Work package D2: Data management and user Interface
Contact information
Principal investigators:
Peter Trute ,
Dr. Björn Büter
Dr. Dirk Pavlik ,
David Hoffmann
Institution: GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH (
Goals of WP-D2
Work program
WP-D2.1: Preparing further input data
In WP-D2.1 GEO-NET prepares suitable PALM-4U input data for the demo cities and for the cases from module B that cannot be provided by WP-D1, and which are available at the local government. These are for example demographical data, soil layer data, traffic volumes, air quality data, emission sources, building types and building uses or data concerning environmental justice. Additionally to that, specific socio-economic input data for the Multi-agent model (WP-P1) will be prepared in D2.1. GEO-NET valorizes output data from traffic models that are able to deal with individual footpath decision making (e.g. such as VISUM) and develops special town usage scenarios (e.g. ways to big employers, to kindergartens, or to popular green area).
WP-D2.2: Implementation of PALM-4U Data management system
The MOSAIK project will require and produce a variety of different data types that need to be shared between the subprojects. For this data management task, the PALM-4U data management system (PDMS) will be implemented in WP-D2.2. PDMS provides consolidated and quality assured input- und metadata to PALM-4U – modules, manages the results of simulation jobs, offers an interface for data exchange within module A and with module B+C, and provides a set of robust methods to import and export data from/to third-party systems. PDMS is based on high-performance database management system in conjunction with a strong data server.
WP-D2.3: Development of PALM-4U VIEW AND ANALYSE
One of the main goals of MOSAIK is to provide a user interface for <new model> that allows administrative staff or external climate service companies to use the model on their own to answer specific questions on climate sensitive urban development. Therefore <new model> VIEW and ANALYSE (PVA) will be developed. PVA is based on PDMS and will be implemented as a web-based tool to interact with the <new model> model. On the one hand, PVA provides a user-friendly interface for the definition of input data to start a model run. On the other hand PVA provides tools to analyze the model output data, such as 2D/3D map based visualization functions, geo statistical methods as well as tools for vulnerability analysis and multi agent approaches.
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- WPD2_fig0_en.png (135.3 KB) - added by maronga 8 years ago.
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