8 years |
suehring |
Adjustments according new topography and surface-modelling concept …
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Bugfixes in radiation_model; monotonic limiter in 5th order advection …
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Bugfix, move setting of topography_grid_convention to init_grid, else, …
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Bugfix in topography in case of ocean simulations
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Bugfixes in initial salinity profile and generic topography definition …
8 years |
knoop |
last commit documented
8 years |
knoop |
Anelastic approximation implemented
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Bugfix, restore flags for nest boundaries in multigrid solver; bugfix: …
9 years |
knoop |
last commit documented
9 years |
knoop |
Forced header and separation lines into 80 columns
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
Bugfix in definition of generic topography; missing check for …
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
Bugfix concering consistency check for topography
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
PE-wise reading of topography file
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
filter topography by filling holes resolved by only one grid point …
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
Rename multigrid into multigrid_noopt and multigrid_fast into …
9 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
9 years |
raasch |
Bugfix: if topography is read from file, Neumann conditions are used …
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
Consider masking_method only for multigrid solver, no for multigrid_fast
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
Fixed bugs concerning advection flags, variable descriptions added in …
9 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
9 years |
raasch |
nzb_2d replaced by nzb_..._inner, Kessler precipitation stored on …
9 years |
maronga |
last commit documented / copyright update
9 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
9 years |
maronga |
removed parameter file check. update of mrungui for compilation with qt5
9 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
9 years |
raasch |
pmc array management changed from linked list to sequential loop; …
9 years |
hellstea |
last commit documented
9 years |
hellstea |
Introduction of nested domain system
9 years |
raasch |
two last commits documented
9 years |
raasch |
Bugfix for calculation of nzb_s_outer and nzb_u_outer at north …
9 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
9 years |
maronga |
various bugfixes and modifications of the …
9 years |
knoop |
last commit documented
9 years |
knoop |
Code annotations made doxygen readable
9 years |
boeske |
Comment line corrected
9 years |
boeske |
last commit documented
9 years |
boeske |
Bugfix concerning wall_flags at PE boundaries, added new subroutine …
9 years |
gronemeier |
last commit documented
9 years |
gronemeier |
Bugfix: Definition of topography grid levels
9 years |
gronemeier |
last commit documented
9 years |
gronemeier |
Bugfix: Definition of topography height in case of grid stretching
10 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
10 years |
suehring |
Bugfix: setting flags for 5th-order advection scheme, and stastical …
10 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
10 years |
raasch |
optimized multigrid method installed, new parameter …
10 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
10 years |
suehring |
Enable monotone advection for scalars in combination with fifth-order …
11 years |
fricke |
last commit documented
11 years |
fricke |
Bugfixes concerning grid stretching for the ocean and calculation of …
11 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
11 years |
suehring |
Bugfix: set inflow boundary conditions also if no humidity or …
11 years |
heinze |
last commit documented
11 years |
heinze |
REAL constants provided with KIND-attribute
11 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
11 years |
raasch |
REAL functions and a lot of REAL constants provided with …
11 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
11 years |
raasch |
ONLY-attribute added to USE-statements,
kind-parameters added to all …
11 years |
raasch |
update of GPL copyright
11 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
11 years |
raasch |
openACC porting of reduction operations
additional 3D-flag …
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
unused variables remove from several routines
12 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
12 years |
maronga |
allow usage of topography in combination with cloud physics, allow …
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
code has been put under the GNU General Public License (v3)
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
Starting with changes required for GPU optimization. OpenACC …
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
parameter use_prior_plot1d_parameters removed; little reformatting
13 years |
fricke |
last commit documented
13 years |
fricke |
merge fricke branch back into trunk
13 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
13 years |
raasch |
masking method can be switched on for mg-solver using inipar parameter …
13 years |
gryschka |
last commit documented
13 years |
gryschka |
Bugifx in init_grid in case of ocean runs
13 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
13 years |
suehring |
WS5 is available in combination with topography. Version number …
13 years |
gryschka |
last commit documented
13 years |
gryschka |
Redefiend first u-level (k=0) in ocean in case of bc_uv_b='dirichlet'
13 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
13 years |
maronga |
bugfix: namelist file check now possible for topography and …
13 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
13 years |
maronga |
Bugfix: cpp directives .NOT., .AND. replaced by !,&&. Minor bugfixes …
13 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
13 years |
maronga |
new utility check_namelist_files implemented
13 years |
raasch |
last commit documented