Work package D3: User-friendly software package to customize output from meso-scale models for forcing PALM-4U, and application of PALM-4U for climate studies
Contact information
Principal investigators:
Kristina Trusilova ,
substitute till the end of 2016: Heike Noppel
Institution: Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Department for Climate and Environmental Consultancy
Goals of WP-D3
Development of a user-friendly software package (INIFOR) for initialzation and forcing of PALM-4U with data from mesoscale atmospheric models of DWD. Allow model applicability to various weather situations and to future climate projections. Perform a climate study using the cuboid method developed at DWD ,i.e. application of PALM-4U for at least 8 different weather situations and statistical post-processing of the results |
Work program
Introduction to the models (COSMO/ICON and PALM) and to the data bases of DWD.
Development of a first version of the software package INIFOR which will customize output from meso-scale models for forcing PALM-4U. A selection of meteorological data for model tests will be prepared for all subprojects in Module A.
The package INIFOR will be extended by processing meteorological variables, needed by the new implemented processes (i.e. soil water cycle, energy budget in buildings) in PALM-4U. A module for selection of weather situations from a series of weather-/climate-data given user-specified criteria will be included into the pre-final version of INIFOR. A selection of meteorological data for field experiments (Module B) will be prepared for all subprojects in Module A.
A trial study of urban climate, incl. climate change will be performed for a chosen city (defined in coordination with Module B) using PALM-4U, INIFOR and the “cuboid-method”.