1 | | The new urban climate model is currently under development and thus not available yet. It is planned to release a first working version at the end of 2017. However, as the new model will be essentially based on the existing LES model PALM, you might want to visit the [[http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de|PALM Homepage]] for an overview of the status quo of the model. |
| 1 | = Status quo = |
| 2 | |
| 3 | ---- |
| 4 | '''The beta version of PALM-4U has been released December 2017. Visit [[http://www.palm4u.org|palm4u.org]]''' |
| 5 | ---- |
| 6 | |
| 7 | The beta version includes: |
| 8 | * Energy balance solvers for building and paved surfaces |
| 9 | * Radiative transfer within the urban canopy layer, including shadowing effects and multiple reflections between urban structures |
| 10 | * Wall material model for heat transfer between atmosphere and building |
| 11 | * Chemistry module for the transport and conversion of reactive species |
| 12 | * Model self-nesting that allows to increase either model domain size or to focus on near-surface processes |
| 13 | * Quasi-automatic external forcing by COSMO-DE model data |
| 14 | * A Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) type turbulence parameterization can be used instead of LES to reduce computational costs |
| 15 | |
| 16 | Following components require some further development, before they will enter the next release of PALM-4U: |
| 17 | * Indoor climate module, predicting indoor temperature, energy demand, and waste heat |
| 18 | * A multi-agent system for urban residents, allowing for biometeorological studies and escape scenarios |
| 19 | * Analysis tools and direct output of biometeorological quantities |
| 20 | |
| 21 | All components are under ongoing development and tuning. The next milestone is the delivery of both PALM-4U and Graphical User Interface (GUI) release candidates in project month 24. |