Flow over an ice lead


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Flow over an ice lead (2006)

Project: The Physics of turbulence over Antarctic leads and polynyas and its parameterization: a joint study using observations, LES and a micro-/mesoscale model

Responsible: Björn Witha?

Description: Leads in sea ice are responsible for most of the latent and sensible heat transfer from ocean to atmosphere within the marginal ice zones. The animation displays a flow along x (from left to right with a geostrophic wind of about 3 m/s) from sea ice over a lead of 1000m width. The incoming flow is laminar (without turbulence), neutrally stratified, and capped by an inversion above 300m. The surface temperature of ice is assumed to be -23.3C, while the open sea water has a temperature near the freezing point of about -3C. Particles are released near the surface and closely below the inversion. The particle color reflects the buoyancy at the current particle position (red: positive, blue: negative). The particle size is proportional to the magnitude of the vertical velocity component. Cyclic boundary conditions along y are assumed. Convection is generated above the lead but the flow re-stratifies soon after passing the lead. The spatial resolution of the model is still insufficient to resolve the turbulent convection above the first half (upstream part) of the lead.

Model Setup
Total domain size (x|y|z):5760m x 1280m x 1477m
Grid spacing (x|y|z):10m x 10m x 10m
Number of grid points (x|y|z):576 x 128 x 66
Simulated time:45min
Number of CPUs:32
Machine/ processor type:IBM-Regatta / Power4
Visualization software:DSVR

Video Format File size
Flash (.flv) 7.5mbDownload

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Jul 8, 2014 9:09:09 AM