Final remarks
- TOC "doc/tut/start/toc" is empty!
What you (should) have learned in the first part of the Tutorial
- The fundamentals of Large-eddy simulations: basic equations, subgrid-scale models, numerics, parallelization
- First insights in the structure of PALM
- The application of PALM: program control, steering parameters and data analysis
- Creating and running first, simple model runs
What comes next?
- Advanced techniques for program control: restart runs and debugging, data visualization
- Adding your own code via PALM's user interface
- Using special parts of the model: topography, canopy model, cloud physics, particle model
- Various sophisticated exercises
You can proceed with the 2nd part of the Tutorial: continue with Part II
T U T O R I A L - G U I D E
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Example 1: First run
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Part II
Last modified 13 years ago
Last modified on Aug 14, 2012 9:00:01 AM