Tutorial GUIDE Part I: First steps with PALM


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Welcome to the Tutorial GUIDE Part I

The first part of the tutorial will cover the most important things. Please follow the GUIDE by using the navigation in the blue boxes at the bottom of the pages.

LES features and motivation

LES is a technique for the explicit simulation of turbulent flows. It does not require much prior knowledge about the turbulence features (in order to use for turbulence parameterization). It rathers provides this knowledge, e.g. for improvement of turbulence parameterizations of meso- and large-scale models.

LES requires large amount of computer ressources. Therefore it has mainly been used for very idealized studies in the past, e.g. for horizontally homogeneous conditions, which, however, still required very large computers. Today the increasing performance of multi-core processors allows to run (small) LES even on low budget computers. Additionally, newly available feastures like non-cycle boundary conditions or topography allows LES for much more realistic applications than in the past.

LES is still a tool which needs careful application and quite good knowledge about some aspects of computer hard- and software, especially owing to the required code parallelization.

Flow chart

In the flow chart you can see which section we will go through. In the course of the tutorial we will make meaningful jumps between theory, user manual and exercises. In this way you will hopefully be able to do your first simulations with PALM and simultaneously learn about LES and the model background.

We will start now with the Fundamentals of LES. In case you have an embedded pdf viewer, it might take some time to load the presentations into the page. If you prefer to download the pdfs, please disable the embedding plugin.


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Fundamentals of LES

Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on Aug 14, 2012 8:56:22 AM

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