15 years |
raasch |
compare_palm_logs is additionally compiled with mbuild -u …
15 years |
raasch |
file structure of technical documentation revised; documents …
15 years |
raasch |
compare_palm_logs is now part of compiled utilities; slight change of …
15 years |
raasch |
make options can be set in configuration file; bugfix for generating …
15 years |
heinze |
Bugfix concerning the initialisation of var_mod in subsidence.f90
15 years |
raasch |
2d-decomposition is default on Cray-XT machines
15 years |
raasch |
bugfix concerning gradient_level indices in header
15 years |
raasch |
a simple method for installing and running palm has been added
15 years |
franke |
collision of cloud droplets has changed in advec_particles
bugfixes in …
15 years |
raasch |
data asignments for dvrp arrays switched back to old settings due to …
15 years |
heinze |
Large scale vertical motion (subsidence/ascent) can be applied to the …
15 years |
maronga |
humidity for non-flat topography implemented, re-adjustments for lcxt4
15 years |
raasch |
some initial data assignments changed due to problems with gfortran …
15 years |
franke |
Bugfix in calculation of precipitation_rate
15 years |
maronga |
bugfix: calculation of time-averaged surface-heatfluxes
15 years |
raasch |
bugfix: exchange of ghost points for prho included
15 years |
heinze |
var_ts is replaced by dots_max
15 years |
raasch |
Adapted for machine lck
(mrun, mbuild, subjob)
bc_lr/bc_ns …
15 years |
raasch |
in-situ AND potential density are calculated and used in the ocean version
15 years |
raasch |
adjustments for openmp usage on sgi-ice
15 years |
raasch |
bugfix concerning output of averaged 2d/3d quantities
15 years |
maronga |
adapted for machine lck
15 years |
raasch |
speed optomizations +bugfix in init_ocean
15 years |
letzel |
- Bugfix: avoid zero division by km_neutral (production_e)
16 years |
letzel |
- Bugfix for extended NetCDF files: In order to avoid 'data mode' …
16 years |
letzel |
- Bugfix: to_be_resorted => s_av for time-averaged scalars …
16 years |
maronga |
xy cross section output of sensible and latent heatflux is now available
16 years |
maronga |
bugfix for coupled restart runs
16 years |
heinze |
profiles.ncl now plots initial profiles if available.
16 years |
maronga |
adjustments for lcxt4 and ibmy, allow user 2d xy cross section output …
16 years |
raasch |
several small bugfixes; some more dvrp changes
16 years |
heinze |
error in formatting of the output of message
16 years |
heinze |
bugfix in init_3_model concerning ngp_2dh_s_inner
16 years |
heinze |
Small change in formatting in message.f90. Bugfix in …
16 years |
letzel |
- initializing_actions='read_data_for_recycling' renamed to …
16 years |
letzel |
- Modified timestep criterion in case of simulations with plant canopy …
16 years |
letzel |
- Additional timestep criterion in case of simulations with plant …
16 years |
heinze |
Change of 2 NetCDF error numbers. appendix_a.html contains the …
16 years |
heinze |
Website appendix_a.html added and printing of the link to the site in …
16 years |
letzel |
- Check for illegal entries in section_xy|xz|yz that exceed …
16 years |
raasch |
bugfix in Makefile, default value of grid_matching changed to strict
16 years |
letzel |
- Typographical errors (netcdf)
- If the inversion height calculated …
16 years |
raasch |
changes for coupling with independent precursor runs; z_i calculation …
16 years |
heinze |
NetCDF unit attribute in timeseries output added, typographical error …
16 years |
raasch |
further dvr updates
16 years |
raasch |
bugfix and change concerning particle advection
16 years |
raasch |
further updates concerning new dvr-features + documentation
16 years |
raasch |
new dvrp features added
16 years |
heinze |
Output of NetCDF messages with aid of message handling routine.
16 years |
raasch |
further updates for dvr output, bugfix in advec_particles concerning …
16 years |
heinze |
Output of messages replaced by message handling routine.
16 years |
heinze |
Output of messages replaced by message handling routine
16 years |
letzel |
- topography_grid_convention moved from userpar to inipar
- …
16 years |
heinze |
Output of messages replaced by message handling routine.
16 years |
raasch |
small adjustments for NEC at RIAM; bugfix concerning output of …
16 years |
heinze |
Output of messages replaced by message handling routin
16 years |
raasch |
further changes for dvrp clipping
16 years |
letzel |
- Option to predefine a target bulk velocity for conserve_volume_flow
16 years |
letzel |
- External pressure gradient (check_parameters, init_3d_model, header, …
16 years |
letzel |
- Bugfix: Type of count and count_rate changed to default INTEGER on …
16 years |
raasch |
polygon reduction for topography and ground plate isosurface (dvr)
16 years |
raasch |
bugfix concerning output of p profile
16 years |
raasch |
type change in DATA statement (eqn_state_seawater)
16 years |
heinze |
Output of messages replaced by message handling routine
16 years |
raasch |
bugfixes concerning particle tails
16 years |
raasch |
Restart runs on SGI-ICE are working (mrun).
2d-decomposition …
16 years |
raasch |
bugfixes concerning cpu time measurements and calculation of spectra …
16 years |
letzel |
- Bugfixes for nonparallel execution
16 years |
raasch |
new environment variable mpilib in configuration file, used by mrun, …
16 years |
letzel |
- NCL scripts in trunk/SCRIPTS/NCL updated
16 years |
raasch |
reading mechanism for restart files completely revised
16 years |
raasch |
precompilation mechanism completely revised: now one depository per …
16 years |
raasch |
Output message can be handled with new subroutine handle_palm_message. …
16 years |
raasch |
manual updated for changes in the user interface
16 years |
raasch |
user interface was split into one single file per subroutine
16 years |
raasch |
updates in dvr routines for new dvr version
16 years |
steinfeld |
16 years |
raasch |
ocean-atmosphere coupling realized with MPI-1, adjustments in mrun, …
16 years |
raasch |
file headers updated for the next release 3.5
16 years |
raasch |
further adjustments for SGI and other small changes
16 years |
letzel |
- Bugfix: exponent in calc_spectra_x (calc_spectra)
16 years |
raasch |
further adjustments and bugfixes for SGI system
17 years |
letzel |
- changed: allow 100 spectra levels instead of 10 for consistency with …
17 years |
letzel |
- new: descriptions of plant canopy model and prandtl layer …
17 years |
letzel |
- init_1d_model: provisional solution for run_control_1d
output: …
17 years |
letzel |
- mrun: (optionally) link local input
- diffusion_s: bugfix for …
17 years |
raasch |
bugfixes + adjustments for SGI ICE system
17 years |
raasch |
preliminary adjustments for HLRN-2 system
17 years |
steinfeld |
Bug in the construction of initial vertical profiles fixed
17 years |
steinfeld |
NCL scripts for spectra added. Bug fix concerning spectra in netcdf.f90
17 years |
steinfeld |
Bugfix in header.f90
17 years |
raasch |
optimization of transpositions for 2D decompositions, workaround for …
17 years |
steinfeld |
Update of CURRENT_MODIFICATIONS and chapter 4.1 of the palm documentation
17 years |
letzel |
Introduce prefix_chr to ensure unique dvrp_file path.
17 years |
raasch |
preliminary update for the turbulence recycling method
17 years |
raasch |
particle advection allowed for ocean runs
17 years |
letzel |
Small bugfixes in the user_interface.
17 years |
raasch |
further updates for turbulent inflow: reading input data of a …
17 years |
raasch |
further updates for turbulent inflow: PE-grid change for restart is working
17 years |
raasch |
second preliminary update for turbulent inflow