s).
run R 0.01 Upper limit value of the perturbation energy of the velocity field used as a criterion for imposing random perturbations (in m2/s2).
disturbance_level_b run R zu(3) or zu(nz*2/3) Lower limit of the vertical range for which random perturbations are to be imposed on the horizontal wind field (in m).
disturbance_level_t run R zu(nz/3) or zu(nzt-3) Upper limit of the vertical range for which random perturbations are to be imposed on the horizontal wind field (in m).
domain_layouts nest derived TYPE pmc_layout(64) None General information about the nested domains to be used.
do2d_at_begin run L .F. Output 2d cross section data by one or all processors.
do3d_at_begin run L .F. Output of 3d volume data at the beginning of a run.
dp_external run L .F. External pressure gradient switch.
dp_smooth run L .F. Vertically smooth the external pressure gradient using a sinusoidal smoothing function.
dp_level_b run R 0.0 Lower limit of the vertical range for which the external pressure gradient is applied (in m).
dpdxy run R(2) 2*0.0 Values of the external pressure gradient applied in x- and y-direction, respectively (in Pa/m).
dpg salsa R(7) 1.3E-8, 5.4E-8, 8.6E-7, 2.0E-7, 2.0E-7, 2.0E-7, 2.0E-7 The number geometric mean diameter per aerosol mode (in m).
dry_aerosol_radius bulkc R 0.05E-6 The mean geometric radius of the dry aerosol spectrum.
dt run R variable Time step for the 3d-model (in s).
dt_agent agt R 0.02 Agent timestep (in seconds).
dt_arel agt R 9999999.9 Interval in which agents are released at their respective sources (in s).
dt_averaging_input run R 0.0 Temporal interval of data which are subject to temporal averaging (in s).
run R value of
Temporal interval of data which are subject to temporal averaging of vertical profiles and/or spectra (in s).
dt_coupling run R 9999999.9 Temporal interval for the data exchange in case of runs with coupled models (e.g. atmosphere - ocean) (in s).
dt_data_output run R 9999999.9 Temporal interval at which data (3d volume data, cross sections, vertical profiles, spectra) shall be output (in s).
dt_data_output_av run R value of
Temporal interval at which time averaged 3d volume data and/or 2d cross section data shall be output (in s).
dt_data_output_wtm wtm R 0.0 Output interval (s) for NetCDF data. this parameter does not affect the deprecated ASCII data output that is written at each time step. With the default value 0.0 data will be output every time step.
dt_disturb run R 9999999.9 Temporal interval at which random perturbations are to be imposed on the horizontal velocity field (in s).
dt_domask run R
max_masks * value
of dt_data_output
Temporal interval at which instantaneous masked data shall be output (in s).
dt_dopr run R value of
Temporal interval at which data of vertical profiles shall be output (to local file DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF (in s).
dt_dopr_listing run R 9999999.9 Temporal interval at which data of vertical profiles shall be output (output for printouts, local file LIST_PROFIL) (in s).
dt_dopts lpm R value of
Temporal interval at which time series data of particle quantities shall be output (in s).
dt_dosp spec R value of
Temporal interval at which spectra data shall be output (in s).
dt_dosurf surf R value of
Temporal interval at which instantaneous surface data shall be output (in s).
dt_dosurf_av surf R value of
Temporal interval at which time averaged surface data shall be output (in s).
dt_dots run R see parameter
Temporal interval at which time series data shall be output (in s).
dt_do2d_xy run R value of
Temporal interval at which horizontal cross section data shall be output (in s).
dt_do2d_xz run R value of
Temporal interval at which vertical cross section data (xz) shall be output (in s).
dt_do2d_yz run R value of
Temporal interval at which vertical cross section data (yz) shall be output (in s).
dt_do3d run R value of
Temporal interval at which 3d volume data shall be output (in s).
dt_max run R 20.0 Maximum allowed value of the timestep (in s).
dt_min_part lpm R 0.0002 Minimum value for the particle timestep when SGS velocities are used (in s).
dt_prel lpm R 9999999.9 Temporal interval at which particles are to be released from a particle source (in s).
dt_pr_1d ini R 9999999.9 Temporal interval of vertical profile output of the 1D-model (in s).
dt_radiation rrtmg R 0.0 Time step of the radiation model (in s).
dt_restart run R 9999999.9 Temporal interval at which a new restart run is to be carried out (in s).
dt_run_control run R 60.0 Temporal interval at which run control output is to be made (in s).
dt_run_control_1d ini R 60.0 Temporal interval of runtime control output of the 1d-model (in s).
dt_salsa salsa R 0.1 Time step for calling aerosol dynamic processes of SALSA.
dt_spinup ini R 5.0 Time step during integration of the land surface, urban surface, and radiation models during the spinup phase.
dt_stg_adjust stg R 1800.0 Time interval (in seconds) to adjust the turbulence statistics, i.e. the Reynolds-stress tensor, which define the amplitude and correlation of imposed correlation.
dt_stg_call stg R 0.0 Time interval to call the synthetic turbulence generator.
dt_virtual_measurement vmm R 0.01 Temporal interval at which virtual measurements shall be output (in s).
dt_write_agent_data agt R 9999999.9 Output interval for agent NetCDF output (in s).
lpm R 9999999.9 Temporal interval for output of particle data (in s).
dx ini R 1.0 Horizontal grid spacing along the x-direction (in m).
dy ini R 1.0 Horizontal grid spacing along the y-direction (in m).
dz ini R(10) 10 * -1 Vertical grid spacing (in m).
dz_max ini R 999.0 Allowed maximum vertical grid spacing (in m).
dz_soil lsm R(20) see description Thickness of the individual soil layers (in m).
dz_stretch_factor ini R 1.08 Stretch factor for a vertically stretched grid (see dz_stretch_level).
dz_stretch_level ini R +/- 9999999.9 Height level above/below which the grid is to be stretched vertically (in m).
e_init ini R 0.0 Initial TKE in m2s-2.
e_min ini R 0.0 Minimum TKE in m2s-2.
emiss_factor_main chem R(99) -9999.0 Constant emission scaling factor for MAIN street types, used in the PARAMETERIZED mode of chem_emission module.
emiss_factor_main salsa R 0.0 Constant emission scaling factor for main street types.
emiss_factor_side chem R(99) -9999.0 Constant emission scaling factor for SIDE (secondary) street types, used in the PARAMETERIZED mode of chem_emission module.
emiss_factor_side salsa R 0.0 Constant emission scaling factor for side street types.
emiss_lod chem I -1 Level of Detail / Mode of chemistry emissions (Options: 0=='PARAMETERIZED', 1=='DEFAULT', 2=='PREPROCESSED').
emisssions_anthropogenic chem L .FALSE. Switches the chem_emission module ON (.TRUE.) or OFF (.FALSE.)
emissivity rrtmg R 0.95 Surface emissivity (0-1).
end_time run R 0.0 Simulation time of the 3D model (in s).
end_time_arel agt R 9999999.9 Simulation time at which the release of agent is stopped (in s).
end_time_prel lpm R 9999999.9 Time of the last release of particles (in s).
end_time_1d ini R 864000.0 Time to be simulated for the 1D-model (in s).
ensemble_member_nr ini I 0 Number of statistically independent members of a simulation.
f_shortwave_incoming lsm R depends on vegetation_type Fraction of the net shortwave radiation that is transmitted directly to the top soil layer.
feedback_to_palm salsa L .F. Parameter to switch on the dynamic feedback to the flow due to condensation of water vapour on aerosol particles.
field_capacity lsm R depends on soil_type Soil moisture at field capacity (in m³/m³).
fft_method ini C*20 'system specific' FFT-method to be used.
flight_angle vfm R(100) 100*45.0 Horizontal flight angle (in degrees) describing the flight direction.
flight_begin vfm R 0.0 Start time of virtual flight measurement.
flight_end vfm R 9999999.9 End time of virtual flight measurement.
flight_level vfm R(100) 100*100.0 Flight level in meter.
flux_input_mode ini C*40 'approximation-specific' Parameter to choose the flux unit for input data.
flux_output_mode ini C*40 'approximation-specific' Parameter to choose the flux unit for outputdata.
force_print_header run L .F. Steering of header output to the local file RUN_CONTROL.
galilei_transformation ini L .F. Application of a Galilei-transformation to the coordinate system of the model.
gear_efficiency wtm R 1.0 Efficiency of the gear: Loss between rotor and generator.
gear_ratio wtm R 97.0 Gear ratio from rotor to generator.
generator_efficiency wtm R 0.944 Electric efficiency of the generator.
generator_inertia wtm R 534.116 Inertia of the generator (in kg/m2).
generator_power_rated wtm R 5296610.0 Rated power of the wind turbine (in W).
generator_speed_rated wtm R 121.6805 Rated generator speed (in rad/s).
generator_torque_max wtm R 47402.91 Maximum Torque of the generator (in Nm).
generator_torque_rate_max wtm R 15000.0 Maximum generator torque rate (in Nm/s).
graupel bulkc L .F. Parameter to turn on prognostic equations of mixing ratio and number concentration for graupel.
h2so4_init salsa R 1.0 Initial number concentration (in m-3) of gaseous sulphuric acid H2SO4 (g).
hno3_init salsa R 1.0 Initial number concentration (in m-3) of gaseous nitric acid HNO3 (g).
hub_x wtm R(100) 9999999.9 Longitudinal position of the rotor center (in m).
hub_y wtm R(100) 9999999.9 Lateral position of the rotor center (in m).
hub_z wtm R(100) 9999999.9 Vertical position of the rotor center (in m). This represents the hub height of the turbine.
humidity ini L .F. Parameter to switch on the prognostic equation for water vapor mixing ratio q.
hydraulic_conductivity lsm R depends on soil_type Hydraulic conductivity of the soil at saturation (in m/s).
ice_crystal_sedimentation bulkc L .F. Parameter to consider sedimentation of ice crystal according to Seifert and Beheng 2006.
icntrl chem I(20) 0 Selection and steering of the chemistry solver.
in_init bulkc R 1.0E3 Background ice nuclei concentration.
indoor_during_spinup indoor L .F. Control flag to switch-off/on the indoor-model during wall/soil spinup.
inflow_damping_height ini R from precursor run Height below which the turbulence signal is used for turbulence recycling (in m).
inflow_damping_width ini R 0.1* inflow
Transition range within which the turbulence signal is damped to zero (in m).
ini I MIN(10, nx/2 or ny/2) Lower limit of the horizontal range for which random perturbations are to be imposed on the horizontal velocity field (gridpoints).
ini I MIN(100, 3/4*nx or 3/4*ny) Upper limit of the horizontal range for which random perturbations are to be imposed on the horizontal velocity field (gridpoints).
initial_indoor_temperature indoor R 293.15 Initial indoor temperatures.
initial_weighting_factor lpm R 1.0 Factor to define the real number of initial droplets in a grid box.
initializing_actions ini C*100 no default value Initialization actions to be carried out.
lpm R 1.0 Factor to define the real number of initial droplets in a grid cell.
km_constant ini R variable (computed
from TKE)
Constant eddy diffusivities are used (laminar simulations).
l_vangenuchten lsm R depends on soil_type Value of the coefficient l for the calculation of the hydraulic conductivity of soil in the parametrization after Van Genuchten.
lad_surface pcm R 0.0 Surface value of the leaf area density (in m2/m3).
lad_type_coef pcm R(11) 1.0 Multiplicative coefficients for different types of plant canopy, e.g. to account for deciduous tree during wintertime. Please note, this is only active when data is read from ASCII file.
lad_vertical_gradient pcm R(10) 10*0.0 Gradient(s) of the leaf area density (in m2/m4).
pcm R(10) 10*0.0 Height level above which the gradient of the leaf area density defined by lad_vertical_gradient is effective (in m).
lai_beta pcm R 0.0 Leaf area index needed for construction of leaf area density profile.
lambda_surface_stable lsm R depends on vegetation_type Heat conductivity (between atmosphere and soil) (in W/m²/K) in case of stable stratification.
lambda_surface_unstable lsm R depends on vegetation_type Heat conductivity (between atmosphere and soil) (in W/m²/K) in case of unstable stratification.
large_scale_forcing ini L .F. Parameter to switch on the use of large-scale forcing information from an external file.
large_scale_subsidence ini L .F. Parameter to switch on the use of large scale subsidence/ascent.
latitude ini R 55.0 Geographical latitude (in degrees).
leaf_area_index lsm R depends on vegetation_type Leaf area index of the canopy (in m²/m²).
leaf_scalar_exch_coeff pcm R 0.0 Scalar exchange coefficient for a leaf (dimensionless).
leaf_surface_conc pcm R 0.0 Concentration of a passive scalar at the surface of a leaf
(in kg m-3 or ppm).
leg_mode vfm C(100) 100*'cyclic' Flight mode, either 'cyclic' or 'return'.
limiter_sedimentation bulkc L .T. Use limiter in raindrop sedimentation process.
listspec salsa C*3(7) 'SO4', 6 * ' ' List of activated aerosol chemical components.
log_sigma lpm R(3) 2.0 Parameters of initial aerosol spectrum.
longitude ini R 0.0 Geographical longitude (in degrees).
loop_optimization ini C*16 'cache' Method used to optimize loops for solving the prognostic equations.
lsf_exception ini L .F. Parameter to explicitly allow large-scale forcing in case of topography /= 'flat' .
lw_radiation rrtmg L .T. Parameter to switch on/off longwave radiation.
main_street_id chem /
I(99) 0 Index for identifying MAIN streets following street type classes from OpenStreetMap.
masking_method ini L .F. Switch for topography boundary conditions in multigrid solver.
mask_scale_x run R 1.0 Scaling length for masked data output along x-direction.
mask_scale_y run R 1.0 Scaling length for masked data output along y-direction.
mask_scale_z run R 1.0 Scaling length for masked data output along z-direction.
mask_x run R
max_masks*100*-1.0 All x-coordinates of mask positions (in multiples of mask_scale_x).
mask_y run R
max_masks*100*-1.0 All y-coordinates of mask positions (in multiples of mask_scale_y).
mask_z run R
max_masks*100*-1.0 All z-coordinates of mask positions (in multiples of mask_scale_z).
mask_x_loop run R
max_masks *
Loop begin, end and stride for x-coordinates of mask locations for masks (in multiples of mask_scale_x).
mask_y_loop run R
max_masks *
Loop begin, end and stride for y-coordinates of mask locations for masks (in multiples of mask_scale_y).
mask_z_loop run R
max_masks *
Loop begin, end and stride for z-coordinates of mask locations for masks (in multiples of mask_scale_z).
mass_fracs_a salsa R(7) 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Mass fractions of soluble chemical components (subrange 2a).
mass_fracs_b salsa R(7) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Mass fractions of insoluble chemical components (subrange 2b).
max_dist_from_path agt R 1.0 Agent distance from current path section that triggers recalculation of that agent's path (in m).
max_elev_change vfm R(100) 100*0.0 Maximum possible elevation change in case rate_of_climb is not equal to zero.
lpm I 100 Threshold for splitting of super droplets.
max_raytracing_dist rrtmg R -999.0 Maximum distance for raytracing (in meters).
max_street_id chem /
I(99) 0 Maximum index value for identifying ALL (MAIN and SIDE) streets following street type classes from OpenStreetMap.
merging lpm L .F. Switch on/off merging algorithm for particles (if cloud_droplets=.T.).
mg_cycles ini I 4 Number of cycles to be used with the multigrid scheme.
ini I -1 Grid level at which data shall be gathered on PE0.
microphysics_ice_phase bulkc L .F. Parameter to turn on ice phase and calculate prognostic equations for ice crystal number concentration and mixing ratio.
min_canopy_resistance lsm R depends on vegetation_type Minimum canopy (i.e., stomatal) resistance (in s/m).
min_irrf_value rrtmg R 1E-6 Minimum potential irradiance factor value for raytracing.
min_nr_agent agt I 2 Minimum number of agents for which memory is allocated at every grid cell.
min_soil_resistance lsm R 50.0 Minimum soil resistance (in s/m).
mixing_length_1d ini C*20 'blackadar' Mixing length used in the 1d-model.
mode_emis chem C*80 'PARAMETERIZED' Mode of chemistry emissions (Options: 'PARAMETERIZED', 'DEFAULT', 'PREPROCESSED'). Obsolete, use emiss_lod instead
momentum_advec ini C*10 'ws-scheme' Advection scheme to be used for the momentum equations.
mrt_geom rrtmg I 1 Method for MRT direction weights simulating a sphere or a human body.
mrt_geom_params rrtmg R(2) 0.12, 0.88 Parameters of selected weighting method.
mrt_include_sw rrtmg L .T. Parameter to include SW radiation into the mean radiant temperature (MRT) calculation.
mrt_nlevels rrtmg I 0 Number of vertical boxes above surface for which to calculate mean radiant temperature (MRT).
mrt_skip_roof rrtmg L .T. Parameter to skip calculating mean radiant temperature (MRT) above the roof surfaces.
multi_agent_system_end agt R 9999999.9 Simulation time at which the multi agent system will stop excuting (in s).
multi_agent_system_start agt R 0.0 Simulation time at which the multi agent system will start excuting (in s).
my_steps chem I(50) 0 List of fixed timesteps.
n_airfoils wtm I 8 Number of airfoils of the used turbine model.
n_lognorm salsa R(7) 1.04E11, 3.23E10, 5.4E6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 The total aerosol number concentration per aerosol mode (in m-3).
n_turbines wtm I 1 Number of the turbines to be included. Maximum is 100.
n_vangenuchten lsm R depends on soil_type Value of the coefficient n for the calculation of the hydraulic conductivity of soil in the parametrization after Van Genuchten.
na lpm R(3) 100.0 Parameters of initial aerosol spectrum.
na_init bulkc R 100.0E6 Background dry aerosol concentration.
nacelle_radius wtm R(100) 0.0 Radius of the nacelle for each turbine (in m). This parameter has to be non-zero if the nacelle should be included.
nbin salsa I(2) 3, 7 Number of aerosol size bins per subrange.
nc_const bulkc R 70.0E6 Fixed cloud droplet number density (in 1/m3).
nesting_chem chem L .TRUE. Parameter to switch off self-nesting for chemistry variables.
nesting_datatransfer_mode nest C*7 'mixed' Type of nesting data transfer mode.
nesting_mode nest C*7 'two-way' Type of nesting mode.
nesting_offline_chem chem L .TRUE. Parameter to switch off offline-nesting for chemistry variables.
nesting_offline_salsa salsa L .T. Parameter to switch off offline nesting for salsa variables.
nesting_salsa salsa L .T. Parameter to switch off self-nesting for salsa variables.
net_radiation rrtmg R 0.0 Net radiation at the surface (in W/m2).
netcdf_data_format run I 2 Data format for netCDF files.
netcdf_deflate run I 0 Data compression level for NetCDF4/HDF5 format.
netcdf_precision ini C*20(10) single precision for
all output quantities
Defines the accuracy of the netCDF output.
neutral ini L .F. Parameter to switch off calculation of temperature equation.
nf2a salsa R 1.0 The number fraction allocated to subrange 2a.
ngsrb ini I 2 Number of Gauss-Seidel iterations to be carried out on each grid level of the multigrid Poisson solver.
nh3_init salsa R 1.0 Initial number concentration (in m-3) of gaseous ammonia NH3 (g).
nj3 salsa I 1 Parametrisation for calculating the apparent formation rate of 3 nm sized aerosol particles (J3, in # s-1).
nlcnd salsa L .F. Parameter to switch on the condensation of gaseous compounds on aerosol particles.
nlcndgas salsa L .F. Parameter to switch on the condensation of gaseous compounds, excluding water vapour, on aerosol particles.
nlcndgash2oae salsa L .F. Parameter to switch on the condensation of water vapour on aerosol particles.
nlcoag salsa L .F. Parameter to switch on the coagulation of aerosol particles.
nldepo salsa L .F. Parameter to switch of the dry deposition and sedimentation of aerosol particles.
nldepo_pcm salsa L .F. Parameter to switch on aerosol dry deposition on resolved scale vegetation.
nldepo_surf salsa L .F. Parameter to switch aerosol dry deposition on topography elements (ground, wall, roofs).
nldistupdate salsa L .T. Parameter to switch on the aerosol number size distribution update switch.
normalizing_region run I 0 Determines the subdomain from which the normalization quantities are calculated.
npex run I no default value Number of processors along x-direction of the virtual processor net.
npey run I no default value Number of processors along y-direction of the virtual processor net.
nrefsteps rrtmg I 3 Number of reflection steps to be performed inside RTM for the reflected short- and long-wave radiation between mutually visible surfaces.
nsnucl salsa I 0 The nucleation scheme applied.
nsor run I 20 Number of iterations to be used with the SOR-scheme.
nsor_ini ini I 100 Initial number of iterations with the SOR algorithm.
nudging ini L .F. Parameter to switch on nudging with data from larger scale models or from measurements.
number_concentration lpm R -1.0 Initial particle number concentration.
number_of_agent_groups agt I 1 Number of agent groups.
number_of_output_particles lpm I 0
lpm I 1 Number of particle groups to be used.
lpm I -1 Number of created particles per gridbox.
nx ini I no default value Number of grid points in x-direction.
ny ini I no default value Number of grid points in y-direction.
nz ini I no default value Number of grid points in z-direction.
nz_do3d ini I nz + 1 Limits the output of 3d volume data along the vertical direction (grid point index k).
ocnv_init salsa R 1.0 Initial number concentration (in m-3) of gaseous non-volatile organic compounds.
ocsv_init salsa R 1.0 Initial number concentration (in m-3) of gaseous semi-volatile organic compounds.
off_pr vmm I 1 Number of surrounding grid points (in horizontal direction) around the original measurement location where variables shall be sampled (for profile measurements).
off_pr_z vmm I 0 Number of surrounding grid points (in vertical direction) around the original measurement location where variables shall be sampled (for profile measurements).
off_tr vmm I 1 Number of surrounding grid points (in horizontal direction) around the original measurement location where variables shall be sampled (for trajectory measurements).
off_tr_z vmm I 1 Number of surrounding grid points (in vertical direction) around the original measurement location where variables shall be sampled (for trajectory measurements).
off_ts vmm I 1 Number of surrounding grid points (in horizontal direction) around the original measurement location where variables shall be sampled (for stationary timeseries measurements).
off_ts_z vmm I 50 Number of surrounding grid points (in vertical direction) around the original measurement location where variables shall be sampled (for stationary timeseries measurements).
omega ini R 7.29212E-5 Angular velocity of the rotating system (in rad s-1).
omega_sor ini R 1.8 Convergence factor to be used with the SOR-scheme.
orientation_angle biomet R 0.0 Orientation angle of front/face of the human model.
origin_date_time ini C*23 '2019-06-21 12:00:00 +00' Date and time at model start.
oversize lpm R 100.0
ini R - Horizontal position (in m) of the vertical source plane from where instantaneous values of u, v, w, pt, q, s, and e are copied to the outflow boundary.
particles_per_point lpm I 1 Number of particles to be started per point.
lpm c*25 'trilinear' Method for interpolating velocities to particle position.
lpm R 0.0 Time of the first release of particles (in s).
lpm R 9999999.9 Maximum allowed age of particles (in s).
passive_scalar ini L .F. Parameter to switch on the prognostic equation for a passive scalar.
pavement_depth_level lsm I depending on pavement_type Extend of the depth of the pavement in grid levels below the surface.
pavement_heat_capacity lsm R depending on pavement_type Heat capacity of the pavement (J/K/m³).
pavement_heat_conduct lsm R depending on pavement_type Thermal conductivity of the pavement (W/m/K).
pavement_type lsm I 1 Pavement type classification according to the following list and which loosely follows the Open Street Map classification.
pch_index pcm I 0 Grid point index (w-grid) of the upper boundary of the plant canopy layer.
pdx lpm R(10) 10*dx Distance along x between particles within a particle source (in m).
pdy lpm R(10) 10*dy Distance along y between particles within a particle source (in m).
pdz lpm R(10) 10*(zu(2) - zu(1)) Distance along z between particles within a particle source (in m).
photolysis_scheme chem C*10 'simple' Photolysis scheme.
pitch_angle wtm R(100) 0.0 Pitch angle for a constant pitch angle (in degrees).
pitch_control wtm L .F. Parameter to switch on the pitch control.
pitch_rate wtm R 8.0 Maximum pitch rate (in degree/s).
plant_canopy_transpiration pcm L .F. Enables calculation of evapotranspiration and corresponding latent heat flux of the resolved plant canopy which utilizes SW and LW radiation fluxes calculated in RTM.
plant_lw_interact rrtmg L .T. The parameter steers if plant canopy interacts with LW radiation.
prandtl_number ini R 1.0 Ratio of the eddy diffusivities for momentum and heat (Km/Kh).
run R value of dt_do2d_xy Temporal interval for which the precipitation amount (in mm) shall be calculated and output (in s).
profile_columns run I 3 Number of coordinate systems to be plotted in one row by plot software palmplot.
profile_rows run I 2 Number of rows of coordinate systems to be plotted on one page by plot software palmplot.
psb lpm R(10) 10*zu(nz/2) Bottom edge of a particle source (in m).
psl lpm R(10) 10*0.0 Left edge of a particle source (in m).
psn lpm R(10) 10*(ny*dy) Rear ("north") edge of a particle source (in m).
psolver ini C*10 'poisfft' Scheme to be used to solve the Poisson equation for the perturbation pressure.
psr lpm R(10) 10*(nx*dx) Right edge of a particle source (in m).
pss lpm R(10) 10*0.0 Front ("south") edge of a particle source (in m).
pst lpm R(10) 10*zu(nz/2) Top edge of a particle source (in m).
pt_damping_factor ini R 0.0 Factor for damping the potential temperature.
pt_damping_width ini R 0.0 Width of the damping domain of the potential temperature (in m).
pt_reference ini R value of pt_surface Reference temperature to be used in the buoyancy term (in K).
pt_surface ini R 300.0 Surface potential temperature (in K).
ini R 0.0 Change in surface temperature to be made at the beginning of the 3d run (in K).
pt_vertical_gradient ini R(10) 10*0.0 Temperature gradient(s) of the initial temperature profile (in K / 100 m).
ini R(10) 10*0.0 Height level above which the temperature gradient defined by pt_vertical_gradient is effective (in m).
pts_id_file lpm C*64
pts_increment lpm I 1
pts_percentage lpm R 100.0
q_surface ini R 0.0 Surface water vapor / total water mixing ratio (kg/kg).
ini R 0.0 Change in surface water vapor / total water mixing ratio to be made at the beginning of the 3d run (kg/kg).
q_vertical_gradient ini R(10) 10*0.0 Humidity gradient(s) of the initial humidity profile (in 1/100 m).
ini R(10) 10*0.0 Height level above which the humidity gradient defined by q_vertical_gradient is effective (in m).
rad_angular_discretization rrtmg L .T. Parameter to enable using of the angular discretization for calculation of view factors for reflected radiation.
radiation_interactions_on rrtmg L .T. The setting of this parameter to .FALSE. forces not to activate RTM even if vertical urban/land surfaces or trees exist in the domain.
radiation_scheme rrtmg C*10 'clear-sky' Radiation scheme to be used.
radius lpm R(10) 0.0, 9*
Particle radius (in m).
radius_agent agt R 0.25 Quasi-solid core of agents.
radius_classes lpm I 20 Number of radius classes to be used in the collision efficiency table.
radius_merge lpm R 0.1E-6 Radius threshold for merging of super droplets.
radius_split lpm R 40E-6 Radius threshold for splitting of super droplets.
random_generator ini C*20 'random-parallel' Random number generator to be used for creating uniformly distributed random numbers.
random_heatflux ini L .F. Parameter to impose random perturbations on the internal two-dimensional near surface heat flux field shf.
random_start_position lpm L .F. Initial position of the particles is varied randomly within certain limits.
agt L .T. Initial position of the particles is varied randomly within certain limits.
rate_of_climb vfm R(100) 100*0.0 Vertical speed of the aircraft in meter per second.
ini R 0.0 Factor for Rayleigh damping.
ini R 2/3*zu(nzt),
(ocean: 2/3*zu(nzb))
Height where the Rayleigh damping starts (in m).
raytrace_discrete_azims rrtmg I 80 Number of horizontal discrete directions (azimuths) for angular discretization used to calculate the sky view factors, surface-surface view factor, and direct solar visibility for all surfaces.
raytrace_discrete_elevs rrtmg I 40 Number of vertical descrete elevations for angular discretization used to calculate the sky view factors, surface-surface view factor, and direct solar visibility for all surfaces.
raytrace_mpi_rma rrtmg L .T. Parameter to enable the one-sided MPI communication to access LAD array and grid surfaces for raytracing.
rcntrl chem R(20) 0.0 Steering of the chemistry solver.
agt L .F. Flag to read agent data from restart file.
lpm L .T. Read particle data from the previous run.
recycling_width ini R 9999999.9 Distance of the recycling plane from the inflow boundary (in m).
reference_state ini C*20 'initial_profile' Defines what is used as reference state in the buoyancy term.
region user C*40(0:9) 'total domain' Name(s) of the subdomain(s) defined by the user.
region_15_min wtm R 70.16224 Lower generator speed boundary of region 1.5 (in rad/s).
region_2_min wtm R 91.21091 Lower generator speed boundary of region 2 [rad/s].
region_2_slope wtm R 2.332287 Slope constant for region 2.
reglim salsa R(3) 3.0E-9, 5.0E-8, 1.0E-5 Aerosol diameter limits for the subranges (in m) in the following order: lower limit of 1, upper limit of 1 and lower limit of 2, upper limit of 2.
repuls_agent agt R 1.5 Magnitude of the repulsive force agents exert on each other (in m2 s-2).
repuls_wall agt R 7.0 Magnitude of the repulsive force obstacles exert on agents (in m2 s-2).
residual_limit ini R 1.0E-4 Largest residual permitted for the multigrid scheme (in s-2m-3).
residual_moisture lsm R depends on soil_type Residual soil moisture content (in m³/m³).
restart_data_format ini C*20 'fortran_binary' Binary format of the input and output restart files.
restart_data_format_input ini C*20 value of restart_data_format Binary format of the input restart file.
restart_data_format_output ini C*20 value of restart_data_format Binary format of the output restart file.
restart_time run R 9999999.9 Simulated time after which a restart run is to be carried out (in s).
rm lpm R(3) 0.05E-6 Parameters of initial aerosol spectrum.
roof_category usm I 2 Roof category.
usm R 295.0 Inner temperature of roofs.
root_fraction lsm R(21) 9999999.9 Root distribution over the four soil layers.
rotor_inertia wtm R 34784179.0 Inertia of the rotor (in kg/m2).
rotor_radius wtm R(100) 63.0 Radius of the rotor (in m).
rotor_speed wtm R(100) 0.9 Initial rotational speed for each turbine (in rad s-1).
roughness_length ini R 0.1 Roughness length (in m).
s_surface ini R 0.0 Surface value of the passive scalar (in kg m-3 or ppm).
ini R 0.0 Change in surface scalar concentration to be made at the beginning of the 3d run (in kg m-3 or ppm).
s_vertical_gradient ini R(10) 10*0.0 Scalar concentration gradient(s) of the initial scalar concentration profile (in (kg m-3 or ppm) / 100 m).
ini R(10) 10*0.0 Height level above which the scalar gradient defined by s_vertical_gradient is effective (in m).
salinity ocean L .T. Parameter to switch on/off calculation of salinity equation.
salsa_emission_mode salsa C(20) 'no_emission' Source mode for aerosol and gaseous emissions.
sa_surface ocean R 35.0 Surface salinity (in psu).
sa_vertical_gradient ocean R(10) 10*0.0 Salinity gradient(s) of the initial salinity profile (in psu / 100 m).
ocean R(10) 10*0.0 Height level above which the salinity gradient defined by sa_vertical_gradient is effective (in m).
saturation_moisture lsm R depends on soil_type Soil moisture at saturation (in m³/m³).
scalar_advec ini C*10 'ws-scheme' Advection scheme to be used for the scalar quantities.
ini L .T. Application of Rayleigh damping to scalars.
scan_radius_agent agt R 3.0 Radius around the agent in which it scans for obstacles (in m).
season_z01 salsa I 1 Modelling season if the dry deposition parametrisation by Zhang et al. 2001 is applied.
section_xy run I(100) no section Position of cross section(s) for output of 2d horizontal cross sections (grid point index k).
section_xz run I(100) no section Position of cross section(s) for output of 2d (xz) vertical cross sections (grid point index j).
section_yz run I(100) no section Position of cross section(s) for output of 2d (yz) vertical cross sections (grid point index i).
seed_follows_topography lpm L .F. Heights of initial particles are interpreted relative to the given topography.
segment_length_tangential wtm R 1.0 Length of each rotor segment the rotor area is divided into, in tangential direction, as factor of the grid spacing.
segment_width_radial wtm R 0.5 Length of each rotor segment the rotor area is divided into, in radial direction, as factor of the grid spacing.
side_street_id chem /
I(99) 0 Index for identifying SIDE streets following street type classes from OpenStreetMap.
sigma_bulk bulkc R 2.0 The dispersion of the dry aerosol spectrum.
sigma_rep_agent agt R 0.3 Width of agent repulsive field (in m).
sigma_rep_wall agt R 0.1 Width of obstacle repulsive field (in m).
sigmag salsa R(7) 1.8, 2.16, 2.21, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 The standard deviation of the log-normal aerosol number size distribution per aerosol mode.
skip_time_data_output run R 0.0 No data output before this interval has passed (in s).
run R value of skip_time
No output of temporally averaged 2d/3d data before this interval has passed (in s).
skip_time_do_lsm lsm R 0.0 Time after which the land surface model is switched on.
skip_time_do_radiation rrtmg R 0.0 Time after which the radiation model is switched on.
skip_time_do_salsa salsa R 0.0 Time after which SALSA is switched on.
skip_time_domask run R
max_masks*0.0 No output of masked data before this interval has passed (in s).
skip_time_dopr run R value of skip_time
No output of vertical profile data before this interval has passed (in s).
skip_time_dosp spec R value of skip_time
No output of spectra data before this interval has passed (in s).
skip_time_dosurf surf R 0.0 No surface data output before this interval has passed (in s).
skip_time_dosurf_av surf R 0.0 No surfave data output of averaged variables before this interval has passed (in s).
skip_time_do2d_xy run R value of skip_time
No output of instantaneous horizontal cross section data before this interval has passed (in s).
skip_time_do2d_xz run R value of skip_time
No output of instantaneous vertical (xz) cross section data before this interval has passed (in s).
skip_time_do2d_yz run R value of skip_time
No output of instantaneous vertical (yz) cross section data before this interval has passed (in s).
skip_time_do3d run R value of skip_time
No output of instantaneous 3d volume data before this interval has passed (in s).
smearing_kernel_size wtm R 2.0 Size of the smearing kernel given as multiples of the grid spacing dx.
snow bulkc L .F. Parameter to turn on prognostic equations of mixing ratio and number concentration for snow aggregates.
usm R 288.0 Deep soil temperature.
soil_moisture lsm R(21) 21*0.0 Soil moisture distribution over the four soil layers.
soil_temperature lsm R(21) 21*9999999.9 Soil temperature distribution over the four soil layers (in K).
soil_type lsm I 3 Soil type to be used in the soil model.
spectra_direction spec C*2(10) 10*' ' Direction(s) along which spectra are to be calculated.
speed_agl vfm R(100) 100*25.0 Horizontal speed of the aircraft above ground level in meter per second.
speed_control wtm L .F. Parameter to switch on the speed control.
spinup_pt_amplitude ini R 0.0 Representative amplitude of the diurnal near-surface temperature variation during the spinup phase.
spinup_pt_mean ini R value of pt_surface Mean near-surface air temperature during the spinup phase (see spinup_time).
spinup_time ini R 0.0 Parameter for steering of the spinup time.
splitting lpm L .F. Switch on/off the splitting algorithm for cloud droplets (if cloud_droplets=.T.).
splitting_factor lpm I 2 This parameter is used for splitting_mode = 'const'. It defines the number into how many partiles one particle is divided.
splitting_factor_max lpm I 5 This parameter restricts the splitting_factor to an upper bound.
splitting_function lpm C 'gamma' Parameter to steer splitting algorithm.
splitting_mode lpm C 'const' Parameter to steer splitting algorithm.
start_ice_microphysics bulkc R 0.0 Time in seconds after ice microphysicsal processes are calculated.
statistic_regions ini I 0 Number of additional user-defined subdomains for which statistical analysis and corresponding output (profiles, time series) shall be made.
step_dealloc lpm I 100 Number of timesteps after which particle memory is deallocated.
step_dealloc_mas agt I 100 Interval for memory reallocation.
stokes_waveheight ocean R 0.0 Parameter to switch on and set the effects of Langmuir circulation in PALM's ocean mode.
stokes_wavelength ocean R 0.0 Parameter to switch on and set the effects of Langmuir circulation in PALM's ocean mode.
subs_vertical_gradient ini R(10) 10*0.0 Gradient(s) of the profile for the large scale subsidence/ascent velocity (in (m/s) / 100 m).
ini R(10) 10*0.0 Height level above which the gradient for the subsidence/ascent velocity defined by subs_vertical_gradient is effective (in m).
sun_in_south biomet L .F. Azimuthal position of the sun.
surface_aerosol_flux salsa R(7) 1.04e+11, 3.23E+10, 5.4E+6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 The total surface number flux per aerosol mode (in m-2s-1).
ocean R 999999.9 Time (in s) after which the surface heat flux is switched off.
surface_csflux chem R(99) 0.0 Values of surface fluxes of chemistry emissions to be used in the PARAMETERIZED mode.
surface_csflux_name chem C*11(99) 'novalue' Names of chemical species which are emitted.
surface_heatflux ini R no prescribed
Kinematic sensible heat flux at the bottom surface (in K m/s).
surface_pressure ini R 1013.25 Atmospheric pressure at the surface (in hPa).
surface_reflections rrtmg L .T. Parameter to switch off the surface-surface reflections in RTM.
surface_scalarflux ini R 999999.9 Scalar flux at the surface (in kg m-2 s-1 or ppm m s-1).
surface_type lsm C*10 'netcdf' Surface type classification.
surface_waterflux ini R 9999999.9 Kinematic water flux near the surface (in m/s).
svfnorm_report_thresh rrtmg R 1E21 Thresholds for reporting of normalization factors in calculation of surface view factors to report.
sw_radiation rrtmg L .T. Parameter to switch on/off shortwave radiation.
synchronous_exchange run L .F. Defines how MPI handles the exchange of ghost points.
tau_accel_agent agt R 0.5 Relaxation time in social force model (in s).
termination_time_needed run R 35.0 CPU time needed for terminal actions at the end of a run in batch mode (in s).
thermal_comfort biomet L .F. Switch the calculation of all three thermal comfort indices off (.F.) or on (.T.).
tilt_angle wtm R 0.0 Rotor tilt_angle of the rotor plane (in degrees).
time_fac_type chem C*80 MDH Type of time treatment for LOD 1 mode of the chem_emission module.
time_turbine_on wtm R 0.0 Simulation time at which the turbines are switched on.
timestep_scheme ini C*20 'runge-kutta-3' Time step scheme to be used for integration of the prognostic variables.
tip_loss_correction wtm L .F. Parameter to switch on the tip loss correction.
to_netcdf surf L .F. Control parameter enabling surface data output to NetCDF.
to_vtk surf L .F. Control parameter enabling surface data output to VTK format.
top_csflux chem R(99) 0.0
top_heatflux ini R no prescribed
Kinematic sensible heat flux at the top surface (in K m/s).
top_momentumflux_u ini R no prescribed momentumflux Momentum flux along x at the top boundary (in m2/s2).
top_momentumflux_v ini R no prescribed momentumflux Momentum flux along y at the top boundary (in m2/s2).
top_salinityflux ocean R no prescribed
Kinematic salinity flux at the top boundary, i.e. the sea surface (in psu m/s).
top_scalarflux ini R no prescribed
Scalar flux at the top surface (in kg m-2 s-1 or ppm m s-1).
topography ini C*40 'flat' Topography mode.
ini C*11 default depends on
value of topography
Convention for defining the topography grid.
tower_cd wtm R(10000) 1.2 Drag coefficient for each tower. This parameter needs to be specified for each turbine.
tower_diameter wtm R(10000) 0.0 Diameter of the tower of the wind turbine used below the rotor. This parameter has to be non-zero if a tower should be included. The parameter needs to be specified for every turbine separately.
trace_fluxes_above rrtmg R -1.0 This parameter enables tracing of values of radiative fluxes in RTM.
ini L .F. Parameter to switch on parallel execution of fft and transpositions (with MPI_ALLTOALL).
tunnel_height ini R 9999999.9 Height of outer-wall tunnel top.
tunnel_length ini R 9999999.9 Length of the tunnel.
tunnel_width_x ini R 9999999.9 Tunnel width along x-direction.
tunnel_width_y ini R 9999999.9 Tunnel width along y-direction.
tunnel_wall_depth ini R max( dx, dy, dz ) Depth of tunnel walls.
turbulent_inflow ini L .F. Generates a turbulent inflow at side boundaries using a turbulence recycling method.
turbulent_outflow ini L .F. Generates a turbulent outflow at side boundaries using a turbulence recycling method.
turn_to_sun biomet L .T. Orientation of the front/face of the human model.
u_bulk ini R 0.0 u-component of the predefined bulk velocity (in m/s).
u_profile ini R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 Values of u-velocity component to be used as initial profile (in m/s).
ug_surface ini R 0.0 u-component of the geostrophic wind at the surface (in m/s).
ug_vertical_gradient ini R(10) 10*0.0 Gradient(s) of the initial profile of the u-component of the geostrophic wind (in 1/100s).
ini R(10) 10*0.0 Height level above which the gradient defined by ug_vertical_gradient is effective (in m).
unlimited_dimension lpm L .T.
unscheduled_radiation_calls rrtmg L .F. Parameter to allow additional calls of the radiation code.
use_fixed_date ini L .F. Use a fixed calendar day during the entire simulation.
use_fixed_time ini L .F. Use a fixed time of day during the entire simulation.
ini L .F. Parameter to switch on the use of the local free convection velocity scale.
use_sgs_for_particles lpm L .F. Use subgrid-scale velocities for particle advection.
ini L .F. Parameter to choose the calculation method of subsidence in case of runs with large scale forcing.
use_surface_fluxes ini L .F. Parameter to steer the treatment of the subgrid-scale vertical fluxes within the diffusion terms at k=1 (bottom boundary).
use_top_fluxes ini L .F. Parameter to steer the treatment of the subgrid-scale vertical fluxes within the diffusion terms at k=nz (top boundary).
use_ug_for_galilei_tr ini L .T. Switch to determine the translation velocity in case that a Galilean transformation is used.
ini L .F. Parameter to choose the advection/timestep scheme to be used for the subgrid-scale TKE.
usm_wall_mod usm L .F. Wall conductivity reduction.
uv_exposure biomet L .F. Activation of the UV Exposure Model.
uv_heights ini R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 Height levels for prescribed u,v-profiles (in m).
v_bulk ini R 0.0 v-component of the predefined bulk velocity (in m/s).
v_profile ini R(100) 100 * 9999999.9 Values of v-velocity component to be used as initial profile (in m/s).
van_der_waals_coagc salsa L .F. Parameter to switch on the van der Waals forces when calculating the collision kernel in the coagulation subroutine.
vdi_checks ini L .F. Switch the internal controls according to VDI 3783 Part 9 on.
vegetation_coverage lsm R depends on vegetation_type Vegetation coverage of the surface.
vegetation_type lsm I 2 Vegetation type to be used in the land surface model.
ventilation_effect bulkc L .T. Parameterize ventilation effect on evaporation of raindrops.
lpm L .T. Switch on/off vertical particle transport.
vg_surface ini R 0.0 v-component of the geostrophic wind at the surface (in m/s).
vg_vertical_gradient ini R(10) 10*0.0 Gradient(s) of the initial profile of thev-component of the geostrophic wind (in 1/100s).
ini R(10) 10*0.0 Height level above which the gradient defined by vg_vertical_gradient is effective (in m).
vm_time_start vmm R 0.0 Start time of the virtual measurements.
wall_adjustment ini L .T. Parameter to restrict the mixing length in the vicinity of the bottom boundary (and near vertical walls of a non-flat topography).
wall_category usm I 2 Wall category.
wall_csflux chem R(99,6) 0.0
wall_heatflux ini R(6) 6*0.0 Prescribed kinematic sensible heat flux in K m/s at the five topography faces.
wall_humidityflux ini R(6) 6*0.0 Prescribed kinematic humidity flux in m/s at the five topography faces.
wall_inner_temperature usm R 295.0 Inner wall temperature.
wall_salinityflux ocean R(6) 6*0.0 Prescribed kinematic salinity flux in Psu m/s at the six topography faces
wall_scalarflux ini R(6) 6*0.0 Prescribed scalar flux at the five topography faces (in kg m-2 s-1 or ppm m s-1).
water_temperature lsm R depends on water_type Water temperature (K), by default constant during the entire run.
water_type lsm I 1 Water type classification according to the following list.
wave_breaking ocean L .F. Parameter to switch on turbulence generation by wave breaking.
weight_factor_merge lpm R 0.5 *
Threshold for merging of super droplets.
weight_factor_split lpm R 0.1 *
For splitting_mode='const' a critical weighting factor must be prescribed.
wilting_point lsm R depends on soil_type Soil moisture at permanent wilting point (in m³/m³).
window_inner_temperature usm R 295.0 Inner window temperature.
lpm L .F. Switch on/off output of particle information.
x_end vfm R(100) 100*999999999.0 End-position of the flight leg along x in meter.
x_start vfm R(100) 100*999999999.0 Start-position of the flight leg along x in meter.
y_end vfm R(100) 100*999999999.0 End-position of the flight leg along y in meter.
y_start vfm R(100) 100*999999999.0 Start-position of the flight leg along y in meter.
yaw_angle wtm R(10000) 0.0 Yaw angle for each turbine in degrees. A positive yaw means a rotation of the rotor in clockwise direction within the xy-plane.
yaw_control wtm L .F. Parameter to switch on the yaw controller.
yaw_misalignment_max wtm R 0.08726 Maximum tolerated yaw misalignment (in rad).
yaw_misalignment_min wtm R 0.008726 Minimum yaw misalignment for which the actuator stops (in rad).
yaw_speed wtm R 0.005236 Speed of the yaw actuator (in rad/s).
y_shift ini I 0 Distance of y-shift for cyclic and non-cyclic boundary conditions (in number of PEs).
z0_pavement lsm R depends on pavement_type Roughness length for momentum for pavement surface types.
z0_vegetation lsm R depends on vegetation_type Roughness length for momentum for vegetation surface types.
z0_water lsm R depends on water_type Roughness length for momentum for water surface types.
z0h_pavement lsm R depends on pavement_type Roughness length for heat for pavement surface types.
z0h_vegetation lsm R depends on vegetation_type Roughness length for heat for vegetation surface types.
z0h_water lsm R depends on water_type Roughness length for heat for water surface types.
z0q_pavement lsm R depends on pavement_type Roughness length for moisture for pavement surface types.
z0q_vegetation lsm R depends on vegetation_type Roughness length for moisture for vegetation surface types.
z0q_water lsm R depends on water_type Roughness length for moisture for water surface types.
zeta_max ini R 20.0 Upper limit of the stability parameter zeta = z_mo/L.
zeta_min ini R -20.0 Lower limit of the stability parameter zeta = z_mo/L.
Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on Feb 24, 2021 3:15:28 PM