Version 701 (modified by raasch, 4 years ago) (diff) |
PALM source code change log
Current revision:
Current fixed release: 6.0 (r3477)
The following table documents all changes to the PALM repository since 2021.
Previous changes:
- Changes 2020
- Changes 2019
- Changes 2018
- Changes 2017
- Changes 2013-2016
- Changes 2009-2012.
- Changes 1998-2008
Please follow the rules for developers when carrying out source code changes!
Entries in the fifth column specify the type of the change: change of existing code (C), new code (N) or bugfix (B). More detailed information about the changes may sometimes be found in the header comment lines of the respectively changed routines.
svn Revision | Date (YYYY/MM/DD) | Author | PALM version | Type | Description |
| 2021/01/25 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: array sizes for output profiles increased from 300 to 400 (check_parameters, modules, netcdf_interface_mod, user_module) |
| 2021/01/25 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: re-numbering if message IDs (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2021/01/22 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B,C | SVN commit message: bugfix: deactivated header output (dynamics_mod); change: formatting clean-up (synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod) |
| 2021/01/21 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in indoor model: consider previous indoor temperature during restarts; Further bugfix in mpi-io restart mechanism for the waste-heat flux from buildings (indoor_model_mod, surface_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2021/01/21 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: check for usernames added (palmrun) |
| 2021/01/21 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: removed syn_turb_gen from restart files, replaced use_syn_turb_gen by syn_turb_gen (init_3d_model, init_pegrid, read_restart_data_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, time_integration, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2021/01/19 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: error message IDs changed from CM to the default PA (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2021/01/18 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: maximum phase velocities are alwasy used for radiation boundary conditions, parameter use_cmax removed (dynamics_mod, header, init_3d_model, modules, parin, read_restart_data_mod, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2021/01/18 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: size of some profile arrays increased, size check for profile output added (check_parameters, netcdf_interface_mod) |
| 2021/01/15 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: local namelist parameter added to switch off the module although the respective module namelist appears in the namelist file, further copyright updates (biometeorology_mod, bulk_cloud_model_mod, chemistry_model_mod, dynamics_mod, gust_mod, indoor_model_mod, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, land_surface_model_mod, multi_agent_system_mod, nesting_offl_mod, ocean_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod, pmc_handle_communicator_mod, radiation_model_mod, salsa_mod, spectra_mod, surface_data_output_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, urban_surface_mod, user_module, virtual_flight_mod, virtual_measurement_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod, warm_air_bubble_with_bcm_p3d) |
| 2021/01/14 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: reading of namelist file and actions in case of namelist errors revised so that statement labels and goto statements are not required any more, deprecated namelists removed (bulk_cloud_model_mod, dynamics_mod, gust_mod, indoor_model_mod, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, land_surface_model_mod, multi_agent_system_mod, nesting_offl_mod, ocean_mod, parin, plant_canopy_model_mod, radiation_model_mod, salsa_mod, spectra_mod, surface_data_output_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, urban_surface_mod, virtual_flight_mod, topo_from_ASCII_file_p3d) |
| 2021/01/08 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for r4838: wrong input filenames were given (TESTS/cases/urban_environment_openmp_mpi) |
| 2021/01/07 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: hybrid MPI/openmp testcase added (palmtest, TESTS/builds/gfortran_openmp_mpi, TESTS/cases/urban_environment_openmp_mpi) |
| 2021/01/07 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: openmp bugfix: some missing arrays added to reduction clause (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2021/01/07 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: openmp bugfix (some private statements were missing); output format for cpu measures slightly changed (cpulog_mod, turbulence_closure_mod) |
| 2021/01/07 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: file re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (nesting_offl_mod) |
| 2021/01/07 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: openmp bugfix for time measurements of non advective processes (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2021/01/07 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix in redblack algorithm: lower i,j indices need to start alternatively with even or odd value on the coarsest grid level, if the subdomain has an uneven number of gridpoints along x/y; some debug output flushed (poismg_mod, poismg_noopt_mod, restart_data_mpi_io_mod) |
| 2021/01/06 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in check_output for variables with suffix indicating the surface facing (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2021/01/06 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Reformatted to follow PALM coding standard (pmc_parent_mod, pmc_general_mod) |
| 2021/01/06 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in creating error-message string (surface_mod) |
| 2021/01/05 | Giersch | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: Copyright updated to year 2021, interface pmc_sort removed to accelarate the nesting code (pmc_parent_mod, pmc_general_mod, header updated in all source-code files) |