Plant Canopy Parameters
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- Plant canopy
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The plant canopy model (PCM) embedded in PALM can be used to simulate the effect of vegetation canopies on a turbulent flow.
Thereby, the canopy is modeled as a porous viscous medium that removes momentum from the flow (Shaw & Schumann, 1992; Watanabe, 2004), and acts as source/sink for heat, humidity, or passive scalar. The presentation Canopy model provides detailed information on canopy-flow theory and the functionality of the canopy model.
The PCM is enabled by adding the NAMELIST plant_canopy_parameters with appropriate parameters to the INPUT parameter file (<jobname>_p3d). Available parameters are listed below.
With enabled PCM, the plant canopy by default covers the surface of the entire computational domain (parameter canopy_mode = 'homogeneous'). The minimum set of parameters to be used with this mode are:
- canopy_drag_coeff, pch_index plus
- alpha_lad, beta_lad, lai_beta or
- lad_surface, lad_vertical_gradient, lad_vertical_gradient_level,
to prescribe the vertical distribution of leaf area density.
Alternatively, the plant canopy can be three-dimensionally customized, by either providing:
- a NetCDF input file (<jobname>_static, in same location as <jobname>_p3d, available from r2746) with 3D information of leaf area density or
- user-defined code (see user interface guide, and subroutine user_init_plant_canopy.f90 under trunk/SOURCE directory)
The attached test_canopy example includes:
- test_canopy_p3d: ASCII parameter file
- test_canopy_static: NetCDF static-information file with leaf area information (so-called static driver that could also include other information, e.g. topography data)
- Simple python script that was used to generate the NetCDF file test_canopy_static.
This simulation setup (canopy_mode = 'block' or 'read_from_file_3d') reproduces the results of Shaw & Schumann (1992).
CAUTION: Independently of the method, PALM does not appropriately represent plant canopy on a vertically stretched grid, since this is not intended. We strongly recommend to use grid stretching well above the plant canopy!
Parameter list
NAMELIST group name: plant_canopy_parameters
Parameter Name | FORTRAN Type | Default Value | Explanation |
alpha_lad | R | 9999999.9 |
Dimensionless coefficient required for constructing the leaf area density (LAD) profile, using following beta probability density function (following Markkanen et al. (2003)): where z is the height above ground, H is the canopy height, and alpha (alpha_lad) and beta (beta_lad) are the coefficients to be prescribed. The actual leaf area density values follow from:
with the leaf area index LAI (LAI is the vertical integral over the LAD profile) being prescribed by canopy parameter lai_beta. |
beta_lad | R | 9999999.9 |
Dimensionless coefficient required for constructing the leaf area density (LAD) profile, using a beta probability density function (see alpha_lad for details). |
canopy_drag_coeff | R | 0.0 |
Drag coefficient used in the plant_canopy_model. |
canopy_mode | C*20 | 'homogeneous' |
The user can choose between the following modes:
'read_from_file' (available from r2746)
'user_defined' (Or any other string that matches case in user code)
In any case, the simulation of a plant canopy requires the setting of a non-zero canopy_drag_coeff. |
cthf | R | 0.0 |
Average heat flux that is prescribed at the top of the plant canopy. |
lad_surface | R | 0.0 |
Surface value of the leaf area density (in m2/m3). |
lad_type_coef | R(11) | 1.0 | Multiplicative coefficients for different types of plant canopy, e.g. to account for deciduous tree during wintertime. Please note, this is only active when data is read from ASCII file. |
lad_vertical_gradient | R(10) | 10 * 0.0 |
Gradient(s) of the leaf area density (in m2/m4). |
lad_vertical_gradient_level | R(10) | 10 * 0.0 |
Height level from which on the gradient of the leaf area density defined by lad_vertical_gradient is effective (in m). |
lai_beta | R | 0.0 |
Leaf area index used in the plant_canopy_model to construct the vertical profile of the leaf area density (lad) with a beta function (see alpha_lad for details). |
leaf_scalar_exch_coeff | R | 0.0 |
Scalar exchange coefficient for a "bulk" leaf (dimensionless). |
leaf_surface_conc | R | 0.0 |
Concentration of a passive scalar at the surface of a "bulk" leaf (in kg m-3 (particles) or ppm (gas)). |
pch_index | I | 0 |
Grid point index (w-grid) of the upper boundary of the plant canopy layer. |
plant_canopy_transpiration | L | .F. | Enables calculation of evapotranspiration and corresponding latent heat flux of the resolved plant canopy which utilizes SW and LW radiation fluxes calculated in RTM. The calculation of transpiration rate is based on the Jarvis-Stewart model with parametrizations described in Daudet et al. (1999) and Ngao, Adam and Saudreau (2017) with some modifications according to Stewart (1988). |
switch_off_module | L | .F. | |
Daudet, F. A., Sinoquet, H., Le Roux, X., Adam, B. (1999): Wind speed and leaf boundary layer conductance variation within tree crown. Consequences on leaf-to-atmosphere coupling and tree functions, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 97, 171-185,
Markkanen, T., Rannik, Ü., Marcolla, B. et al. (2003): Footprints and Fetches for Fluxes over Forest Canopies with Varying Structure and Density, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 106, 437-459,
Ngao, J., Adam, B., Saudreau, M. (2017): Intra-crown spatial variability of leaf temperature and stomatal conductance enhanced by drought in apple tree as assessed by the RATP model, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 237-238, 340-354,
Shaw, R. H. and Schumann, U. (1992): Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow above and within a forest, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 61, 47-64,
Stewart, J. B. (1988): Modelling surface conductance of pine forest, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 43, 19-35,
Watanabe, T. (2004): Large-Eddy Simulation of Coherent Turbulence Structures Associated with Scalar Ramps Over Plant Canopies, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 112, 307-341,
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