Work package D1: Processing and preparation of surface data
Contact information
Principal investigators: Dr. Thomas Esch, Dr. Wieke Heldens
Staff: Julian Zeidler, Dr. Wieke Heldens
Institution: DLR (
Goals of WP-D1
Work package D1 aims at processing and preparing selected surface parameters required by the new UCM combining existing communal, federal and state geo-data (e.g. cadastral information) and remote sensing data. Remote sensing imagery is an area-wide available source of information on the land surface and built-up area. When applying automated processing and analysis techniques to this data, standardized geo-information products (e.g. surface parameters) can be generated for arbitrary regions of interest. The targeted basic surface parameters are e.g. the surface albedo, temperature, and the percentage of impervious/vegetated surface. These parameters can be derived from false color (CIR) aerial imagery and satellite data (e.g. Sentinel 2, expected launch June 2015). Enhanced surface parameters (e.g. green roofs, vegetation volume) require a very high resolution (VHR) digital elevation model (DEM) – e.g. derived from Laserscan data – and can therefore only be provided if such a DEM is available for the case study cities. Such VHR DEM data exists nowadays for most German cities. The main research focus of the work package is to select data and methods that support the retrieval of surface parameters that (1) can be repeatedly and flexibly generated for German cities and (2) are compliant with the thematic definitions and data formats required by the new UCM. |
Work program
WP D1.1: Definition of input data and target surface parameters
In WP D1.1 the surface data products are defined in detail (specification). After a preliminary data inventory, the final set of input data and surface parameters will be defined. Moreover, a partner city for the model development will be defined (test case). For each parameter, product definitions describing the thematic content, spatial characteristics (resolution, extend) and data format are created.
WP D1.2: Data collection and pre-processing
According to the defined surface parameter products and the selected study areas (test case and selected cities of Module B), the available remote sensing data and additional data (DEM, building extends) is collected. A pre-processing of the data is carried out if necessary. This includes changing data format or geographical re-projection to the model spatial grid, among others.
WP D1.3: Generation of surface parameter products
Using the definitions (WP D1.1) and data (WP D1.2) the surface products will be prepared. Available classification methods are evaluated and tested against the requirements of the new UCM. A preliminary set of surface parameters delivered by the end of the first project year supports the development of the UCM. After that, the surface products are optimized in close collaboration with subproject D2 and final products will be created. After data acquisition for the selected additional cities the surface parameters will be derived with the optimized methods as well.