PALM source code change log 2019
The following table documents all changes to the PALM repository from 2019.
Entries in the fifth column specify the type of the change: change of existing code (C), new code (N) or bugfix (B). More detailed information about the changes may sometimes be found in the header comment lines of the respectively changed routines.
svn Revision | Date (YYYY/MM/DD) | Author | PALM version | Type | Description |
| 2019/12/20 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Bugfix in message calls for local checks; error messages in init_grid slightly revised; bugfix in time_integration (uninitialized emission time index); read_restart_data (change from J.Resler): use dynamic array allocation rather than automatic arrays to avoid problems with stack memory (chem_emissions_mod, init_grid, land_surface_model_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod, read_restart_data_mod, time_integration) |
| 2019/12/19 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: surface_mod: bugfix in message call and define appropriate error number (surface_mod) |
| 2019/12/19 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: added output of wu, wv, wtheta and wq to enable covariance calculation according to temporal EC method (diagnostic_output_quantities_mod) |
| 2019/12/18 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Check for realistically initial values of mixing ratio implemented. Mixing ratio must not exceed its saturation value, else surface fluxes in the land-surface scheme may become unrealistic. Test cases updated (dynamics_mod, Makefile, test cases) |
| 2019/12/17 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: replaced <= by < in line 1464 to ensure that ialpha will not be greater than dlen (wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2019/12/16 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: last commit corrected by replacing read_from_file_3d with read_from_file in all relevant p3d files, minor changes in plant_canopy_model_mod (use statements moved to module level, ocean dependency removed, redundant variables removed) (plant_canopy_model_mod, salsa_mod) |
| 2019/12/16 | Giersch | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: Topography closed channel flow with symmetric boundaries implemented, ID tag in radiation module corrected (advec_ws, check_parameters, init_grid, modules, radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/12/13 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: To avoid divisions by zero, add security factor in calculation of roughness length over water surfaces. (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/12/13 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: wrong header output of particle group features (density ratio) in case of restarts corrected (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2019/12/12 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Plant canopy: implement fix for LAD on building edges also for the vectorl-optimized branch (plant_canopy_model_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod) |
| 2019/12/10 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Synthetic turbulence: Limit initial velocity seeds in restart runs, if not the seed calculation may become unstable. (synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod) |
| 2019/12/10 | suehring | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: New diagnostic output for 10-m wind speed; Diagnostic output of 2-m potential temperature moved to diagnostic output (Makefile, average_3d_data, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_mask, diagnostic_output_quantities_mod module_interface, modules, plant_canopy_model_mod, sum_up_3d_data, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, surface_mod, time_integration_spinup, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2019/12/09 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Minor change in nzb_max computation; commentation added; minor formatting adjustments in advec_ws (advec_ws, init_grid). |
| 2019/12/06 | Giersch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Setting of advection flags for vertical fluxes of w revised, Bugfix: air density for vertical flux calculation of w at k=1 is considered now (advec_ws). |
| 2019/12/06 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: changed format of turbine control output to allow for higher torque and power values (wind_turbine_model_mod). |
| 2019/12/06 | Giersch | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: Vertical fluxes of w are now set to zero at nzt and nzt+1, setting of advection flags for fluxes in z-direction revised, comments extended (advec_ws). |
| 2019/12/03 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Further revise check for surface fractions (netcdf_data_input_mod). |
| 2019/12/03 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Indirect indexing for calculating vertical fluxes close to boundaries is only used for loop indices where it is really necessary (advec_ws). |
| 2019/12/03 | Giersch | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: Comments revised/added, formatting improved, fluxes for u,v, and scalars are explicitly set to zero at nzt+1, fluxes of w-component are now calculated only until nzt-1 (Prognostic equation for w-velocity component ends at nzt-1) (advec_ws). |
| 2019/12/02 | monakurppa | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: salsa_mod: add additional check for time in PIDS_SALSA and update the urban_environment_salsa_salsa input file in the test case urban_environment_salsa (salsa_mod) |
| 2019/11/29 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: plant-canopy: Bugfix, plant canopy was still considered at building edges on for the u- and v-component; Relax restriction of LAD on building tops. LAD is only omitted at locations where building grid points emerged artificially by the topography filtering (init_grid, plant-canopy_model_mod) |
| 2019/11/27 | suehring | 6.0 | C |
SVN commit message: Checks and initialization for relative surface fractions revised (land_surface_model_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod) |
| 2019/11/27 | maronga | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: bugfix in palm_csd regarding green roofs (palm_csd) |
| 2019/11/26 | suehring | 6.0 | C |
SVN commit message: Remove dt_indoor from namelist input. The indoor model is an hourly-based model, calling it more/less often lead to inaccurate results. (indoor_model_mod) |
| 2019/11/26 | suehring | 6.0 | C |
SVN commit message: Synthetic turbulence generator: Computation of velocity seeds optimized. This implies that random numbers are computed now using the parallel random number generator. Random number are now only computed and normalized locally, while distributed over all mpi ranks afterwards, instead of computing random numbers on a global array. urther, the number of calls for the time-consuming velocity-seed generation is reduced - now the left and right, as well as the north and south boundary share the same velocity-seed matrices. (Makefile, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod) |
| 2019/11/26 | maronga | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: activated output of iPT in multi-agent system (multi_agent_system_mod, netcdf_interface_mod) |
| 2019/11/25 | banzhafs | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Correction to r4304 commit in chemistry_model_mod (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2019/11/25 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: urban-surface model: bugfix, consider m_liq in restart runs; remove unused variables (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/11/25 | banzhafs | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Precision clean-up in drydepo_aero_zhang_vd subroutine in chemistry_model_mod (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2019/11/25 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Abort if temporary working catalog / SOURCES_FOR_RUN catalog cannot be created (palmbuild, palmrun) |
| 2019/11/22 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Omit tall canopy mapped on top of buildings, which may happen due to topography filtering (plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2019/11/22 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Deleted parameter recycling_yshift. y-shift in case of non-cyclic boundary conditions and turbulent_inflow = .TRUE. is now steered by parameter y_shift, that is also used in case of cyclic boundary conditions. (check_parameters, header, inflow_turbulence, init_pegrid, modules, parin, read_restart_data_mod, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2019/11/22 | scharf | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Adjusted format for simulated time and related quantities (header) |
| 2019/11/22 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Output of indoor temperature revised (to avoid non-defined values within buildings) (indoor_model_mod) |
| 2019/11/21 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfixes: Calculation of 2-m temperature adjusted to the case the 2-m level is above the first grid level; salsa: close netcdf input files after reading; open netcdf input files with read-only attribute instead of write attribute (netcdf_data_input_mod, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, salsa_mod) |
| 2019/11/21 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: In case of turbulent inflow: Adjusted recycling_yshift, so that y-shift can be given as multiples of PE (as in y_shift for cyclic BCs). (check_parameters, header, inflow_turbulence, modules) |
| 2019/11/20 | maronga | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: improved treatment of interception reservoir in land surface model (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/11/13 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: init_grid: always set bit 5 and 6 of wall_flags, indicating terrain- and building surfaces in all cases, in order to enable terrain-following output also when no land- or urban-surface model is applied (init_grid) |
| 2019/11/11 | banzhafs | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in sedimentation resistance calculation in drydepo_aero_zhang_vd subroutine (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2019/11/01 | raasch | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: reading of namelist file and actions in case of namelist errors revised so that statement labels and goto statements are not required any more; this revision also removes a previous bug which appeared when the namelist has been commented out in the namelist file (user_module) |
| 2019/10/29 | schwenkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix of particle timeseries in case of more than one particle group (lagrangian_particle_model) |
| 2019/10/29 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Moved boundary_conds to dynamics module (time_integration, dynamics_mod, module_interface, Makefile, deleted: boundary_conds) |
| 2019/10/29 | scharf | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: unused variables removed (plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2019/10/28 | scharf | 6.0 | C,B | SVN commit message: changed check for static driver and fixed bugs in initialization and header of plant canopy model (plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2019/10/28 | schwenkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix for last commit: Added flag in use statement (lagrangian_particle_model) |
| 2019/10/28 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: modularize lpm code components of time integration (lagrangian_particle_model, time_integration) |
| 2019/10/28 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: move call of lpm at the end of intermediate timeloop and improve simple corrector particle interpolation method (lagrangian_particle_model, time_integration) |
| 2019/10/28 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for processing data from atmosphere-ocean coupled runs (only atmosphere data were processed, but twice) (combine_plot_fields) |
| 2019/10/23 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix in calculation of snow albedo (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/10/23 | monakurppa | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Updates for the aerosol module salsa - Reformat the emission data for the pre-processed mode (lod=2) to limit the size of the input file. Now, the emission is given as total number emission per emission category (ncat) and the number size distribution is given in variable emission_number_fracs(ncat,nbins). - Implement offline nesting for salsa. Additionally, offline nesting can be turn off specifically for salsa using the switch nesting_offline_salsa. - Remove init_aerosol_type and init_gases_type from salsa_parin and define them based on the initializing_actions - parameter definition removed from "season" and "season_z01" is added to parin - bugfix in application of index_hh after implementing the new palm_date_time_mod (Makefile, nesting_offl_mod, salsa_mod) |
| 2019/10/17 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Introducing module interface for boundary conditions and move module specific boundary conditions into their modules (boundary_conds, bulk_cloud_model_mod chemistry_model_mod, module_interface_mod, salsa_mod, time_integration_mod) |
| 2019/10/16 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Indoor model: revision of some parameters and implementation of seasonal-dependent parameters (indoor_model_mod, palm_data_time_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/10/15 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Minor bugfix in init_grid, exchange of oro_max information only if the array is also allocated (init_grid) |
| 2019/10/15 | scharf | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: corrected error message string for incompatible combinations of nx, ny or nz with pdims(1) or pdims(2) (init_pegrid) |
| 2019/10/09 | scharf | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for rev. 4258 (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/10/09 | hellstea | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Rest of the grid-line matching tests in pmc_interface_mod changed to round-off-error tolerant forms (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/10/09 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Normalize relative wall-, green- and window fractions so that they sum-up to one. Give an informative message in case normalization is required. (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/10/07 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Land-surface model: Revise limitation for soil moisture in case it exceeds its saturation value; Revise initialization of soil moisture and temperature in a nested run in case dynamic input information is available. This case, the soil within the child domains can be initialized separately; As part of this revision, migrate the netcdf input of soil temperature / moisture to this module, as well as the routine to inter/extrapolate soil profiles between different grids.; Plant-canopy: Check if any LAD is prescribed when plant-canopy model is applied, in order to avoid crashes in the radiation transfer model; Surface-layer fluxes: Initialization of Obukhov length also at vertical surfaces (if allocated); Urban-surface model: Add checks to ensure that relative fractions of walls, windowns and green surfaces sum-u to one; Revise message calls dealing with local checks (Makefile, land_surface_model_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/10/03 | pavelkrc | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Merge trunk into branch resler (TESTS/cases/urban_environment, TESTS/cases/urban_environment_restart, TESTS/cases/urban_environment_salsa) |
| 2019/10/02 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix in vegetation_type look-up table regarding setting of default albedo_type (TESTS/) |
| 2019/10/02 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix in palm_csd (calculation of bridge objects) (palm_csd_tools) |
| 2019/10/01 | hellstea | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Several grid-line matching tests changed to a round-off-error tolerant form (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/09/27 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfixes in indoor model and in chemical emissions (chem_emissions_mod, indoor_model_mod) (changes in chem_emissions_mod: E. Chan) |
| 2019/09/27 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Check added to ensure that subdomain grid has at least the size as given by the number of ghost points (init_pegrid) |
| 2019/09/25 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Building data base: Indoor-model parameters for some building types adjusted in order to avoid unrealistically high indoor temperatures (S. Rissmann); Indoor model: Bugfix in determination of minimum facade height and in location message, avoid divisions by zero, minor optimizations; radiation model: Modify check in order to avoid equality comparisons of floating points |
| 2019/09/24 | dom_dwd_user | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix in dpmv_cold_adjust, wrong order of coefficients leading to overestimation of PT (perct) in case of very cold conditions. |
| 2019/09/24 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Check if a cross section is specified if any output cross-section quantity is given (check_parameters) |
| 2019/09/11 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Several bugfixes: profile initialization of chemical species in restart runs; Runge-Kutta tendency array not initialized in chemistry model in restart runs; fixed determination of time indices for chemical emissions (introduced with commit -4227); Update chemistry profiles in offline nesting; initialize canopy resistances for greened building walls (even if green fraction is zero) |
| 2019/09/10 | gronemeier | 6.0 | N,C |
SVN commit message: implement new palm_date_time_mod; replaced namelist parameters time_utc_init and day_of_year_init by origin_date_time |
| 2019/09/10 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Three Tutorial cases updated for newest version |
| 2019/09/09 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in plant-canopy model, missing intialization of heating rate (plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2019/09/05 | suehring | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: Map 3d plant-canopy output to surface (this feature was lost by the latest bugfix in 3d canopy output) (plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2019/09/04 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfixes in 3d data output of plant canopy variables |
| 2019/09/03 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Test case for nesting and particle nesting added |
| 2019/09/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix, missing initialization and clearing of soil-moisture tendency (J.Resler) (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/09/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Allocate array for index lists in nesting also for zero-size arrays, in order to avoid error when array bound checks are enabled(J.Resler) (pmc_parent_mod) |
| 2019/09/02 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: ocean mixed layer test case modified; can now be used as a basis to reproduce the Noh (2004) results (oceanml_p3d, oceanml_rc) |
| 2019/09/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Radiation: revise steering of splitting diffuse and direct radiation; revise some checks; optimize mapping of radiation components onto 2D arrays, avoid unnecessary operations(J.Resler) (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/09/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in initialization of indoor temperature; Prescibe default indoor temperature in case it is not given in the namelist input (indoor_model_mod) |
| 2019/09/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in accessing albedo_pars in the clear-sky branch (merge from branch)(J.Resler) (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/30 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: plant canopy: Missing working precision + bugfix in calculation of wind speed; surface data output: Correct x,y-coordinates of vertical surfaces in netcdf output; Change definition of azimuth angle, reference is north 0 degree (plant_canopy_model_mod, surface_data_output_mod) |
| 2019/08/29 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Limit soil moisture to its saturation value and give a respective warning rather than an error message. Further, adjust checks for number of given soil temperatures for the nested case where the child might have no dynamic input file. (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/29 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: Add check into radiation_check_parameters if rotation angle is set to 0. Using the radiation model for a rotated model domain is not allowed due to missing implementation within the radiation model.
(radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/29 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Revise steering of surface albedo initialization when albedo_pars is provided (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/29 | gronemeier | 6.0 | N |
SVN commit message: Consider rotation of model domain for claculation of Coriolis force:
- check_parameters: Overwrite rotation_angle from namelist by value from static driver;
- coriolis: Consider rotation of model domain;
- header: Write information about rotation angle;
- modules: Added rotation_angle;
- netcdf_interface_mod: replaced rotation angle from input-netCDF file by namelist parameter 'rotation_angle';
- ocean_mod: Consider rotation of model domain for calculating the Stokes drift;
- parin: added rotation_angle to initialization_parameters;
| 2019/08/28 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: In case z0 exceeds the surface-layer height at water surfaces, apply more strict limitation of z0, in order to avoid instabilities when friction velocity is almost zero. (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/27 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Implement external radiation forcing also for level-of-detail = 2 (horizontally 2D radiation) (netcdf_data_input_mod, radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/26 | suehring | 6.0 | N, B | SVN commit message: init_grid: Add check for proper setting of namelist parameter topography; Set bit flag to indicate land surfaces in case no topography is provided (init_grid) |
| 2019/08/26 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Minor adjustments in error messages and error numbers. Some typos are corrected. (land_surface_model_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod, radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/26 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C, N | SVN commit message: radiation: Take external radiation input from root domain dynamic file if no dynamic input file is provided for each nested domain; radiation: Combine MPI_ALLREDUCE calls to reduce latency; land_surface + plant_canopy: Give specific error numbers; land-surface: Adjust error messages for local checks; init_3d_model: Deallocate temporary string array for netcdf-data input since it may be re-used in other modules for different input files (init_3d_model, land_surface_model_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod, radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/23 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Enable limitation of Obukhov length so that it does not become zero; to read input data from netcdf in init_3d_model use provided module variables instead of defining local ones; tests updated because changes in Obukhov lengths causes small differences during the initial phase of the run |
| 2019/08/23 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: For initializing_actions = ' cyclic_fill': Overwrite u_init, v_init, pt_init, q_init and s_init with the (temporally) and horizontally averaged vertical profiles from the end of the prerun, because these profiles shall be used as the basic state for the rayleigh damping and the pt_damping. |
| 2019/08/23 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: changed allocated length of recycling_method_for_thermodynamic_quantities from 20 to 80 characters |
| 2019/08/23 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: simplified steering of recycling of absolute values. Replaced initialization parameter recycle_absolute_quantities by recycling_method_for_thermodynamic_quantities. |
| 2019/08/22 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: define directive added, which has been deleted by mistake in r4180 (transpose, tridia_solver_mod) |
| 2019/08/21 | scharf | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: removed comments in 'Former revisions' section that are older than 01.01.2019 |
| 2019/08/21 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Enable external time-dependent radiative forcing with downwelling short- and longwave radiation. Optionally, also downwelling diffuse radiation can be provided. Radiation data will be provided via dynamic input file. |
| 2019/08/20 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | N,B | SVN commit message: added recycle_absolute_quantities to initialization_parameters namelist in parin.f90, bugfix: replace PA184 by PA0184 in check_parameters.f90 |
| 2019/08/20 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: add missing dependencies for vdi_internal_controls (Makefile) |
| 2019/08/20 | gronemeier | 6.0 | N |
SVN commit message: add vdi_internal_controls |
| 2019/08/20 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Added optional method for recycling of absolute values of pt and q instead of recycling only the deviations from the mean profile at the recycling plane. With the new method two problems are solved: 1. A horizontally homogeneous temperature and humidity field is achieved, even for non-neutral boundary layers and thus no thermal circulation is triggered. 2. No gravity waves build up at the inflow due to cyclic boundary conditions for pt and q. |
| 2019/08/19 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: loop reordering for performance optimization (transpose.f90) |
| 2019/08/19 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C,B |
SVN commit message: changes in turbulence_closure_mod:
- add performance optimizations according to K. Ketelsen
to diffusion_e and tcm_diffusivities_default
- bugfix in calculating l_wall for vertical walls
- bugfix in using l_wall in initialization (consider wall_adjustment_factor)
- always initialize diss and save the dissipation to that array
related changes in time_integration:
- copy diss, diss_p, tdiss_m to GPU
| 2019/08/19 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Check added (nesting_offl_mod) |
| 2019/08/16 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Replace get_topography_top_index functions by pre-calculated arrays in order to save computational resources (biometeorology_mod, bulk_cloud_model_mod, data_output_mask, header, init_3d_model, init_grid, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, Makefile, modules, multi_agent_system_mod, nesting_offl_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod, pmc_interface_mod, radiation_model_mod, surface_mod, turbulence_closure_mod, urban_surface_mod, user_data_output_mask, virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2019/08/16 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Merge from branch resler: Changed behaviour of masked output over surface to follow terrain and ignore buildings (chemistry_model_mod, data_output_mask, diagnostic_output_quantities Makefile, radiation_model_mod, salsa_mod) |
| 2019/08/16 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for r4155 (data_output_3d) |
| 2019/08/15 | suehring | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: Revision of topography processing to have a consistent treatment of 2D and 3D buildings (init_grid, surface_mod); Bugfix in indoor model in case of non grid-resolved buildings (indoor_model_mod, init_grid, surface_mod) |
| 2019/08/14 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: chem_emissions: Replace global arrays also in mode_emis branch; diagnostic output: restructure initialization in order to work also when data output during spin-up is enabled; radiation: give informative message on raytracing distance only by core zero not by all cores (chem_emissions_mod, diagnostic_output_quantities_mod, module_interface, radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/14 | schwenkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in case of cloud microphysics morrison (surface_mod) |
| 2019/08/14 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for 3d-output in serial mode (ghost points must not be written) (data_output_3d) |
| 2019/08/13 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in chemistry decycling; Replace global arrays to setup chemical emissions by local ones (chem_emission_model_mod, chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/08 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Framework to input single surface variables independent on land/urban-surface model via static input file provided. This way, input and initialization of heterogeneous roughness was already added. (init_3d_model, netcdf_data_input_mod, surface_mod) |
| 2019/08/08 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: palm_csd: bugfix in dimension of building_pars (palm_csd) |
| 2019/08/08 | suehring | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: indoor_model_mod: Revision of indoor model; urban_surface_mod: parameters for waste heat from cooling and heating are introduced to building data base; initialization of building data base moved to an earlier point of time before indoor model will be initialized; radiation_model_mod: minor improvement in some comments; synthetic_turbulence_generator: unused variable removed (indoor_model_mod, radiation_model_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/08/06 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Some reformatting (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/06 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: relational operators .EQ., .NE., etc. replaced by ==, /=, etc. (biometeorology_mod, chem_emissions_mod, date_and_time_mod, indoor_model_mod, init_grid, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, random_function_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, time_integration, wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/05 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Rename variable and change select case to if statement (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2019/08/05 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Consider spinup in number of output timesteps for averaged 2D output(J.Resler) (check_parameters) |
| 2019/08/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: Bugfix in formatted WRITE |
| 2019/08/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: Bugfix in masked data output for prognostic quantities |
| 2019/08/02 | monakurppa | 6.0 | B, C |
SVN commit message: Several changes in the salsa aerosol module:
- Add "salsa_" before each salsa output variable
- Add a possibility to output the number (salsa_N_UFP) and mass concentration (salsa_PM0.1) of ultrafine particles, i.e. particles with a diameter smaller than 100 nm
- Implement aerosol emission mode "parameterized" which is based on the street type (similar to the chemistry module).
- Remove unnecessary nucleation subroutines.
- Add the z-dimension for gaseous emissions to correspond the implementation in the chemistry module
| 2019/08/01 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C |
SVN commit message: Effectively reduce 3D initialization from dynamic driver to 1D initial profiles. This is because 3D initialization produces structures in the w-component that are correlated with the processor grid for some unknown reason |
| 2019/07/31 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B, C |
SVN commit message: Bugfix for opening the parameter file (unit 11): return error message if file was not found. |
| 2019/07/30 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: Bugfix for opening the parameter file (unit 11): return error message if file was not found. (check_open) |
| 2019/07/30 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Merge with branch resler: biomet- output of bio_mrt added; plant_canopy - separate vertical dimension for 3D output (to save disk space); radiation - remove unused plant canopy variables; urban-surface model - do not add anthropogenic heat during wall spin-up (Makefile, biometeorology_mod, data_output_3d, module_interface, netcdf_interface_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod, radiation_model_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/07/30 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: renaming in biometeorology_mod, adding of example cases for biometeorolgy (biometeorology_mod, time_integration, EXAMPLES) |
| 2019/07/29 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Enable netcdf parallel input for lateral boundary conditions in dynamic input file (netcdf_data_input_mod, nesting_offline_mod) |
| 2019/07/26 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Implement reset method as bottom boundary condition (lagrangian_paricle_model_mod) |
| 2019/07/26 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Implementation of an simple method for interpolating the velocities to particle position (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2019/07/25 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Initialization of soil temperature and moisture via dynamic input file only for vegetation and pavement surfaces (land_surface_model_mod, urban_environment test cases) |
| 2019/07/24 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in setting flags inidicating wall-bounded grid-points (used for control TKE production near walls); Bugfix in chemistry decycling initialization (chemistry_model_mod, init_grid) |
| 2019/07/23 | schwenkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix: Added working precision (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2019/07/23 | gronemeier | 6.0 | N |
SVN commit message: made dom_database_debug_output available (data_output_module.f90) |
| 2019/07/22 | suehring | 6.0 | C, N, B | SVN commit message: Control discretization of advection term: separate initialization of WS advection flags for momentum and scalars. In this context, resort the bits and do some minor formatting; Make initialization of scalar-advection flags more flexible, i.e. introduce an arguemnt list to indicate non-cyclic boundaries (required for decycled scalars such as chemical species or aerosols); Introduce extended 'degradation zones', where horizontal advection of passive scalars is discretized by first-order scheme at all grid points that in the vicinity of buildings (<= 3 grid points). Even though no building is within the numerical stencil, first-order scheme is used. At fourth and fifth grid point the order of the horizontal advection scheme is successively upgraded. These extended degradation zones are used to avoid stationary numerical oscillations, which are responsible for high concentration maxima that may appear under shear-free stable conditions. Therefore, an additional 3D interger array used to store control flags is introduced; Change interface for scalar advection routine; Bugfix, avoid uninitialized value sk_num in vector version of WS scalar advection; Chemistry: Decycling boundary conditions are only set at the ghost points not on the prognostic grid points; Land-surface model: Relax checks for non-consistent initialization in case static or dynamic input is provided. For example, soil_temperature or deep_soil_temperature is not mandatory any more if dynamic input is available. Also, improper settings of x_type in namelist are only checked if no static file is available. |
| 2019/07/22 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: changes in data-output module (data_output_module.f90, data_output_binary_module.f90, data_output_netcdf4_module.f90, binary_to_netcdf.f90): - add support for different output groups of MPI ranks (required for, e.g., nesting runs) - revise output messages |
| 2019/07/17 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C |
SVN commit message: Bugfix, set Neumann boundary conditions for the subgrid TKE at vertical walls instead of implicit Dirichlet conditions that always act as a sink term for the subgrid TKE. Therefore, add new data structure for vertical surfaces and revise the setting of the boundary grid point index space. Moreover, slightly revise setting of boundary conditions at upward- and downward facing surfaces. Finally, setting of boundary conditions for subgrid TKE and dissipation (in RANS mode) is now modularized. Update test case results. |
| 2019/07/17 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: timestep.f90:
- consider 2*Km within diffusion criterion as Km is considered twice within
the diffusion of e,
- in RANS mode, instead of considering each wind component individually use
the wind speed of 3d wind vector in CFL criterion
- do not limit the increase of dt based on its previous value in RANS mode
- remove dt_old
| 2019/07/17 | forkel | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: Made check for input_pids_dynamic and inifor more general |
| 2019/07/15 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in opening the parameter file (unit 11) in case of ocean precursor runs |
| 2019/07/15 | Giersch | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: Tutorial cases updated for getting physically meaningful results (only gfortran with 4 cores is tested) |
| 2019/07/15 | suehring | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: Avoid overlong lines |
| 2019/07/11 | Giersch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Unused variables removed |
| 2019/07/11 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Correct level 2 initialization of spectral albedos in rrtmg branch, long- and shortwave albedos were mixed-up; Change order of albedo_pars so that it is now consistent with the defined order of albedo_pars in PIDS |
| 2019/07/11 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Pressure and density profile calculations revised using basic functions, comments improved, function for ideal gas law revised |
| 2019/07/11 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix: use constant-flux layer condition for e in all rans modes (boundary_conds.f90) |
| 2019/07/10 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: corrected module name in Atos configuration, updated debug configuration for Atos, removed accidentally inserted lines in install_rrtmg (.palm.config.atosg, .palm.config.atosg_debug, install_rrtmg) |
| 2019/07/10 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for last commit (palmbuild) |
| 2019/07/10 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for executing module commands and for interpreting linker options on local machines (palmbuild) |
| 2019/07/09 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C, N | SVN commit message: Implementation of a monotonic flux limiter for vertical advection term in Wicker-Skamarock scheme. The flux limiter is currently only applied for passive scalars (passive scalar, chemical species, aerosols) within the region up to the highest topography, in order to avoid the built-up of large concentrations within poorly resolved cavities in urban environments. To enable the limiter monotonic_limiter_z = .T. must be set. Note, the limiter is currently only implemented for the cache-optimized version of advec_ws. Further changes in offline nesting: Set boundary condition for w at nzt+1 at all lateral boundaries (even though these won't enter the numerical solution), in order to avoid high vertical velocities in the run-control file which might built-up due to the mass-conservation; bugfix in offline nesting for chemical species (advec_ws, chemistry_model_mod, modules, nesting_offl_mod, parin, prognostic_equations, salsa_mod) |
| 2019/07/09 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: adjust accuracy for test results of test urban_environment_salsa to match variability between runs (test case urban_environment_salsa) |
| 2019/07/09 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Set roughness length z0 and z0h/q at ground-floor level to same value as those above ground-floor level (urban_surface_mod.f90) ATTENTION due to changes in the building-parameter data bank, results differ to those calculated using earlier revisions! |
| 2019/07/03 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in synthetic turbulence generator in non-nested cases (offline or self nesting) when no cyclic fill is used: in order to get correct initial inflow profiles at the left boundary the array mean_inflow_profiles need to be initialized accordingly. |
| 2019/07/01 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix, pass dummy string to MPI_INFO_SET (merge from branch resler) |
| 2019/07/01 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Moved call to radiation module out of intermediate time loop (time_integration, time_integration_spinup) |
| 2019/06/27 | Giersch | 6.0 | C, N, B | SVN commit message: Redundant example files deleted, wtm example added as a test case, bugfix in wtm (EXAMPLES/benchmark_openacc, EXAMPLES/dvr, EXAMPLES/test_salsa, EXAMPLES/wind_turbine, SOURCE/wind_turbine_model_mod, TESTS/cases/wind_turbine_model) |
| 2019/06/27 | suehring (responsible E.C. Chan) | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: chem_emissions_mod: Formatting adjustments; initialization of arrays fixed; univsersal gas constant moved to basic_constants_and_equations_mod.f90 (basic_constants_and_equations_mod, chem_emissions_mod) |
| 2019/06/27 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for calculating the minimum particle time step (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2019/06/24 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Remove work-around for green surface fraction on buildings - do not set it zero (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/06/21 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: kind attribute added to NINT function to allow for large integers which may appear in case of default recycling width and small grid spacings (init_pegrid) |
| 2019/06/18 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: further modularization of lpm and delete min_nr_particle (Delete: interactions_droplet_ptq, Changed: Makefile, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, mod_particle_attributes,pmc_particle_interface, time_integration) |
| 2019/06/18 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C, N | SVN commit message: diagnostic output: Modularize diagnostic output, rename subroutines; formatting adjustments; allocate arrays only when required; add output of uu, vv, ww to enable variance calculation via temporal EC method; radiation: bugfix in masked data output; flow_statistics: Correct conversion to kinematic vertical scalar fluxes in case of pw-scheme and statistic regions (Makefile, average_3d_data, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_mask diagnostic_output_quantities_mod, flow_statistics, module_interface, netcdf_interface_mod, palm, radiation_model_mod, read_restart_data_mod, sum_up_3d_data, time_integration write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2019/06/14 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: bugfix: decycling of chemistry species after nesting data transfer, exchange of ghost points and boundary conditions separated for chemical species and SALSA module, nest_chemistry option removed, netcdf variable NF90_NOFILL is used as argument instead of 1 in calls to NF90_DEF_VAR_FILL (chemistry_model_mod, netcdf_interface_mod, pmc_interface_mod, surface_data_output_mod, time_integration) |
| 2019/06/13 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Further modularization of particle code components (lagrangian_particle_model_mod, init_3d_model, module_interface) |
| 2019/06/13 | schwenkel | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Added microphyics scheme morrision_no_rain (bulk_cloud_model_mod) |
| 2019/06/12 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Improve albedo initialization in land-surface model by setting always some default albedo types, in order to be independent on any user settings; Mask topography at boundary grid cells in nesting mass conservation (land_surface_model_mod, pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/06/12 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in albedo initialization, caused crashes in rrtmg calls (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/06/12 | maronga | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: consistent output of time stamps in header and run control for runs with spinup. Commented previous revisions in palm_csd (header, time_integration_spinup, palm_csd_tools, palm_csd_canopy_generator) |
| 2019/06/12 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Synthetic turbulence generator: Revise bias correction of imposed perturbations (correction via volume flow can create instabilities in case the mean volume flow is close to zero); Introduce lower limits in calculation of coefficient matrix, else the calculation may become numerically unstable; Impose perturbations every timestep, even though no new set of perturbations is generated in case dt_stg_call /= dt_3d; Implement a gradual decrease of Reynolds stress and length scales above ABL height (within 1 length scale above ABL depth to 1/10) rather than an abrupt decline; Bugfix in non-nested case: use ABL height for parametrized turbulence; Offline nesting: Rename subroutine for ABL height calculation and make it public; Change top boundary condition for pressure back to Neumann (nesting_offl_mod, parin, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mode, time_integration) |
| 2019/06/06 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Modularization of all lagrangian particle model code components and deleting dvrp code components (Makefile, check_parameters, header, init_3d_model, init_dvrp, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, mod_particle_attributes, module_interface, modules, palm, parin, pmc_particle_interface, read_restart_data_mod, time_integration, write_restart_data_mod) Deleted Files: data_output_dvrp, init_dvrp, lpm, lpm_advec, lpm_boundary_conds, lpm_calc_liquid_water_content, lpm_collision_kernels, lpm_data_output_particles, lpm_droplet_collision, lpm_droplet_condensation, lpm_exchange_horiz, lpm_init, lpm_init_sgs_tke, lpm_merging, lpm_pack_arrays,lpm_read_restart_file, lpm_set_attributes, lpm_splitting,lpm_write_exchange_statistics, lpm_write_restart_file,package_parin, set_slicer_attributes_dvrp, user_data_output_dvrp, user_dvrp_coltab |
| 2019/06/05 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: all reals changed to double precision in order to work with 32-bit working precision, otherwise calculated time intervals would mostly give zero; variable child_domain_nvn eliminated (cpulog_mod, pres) |
| 2019/06/03 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: index bugfix concerning reallocation of particle array (lpm_exchange_horiz) |
| 2019/05/31 | hellstea | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Nest mass conservation correction included (pmc_interface_mod, time_integration) |
| 2019/05/31 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: bugfix for r3998, allocation of 3d temporary arrays of various dimensions revised (read_restart_data_mod) |
| 2019/05/24 | suehring | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: chemistry: perform basic checks only when anthropenic emissions are switched on; virtual flights: allow arbitrary start/end positions also in return mode; bugfix in 2d data output (chemistry_model_mod, module_interface, virtual_flight_mod) |
| 2019/05/24 | Giersch | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: renaming of some test cases, exercises of PALM tutorial added as test cases with empty core list (new cases: dispersion_eulerian_and_lpm_extended, example_neutral, flow_around_cube_cyclic, flow_around_cube_noncyclic, flow_around_cube_precursor, lsm_short; renamed: example_cbl_short to example_cbl, test_oceanml to oceanml) |
| 2019/05/23 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: new module for diagnostic output quantities added + output of turbulence intensity (init_pegrid, Makefile) |
| 2019/05/22 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: new module for diagnostic output quantities added + output of turbulence intensity (average_3d_data, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_mask, diagnostic_output_quantities_mod,netcdf_interface_mod, Makefile, palm, read_restart_data_mod, sum_up_3d_data, time_integration, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2019/05/22 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Rename the USM-internal flag spinup into during_spinup, in order to avoid confusion with global control parameter (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/05/22 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in rrtmg radiation branch in a nested run when the lowest prognistic grid points in a child domain are all inside topography (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/05/22 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: increase maximal number of virtual flights (modules) |
| 2019/05/22 | kanani | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: enable steering of output interval for virtual measurements (Makefile, read_restart_data_mod, time_integration, virtual_measurement_mod, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2019/05/22 | kanani | 6.0 | C, N |
SVN commit message: clean up location, debug and error messages (data_output_2d, data_output_3d, init_3d_model, land_surface_model_mod, message, module_interface, modules, multi_agent_system_mod, nesting_offl_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, parin, pmc_interface_mod, prognostic_equations, radiation_model_mod, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, urban_surface_mod)
| 2019/05/20 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Case statement in gust_rrd_local modifed, redundant integration of control parameters in user_rrd_global removed (gust_mod.f90, user_module.f90) |
| 2019/05/16 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Some cleaning up in pmc_interface_mod, renamings, commenting improvements, etc (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/05/16 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: -b is not added in automatically generated batch jobs for remote hosts (palmrun) |
| 2019/05/15 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in particlel nesting, TKE-gradients at ghost points at non-cyclic boundaries were not initialized (lpm_init, lpm_init_sgs_tke) |
| 2019/05/15 | hellstea | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in nesting interpolation pmci_interp_1sto_sn (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/05/15 | hellstea | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Child initialization extended to the redundant ghost points behind the nest boundaries (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/05/13 | suehring (responsible E.C. Chan) | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Updates from chemistriy branched merged into trunk: code cleaning and formatting, code structure optimizations (cehm_emissions_mode, chem_modules, chemistry_model_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, time_integration) |
| 2019/05/09 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Save binary data of virtual measurements within separate folder (.palm.iofiles, check_open.f90) |
| 2019/05/09 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: remove origin time from time unit; compose origin_time within subroutine netcdf_create_global_atts (netcdf_interface_mod.f90) |
| 2019/05/09 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Add file connection statements for virtual flight data (.palm.iofiles) |
| 2019/05/09 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: In a nested child domain, distinguish between soil moisture and temperature initialization in case the parent domain is initialized via the dynamic input file; in the offline nesting, add a safety factor for the calculation of bulk Richardson number in order to avoid division by zero which can potentially happen if 3D buildings are located directly at the lateral model boundaries (land_surface_model_mod, nesting_offl_mod, pmc_child_mod) |
| 2019/05/08 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfixes in initial settings of child and parent communication patterns (pmc_child_mod, pmc_parent_mod) |
| 2019/05/07 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfixes in palm_csd (palm_csd) |
| 2019/05/06 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: corrected format for date_time_string (netcdf_interface_mod.f90) |
| 2019/05/06 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: set origin_time and starting point of time coordinate according to day_of_year_init and time_utc_init (netcdf_interface_mod.f90) |
| 2019/05/03 | forkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: forgot something in def_salsa+phstat (mechanisms/def_salsa+phstat/salsa+phstat.eqn and mechanisms/def_salsa+phstat/salsa+phstat.spc added) |
| 2019/05/03 | forkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: fix in def_salsa+simple/chem_gasphase_mod.kpp and finaling def_salsa+phstat (mechanisms/def_salsa+simple/chem_gasphase_mod.kpp, mechanisms/def_salsa+simple/chem_gasphase_mod.f90, mechanisms/def_salsa+phstat/chem_gasphase_mod.kpp, mechanisms/def_salsa+phstat/chem_gasphase_mod.f90) |
| 2019/05/03 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: some cleaning up (pmc_interface_mod, pmc_particle_interface) |
| 2019/05/03 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Child-domain size checks extended (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/05/02 | hellstea | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: New checks added for nested setups (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/05/02 | maronga | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: bugfixes in urban surface model; output of greenz roof transpiration added/corrected; minor formatting improvements (data_output_2d, land_surface_model_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, pmc_child_mod, pmc_general_mod, radiation_model_mod, sum_up_3d_data, surface_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/04/30 | kanani | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Fix too short driver attribute lengths, and individualize error messages (netcdf_data_input_mod, netcdf_interface_mod) |
| 2019/04/30 | suehring | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: Move checks for correct dimensions in static input file; improve checks concerning buildings; check whether at least one surface type is set at a natural-type surface element (land_surface_model_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod) |
| 2019/04/29 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Move initialization of STG behind initialization of offline nesting; Bugfix in STG in case of very early restart; calculation of scaling parameters used for parametrization of synthetic turbulence profiles improved; in offline nesting, set boundary value at upper-left and upper-south grid points for u- and v-component, respectively (init_3d_model, nesting_offl_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator) |
| 2019/04/26 | kanani | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Enable time-averaged output of theta_2m* with restarts (read_restart_data_mod, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2019/04/25 | kanani | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Bugfixes and clean-up for output quantity theta_2m* (average_3d_data, check_parameters, land_surface_model_mod, sum_up_3d_data, surface_mod, urban_surface_mod) The main problem was that the output array pt_2m (output quantity theta_2m*) was not initialized causing crash at do2d_at_begin when spinup was disabled. |
| 2019/04/24 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Add missing if statements for call of pmc_set_dataarray_name for TKE and dissipation; minor bugfix for nesting of chemical species (pmc_child_mod, pmc_general_mod, pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/04/24 | forkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: changed subroutine name from chem_non_transport_physics to chem_non_advective_processes (chemistry_model_mod.f90, module_interface.f90) |
| 2019/04/24 | banzhafs | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: Correct/complete module_interface introduction for chemistry model and bug fix in chem_depo subroutine |
| 2019/04/23 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: change dimensions in NetCDF output files of virtual measurements; add output path to namelist (combine_virtual_measurements) |
| 2019/04/23 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: pointer attribute removed from scalar 3d-array for performance reasons (advec_s_pw, advec_s_up, doffusion_s) |
| 2019/04/18 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Disable also green fraction at vertical building walls; update test configuration for urban_environment test case (urban_surface_mod, case_config.yml) |
| 2019/04/18 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: in case of batch jobs on remote machines, copying files from SOURCES_FOR_RUN folder has been rearranged to avoid that input files with original names (e.g. ..._p3d) are copied into the temporary working catalog (palmrun) |
| 2019/04/17 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: In order to obtain correct surface temperature during spinup set window fraction to zero (only during spinup) instead of just disabling time-integration of window-surface temperature. (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/04/17 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix: rotate positions of measurements before writing them into file (virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2019/04/17 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in rotation of UTM coordinates (virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2019/04/16 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: rotate coordinates of stations by given rotation_angle (virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2019/04/16 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Set green-fraction on buildings to zero for now, in order to avoid crashes in the green-heat model (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/04/16 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfixes in initialization and STG (init_3d_model, radiation_model_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator) |
| 2019/04/15 | suehring | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: 2D output of emission fluxes in chemistry; revise check for multigrid coarsening and give a warning instead of an error (chemistry_model_mod, init_pegrid) |
| 2019/04/15 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix, wrong index used for accessing building_pars from PIDS (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/04/12 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in initialization of turbulence generator in case of restart runs and offline nesting (nesting_offl_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod) |
| 2019/04/12 | suehring | 6.0 | N (B) | SVN commit message: Check if grid coarsening is possible on subdomain, in order to avoid that multigrid approach effectively reduces to a Gauss-Seidel scheme. (init_pegrid) |
| 2019/04/12 | hellstea | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix in pmc_handle_communicator_mod (pmc_handle_communicator_mod, pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/04/11 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfixes: uninitialized variable in dry deposition; emission output (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2019/04/11 | kanani | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: restructure/add location/debug messages (biometeorology_mod, bulk_cloud_model_mod, check_parameters, chem_emissions_mod, chemistry_model_mod, cpulog_mod, data_output_2d,data_output_3d, indoor_model_mod, init_3d_model, init_pegrid, land_surface_model_mod, message, module_interface, odules, multi_agent_system_mod, nesting_offl_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, palm, parin, plant_canopy_model_mod,pmc_handle_communicator_mod, pmc_interface_mod, prognostic_equations, radiation_model_mod, salsa_mod, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, time_integration, time_integration_spinup, urban_surface_mod, virtual_flight_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod)
Change: -start---- creating virtual PE grids + MPI derived data types | System time: 13:39:08 -finished- creating virtual PE grids + MPI derived data types | System time: 13:39:08 --- informative message --- ID: PA0505 generated by routine: init_grid Terrain height was internally shifted downwards by 4.00000000000000 meter(s) to save computational resources. Further information can be found at
I have added a time stamp which is interesting for evaluating the required computing time of specific model parts already during the simulation. This might e.g. be useful if the simulation hangs at some point. The informative|warning|error messages are now indented with respect to start|finish location messages. Some of the informative|warning|error messages also require clean-up (especially in the new modules), as they hold information that actually belongs into the HEADER|RUN_CONTROL files.
New: |
| 2019/04/10 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: id_recycling is only calculated in case of tubulent inflow (init_pegrid) |
| 2019/04/10 | hellstea | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Checks and error messages improved and extended. Number of variables renamed etc (pmc_interface_mod, pmc_particle_interface) |
| 2019/04/10 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Move definition of building-surface properties from declaration block to an extra routine; avoid different type kinds (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/04/10 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Make level 3 initialization of urban-surfaces consistent to input data standard; revise flagging of ground-floor level surfaces at buidlings; bugfixes in level 3 initialization of albedo; bugfix in OpenMP directive; check for zero output timestep in surface output; assure that Obukhov lenght does not become zero (land_surface_model_mod, prognostic_equations, radiation_model_mod, surface_data_output_mod, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/04/08 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: More strict limitation of roughness length when it is in the order of the vertical grid spacing (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/04/04 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix in radiation model (rad_lw_out_change_0) (radiation_model_mod.f90) |
| 2019/04/04 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: check added, that it is not allowed to set option -b if the configuration file has been setup for running batch jobs on remote hosts, local time added to terminal output before and after saving output files (palmrun) |
| 2019/04/03 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: comments in radiation model updated, minor bugfix in palm_csd (radiation_model_mod, palm_csd) |
| 2019/04/03 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Avoid local communication in offline nesting when it is not necessary (nesting_offl_mod) |
| 2019/04/03 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in lsm_init in case no surface fractions are provided (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/04/03 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: In projection of non-building 3D objects onto numerical grid remove dependency on building_type (init_grid) |
| 2019/04/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: typo and print statement removed (netcdf_data_input_mod, virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2019/04/02 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: debug configuration for HLRN-IV system added (.palm.config.atosg_debug) |
| 2019/04/01 | forkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: some formatting (chemistry_model_mod.f90) |
| 2019/04/01 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Adjust message-call for checks that are especially carried out locally. (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/04/01 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Check for proper setting of dt_radiation (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/04/01 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in one of the checks (netcdf_data_input_mod) |
| 2019/03/29 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: In VTK postprocessor add suffix to indicate average data in VTK files (UTIL/surface_output_processing/surface_output_to_vtk) |
| 2019/03/28 | forkel | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: some formatting and comments for chem_photolysis_mod.f90 |
| 2019/03/28 | knoop | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Added module_interface for prognostic_equations |
| 2019/03/28 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: default config file for HLRN-IV system in Goettingen added (.palm.config.atosg) |
| 2019/03/28 | kanani | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Formatting, clean-up, clarified/corrected comments (chem_modules) |
| 2019/03/28 | forkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: removed forgotten ,nvar from USE chem_modules |
| 2019/03/28 | forkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: removed USE chem_gasphase_mod from chem_modules, apply USE chem_gasphase for nvar, nspec, cs_mech and spc_names instead (SOURCE: chem_modules.f90, chenmistry_model_mod.f90, multi_agent_system.f90, pmc_interface_mod.f90, prognostic_equations.f90, salsa_mod.f90, surface_layer_fluxes.f90, surface_mod.f90, time_integration.f90, virtual_measurement.f90, Makefile; UTILS/chemistry/gasphase_preproc: kpp4palm/src/create_kpp_module.C, kpp4palm/templates/module_header, all .f90 files in mechanisms/def_*) |
| 2019/03/28 | raasch | 6.0 | N, C | SVN commit message: some routines instrumented with openmp directives, loop reordering for performance optimization (land_surface_model_mod, transpose, urban_surface_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2019/03/28 | forkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: added nvar to USE chem_gasphase_mod - nvar will not be included in chem_modules anymore soon |
| 2019/03/28 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: more uninitialized checks removed in gfortran default options (gfortran_default/build_config.yml) |
| 2019/03/28 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: uninitialized checks removed in gfortran default options (gfortran_default/build_config.yml) |
| 2019/03/27 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: further gfortran warnings activated on testserver, unused variables removed (gfortran_default/build_config.yml, flow_statistics) |
| 2019/03/27 | forkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: some formatting and reordering of lines |
| 2019/03/27 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: unused variable removed (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/03/27 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: warnings will be interpreted as errors from now on in case of gfortran on the testserver (gfortran_default/build_config.yml) |
| 2019/03/27 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Temporary increase of the vertical dimension of the parent-grid arrays and workarrc_t is cancelled as unnecessary (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/03/27 | forkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: renaming of get_mechanismname, do_emiss and do_depo, sorting in chem_modules (chemistry_model_mod.f90, chem_modules.f90, time_integration.f90, prognostic_equations.f90, p3d-files in TESTS/cases/urban_environment(also p3dr), kpp4palm/src/create_kpp_module.C, kpp4palm/templates/module_header, all .f90 files in gasphase_preproc/mechanisms/def_*) |
| 2019/03/27 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Adjustable anterpolation buffer introduced on all nest boundaries (pmc_interface_mod, pmc_handle_communicator_mod) |
| 2019/03/26 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Correct output coordinates for vertical surface-element data (surface_data_output_mod) |
| 2019/03/21 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: bugfix: intent of dummy arguments changed to inout, additional check for lateral boundary conditions added (module_interface, parin) |
| 2019/03/20 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: output format adjusted, unused variable removed (spectra_mod, surface_output_to_vtk) |
| 2019/03/19 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Nesting anterpolation domain height reduced (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/03/17 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: unused variables removed, unused subroutines commented out, type conversion added to avoid compiler warning about constant integer division truncation, script document_changes made bash compatible (random_function_mod, urban_surface_mod, vertical_nesting_mod, inifor_grid, document_changes) |
| 2019/03/15 | forkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: added leading blanks to dummy statements (kpp4palm/bin/kpp4palm.ksh, and consequently all mechanisms/def_*/*.f90 and chem_gasphase_mod.f90) |
| 2019/03/15 | forkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: editing in kpp4palm: add statements for avoiding unused variables, remove $Id (all .C and .h files in kpp4palm/src, and consequently all mechanisms/def_*/*.f90 and chem_gasphase_mod.f90) |
| 2019/03/15 | hellstea | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: A bug fixed in lateral boundary interpolations (pmc_interface) |
| 2019/03/15 | forkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Modifications for OpenMP version by Klaus Ketelsen (prognostic_equations.f90, create_kpp_module.C, fortran_file.C) |
| 2019/03/15 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: unused variables removed (pmc_interface) |
| 2019/03/15 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for suffix setting in utility makefile (Makefile_utilities) |
| 2019/03/14 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Interpolations improved. Large number of obsolete subroutines removed. All unused variables removed. (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/03/08 | forkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Removed unused variables from chem_gasphase_mod.f90 (create_kpp_module.C, expand_decomp.C, fortran_file.C, fortran_file_vec.C, initialize_kpp_ctrl_template.f90, and consequently all mechanisms/def_*/*.f90 and chem_gasphase_mod.f90) |
| 2019/03/07 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: unused variables removed (salsa_mod, surface_layer_fluxes_mod) |
| 2019/03/06 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: unused variables removed, interoperable C datatypes introduced in particle type to avoid compiler warnings (bulk_cloud_model_mod, indoor_model_mod, land_surface_model_mod, mod_particle_attributes) |
| 2019/03/05 | forkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: read from unit 10 now also removed from subroutine chem_header (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2019/03/05 | forkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Removed forgotten write statements an some of the unused variables (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2019/03/05 | forkel | 6.0 | C |
SVN commit message: removed read from unit 10 in chemistry_model_mod.f90, added get_mechanismname (chemistry_model_mod, chem_modules, modifications in kpp4palm for altering chem_gasphase_mod) |
| 2019/03/04 | Salim | 6.0 | B,C | SVN commit message: rephrase if statement to avoid unallocated array in case of nesting_offline is false (crashing during debug mode) |
| 2019/03/01 | maronga | 6.0 | B,C | SVN commit message: added output of theta_2m_av and minor revisions in palm_csd (palm_csd, palm_csd_canopy_generator, palm_csd_tools, average_3d_data, sum_up_3d_data) |
| 2019/02/28 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Assure that emissions are only at natural (pavement) surfaces in case of parametrized emission mode, not on urban surfaces (chem_emissions_mod, surface_mod) |
| 2019/02/28 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: rrtmg preprocessor for directives moved/added, save attribute added to temporary pointers to avoid compiler warnings about outlived pointer targets, statement added to avoid compiler warning about unused variable (prognostic_equations, radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/02/27 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: variables commented out + statement added to avoid compiler warnings about unused variables (exchange_horiz_2d, user_data_output_dvrp, user_data_output_mask, user_dvrp_coltab, user_flight, user_init_3d_model, user_init_flight, user_init_grid, user_init_plant_canopy, user_init_radiation, user_init_urban_surface, user_lpm_advec, user_lpm_init, user_lpm_set_attributes, user_module, user_spectra) |
| 2019/02/27 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: unused variables removed from rrd-subroutines parameter list (bulk_cloud_model_mod, chemistry_model_mod, gust_mod, land_surface_model_mod, module_interface, ocean_mod, radiation_model_mod, read_restart_data_mod, salsa_mod, surface_mod, urban_surface_mod, user_module) |
| 2019/02/26 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: unused_variables removed, bugfix in im_define_netcdf_grid argument list, trim added to avoid truncation compiler warnings, save attribute added to local targets to avoid outlive pointer target warning, first argument removed from module_interface_rrd_*, file module_interface reformatted with respect to coding standards, bugfix in surface_data_output_rrd_local (variable k removed) (check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, init_masks, module_interface, multi_agent_system_mod, netcdf_interface_mod, read_restart_data_mod, surface_data_output_mod, time_integration_spinup, user_init_land_surface, virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2019/02/25 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Replace work-around for ghost point exchange of 1-byte arrays with specific subroutine (init_grid) |
| 2019/02/25 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: remove unused variables in surface_data_output_mod and use compiler diretives to declare variables only if netcdf4-output is used (module_interface_mod, surface_data_output_mod) |
| 2019/02/25 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: unused variables removed, OpenACC directives re-formatted, statements added to avoid compiler warnings (advec_s_bc, check_parameters, diffusion_s, disturb_heatflux, exchange_horiz, exchange_horiz_2d, header, init_3d_model, init_grid, init_pegrid, palm, plant_canopy_model_mod, pmc_child_mod, prognostic_equations, set_slicer_attributes_dvrp, singleton_mod, sum_up_3d_data, surface_mod, swap_timelevel, time_integration, tridia_solver_mod) |
| 2019/02/21 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Indoor model: provide total building volume; several bugfixes; calculation of building height in IM revised (indoor_model_mod) |
| 2019/02/19 | kanani | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: Bugfixes for calculation and I/O of view factors (radiation_model_mod)
| 2019/02/19 | dom_dwd_user | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: biometeorology_mod.f90: (C) Added automatic setting of mrt_nlevels in case it was not part of radiation_parameters namelist (or set to 0 accidentially). (C) Minor speed improvoemnts in perceived temperature calculations. (C) Perceived temperature regression arrays now declared as PARAMETERs. |
| 2019/02/19 | dom_dwd_user | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: biometeorology_mod.f90: (C) Fixed several ugly/bad style issues. Now compiles with -Wall and -pedantic without errors or notices. |
| 2019/02/19 | dom_dwd_user | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: biometeorology_mod.f90: (B) Added addittional safety meassures to bio_calculate_thermal_index_maps. (B) Replaced several REAL (un-)equality comparisons. |
| 2019/02/18 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Revise conversion of waste-heat flux (do not divide by air density, will be done in diffusion_s) |
| 2019/02/16 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: set user-defined statistic regions within new routine user_init_arrays and initialize rmask before this routine is called. This ensures that the correct number of grid points is calculated for each statistic region within init_3d_model. (init_3d_model, module_interface, user_module) bugfix: update former revisions section (modules, parin) |
| 2019/02/16 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: do not overwrite name of statistic regions set by namelist (modules, parin) |
| 2019/02/15 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C, N | SVN commit message: Coupling of indoor model to atmosphere; output of indoor temperatures and waste heat; enable restarts with indoor model; bugfix plant transpiration; bugfix - missing calculation of 10cm temperature (indoor_model_mod, Makefile, module_interface_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, netcdf_interface_mod, plant_canopy_mod, surface_data_output_mod, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, surface_mod time_integration, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/02/14 | dom_dwd_user | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: biometeorology_mod.f90: (C) Allocation of the input _av grids was moved to the "sum" section of bio_3d_data_averaging to make sure averaging is only done once! (B) Moved call of bio_calculate_thermal_index_maps from biometeorology module to time_integration (ll 1712) to make sure averaged input is updated before calculating. time_integration.f90: (B) Moved call of bio_calculate_thermal_index_maps from biometeorology module to time_integration (ll 1712) to make sure averaged input is updated before calculating. (biometeorology_mod, time_integration) |
| 2019/02/13 | hellstea | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in nest initialization and interpolations (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/02/13 | dom_dwd_user | 6.0 | B |
SVN commit message: biometeorology_mod.f90:
(B) Added safety-meassure to catch the case that 'bio_mrt_av' is stated after 'bio_ |
| 2019/02/13 | dom_dwd_user | 6.0 | C |
SVN commit message: biometeorology_mod.f90:
(N) Auto-adjusting thermal_comfort flag if not set by user, but thermal_indices set as output quantities.
(C) Renamed flags "bio_ |
| 2019/02/12 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Enable initialization of chemistry variables via dynamic input file; enable mesoscale offline nesting of chemistry variables if data is in dynamic input file (chemistry_model_mod, Makefile, nesting_offl_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod) |
| 2019/02/12 | dom_dwd_user | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: biometeorology_mod.f90: (N) Fixed auto-setting of thermal index calculation flags by output as originally proposed by resler. (C) removed bio_pet and outher configuration variables. (C) Updated namelist. (B) Forcing initialization of tmrt_av_grid to avoid mysterious mrt values at i==0, j==0 module_interface_mod.f90: (C) Receiving parameter j (averaging 0==.F./1==.T.) in module_interface_check_data_output from check_parameters.f90. (C) Passing j to bio_check_parameters. check_parameters.f90: (C) Passing j to module_interface_check_data_output (biometeorology_mod, module_interface) |
| 2019/02/11 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Consider restart data in time-averaged surface output; revise error message; split initialization of surface-output module (module_interface, surface_data_output_mod) |
| 2019/02/08 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: initialize return values to ensure they are set before returning (routine define_geo_coordinates); change order of dimensions for some variables (netcdf_interface_mod) |
| 2019/02/08 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: add missing cpp option to encapsule netcdf commands (surface_data_output_mod) |
| 2019/02/08 | gronemeier | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: New: surface output available in NetCDF format (Makefile, netcdf_interface_mod, surface_data_output_mod) |
| 2019/02/07 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfixes in palm_csd (palm_csd, palm_csd_tools) |
| 2019/02/07 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: modifications to avoid compiler warnings about unused variables, temperton-fft: GOTO statements replaced, file re-formatted corresponding to coding standards, ssh-calls for compilations on remote systems modified to avoid output of login messages on specific systems changed again (palmbuild, reverted as before r3549), error messages for failed restarts extended (palmrun) (buoyancy, data_log, gust_mod, poismg_mod, temperton_fft_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod, palmbuild, palmrun) |
| 2019/02/06 | kanani | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Correct double-used log_point_s units (bulk_cloud_model_mod, time_integration, turbulence_closure_mod) |
| 2019/02/06 | kanani | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Correct and clean-up cpu_logs, some overlapping counts (chemistry_model_mod, disturb_heatflux, large_scale_forcing_nudging_mod, ocean_mod, palm, prognostic_equations, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, time_integration, time_integration_spinup, turbulence_closure_mod) |
| 2019/02/06 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Adjust variable name connections between UC2 and chemistry variables (virtual_measurements_mod) |
| 2019/02/05 | suehring | 6.0 | B, N | SVN commit message: Bugfix, do not set boundary conditions for pt in neutral runs; enable checks + additional checks for virtual measurements (boundary_conds, module_interface, virtual_measurements_mod) |
| 2019/02/04 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Revise check for saturation moisture (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/02/01 | kanani | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Formatting and clean-up (urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/01/31 | knoop | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Introduced module_interface_init_checks for post-init checks |
| 2019/01/30 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Check if building-, water-, pavement-, vegetation- and soil types are within a valid range (land_surface_model_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2019/01/30 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Undo bad commit in chemistry preprocessor (accidantly deleted files). (UTIL/chemistry) |
| 2019/01/30 | hellstea | 6.0 | N, C | SVN commit message: Checks for parent / child grid line matching introduced (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/01/29 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: unused variables removed (virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2019/01/29 | suehring | 6.0 | N, C | SVN commit message: Revision of virtual-measurement module and data output enabled. Further, post-processing tool added to merge distributed virtually sampled data and to output it into NetCDF files. (.palm.iofiles, check_open, module_interface, nesting_offl_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, radiation_model_mod, time_integration, urban_surface_mod, virtual_measurement_mod, UTIL/combine_virtual_measurements) |
| 2019/01/26 | knoop | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Added module switch for user_module. User module is enabled as soon as the user_parameters namelist is found. |
| 2019/01/26 | knoop | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Moved user_define_netdf_grid into user_module.f90 Added module interface for the definition of additional timeseries |
| 2019/01/24 | hellstea | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix in child initialization in pmc_interface_mod (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/01/24 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in degrading the order of the advection scheme at non-cyclic lateral domain boundaries (advec_ws) |
| 2019/01/23 | knoop | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Added palmtest build setup and testcase for CUDA-aware-MPI. |
| 2019/01/23 | knoop | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Bugfix: moved OpenACC specific cpp #endif , so cpu_log call is not affected. |
| 2019/01/23 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Add check for soil moisture higher than its saturation value (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2019/01/23 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Add output of surface-parallel flow speed (surface_output_mod) |
| 2019/01/22 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfixes in palm_csd (palm_csd) |
| 2019/01/18 | hellstea | 6.0 | B,C,N | SVN commit message: Major update of pmc_interface_mod (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2019/01/14 | maronga | 6.0 | B,C | SVN commit message: removed most_methods circular and lookup. added improved version of palm_csd (.csd.config.default, palm_csd, palm_csd_canopy_generator, palm_csd_netcdf_interface, palm_csd_tools, check_parameters, land_surface_model_mod, modules, parin, read_restart_data, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2019/01/10 | schwenkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Modified rrtmg input files check (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2019/01/10 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: dummy statements added to avoid compiler warnings about unused variables, unused variables removed, ssh-call for submitting batch jobs on remote systems modified again to avoid output of login messages on specific systems (advec_s_pw, advec_s_up, data_output_mask, date_and_time_mod, gust_mod, init_masks, multi_agent_system_mod, netcdf_interface_mod, virtual_measurement_mod, palmrun) |
| 2019/01/09 | forkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Replaced misplaced location message by @todo (in chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2019/01/08 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Split loops in advec_ws in order to reduce bit queries; Introduce new parameter to better control order degradation of advection scheme at non-cyclic boundaries; Remove setting of Neumann conditions for horizontal velocity variances; Minor bugfix in divergence correction in advection scheme (only has implications at downward-facing wall surfaces) (advec_ws, init_grid) |
| 2019/01/07 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Disable misplaced location message in chemistry_model_mod (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2019/01/07 | forkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: parameter chem_mechanism added to &chemistry_parameters (adapted urban_environment_p3d and urban_environment_restart_p3dr to parameter check from rev 3652) |
| 2019/01/07 | forkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Checks added for chemistry mechanism, parameter chem_mechanism added (in chemistry_model_mod and chem_modules) |
| 2019/01/07 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix, restore OMP END PARALLEL block (accidantly remove in -r 3637) (flow_statistics) |
| 2019/01/04 | kanani | 6.0 | B, N | SVN commit message: Bugfix/additions to enable restarts with biometeorology (biometeorology_mod, module_interface) |
| 2019/01/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix, initialize strings with intent(out) attribute, delete debug prints (module_interface, parin) |
| 2019/01/02 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Rename surface_output_mod into surface_data_output_mod, same with all corresponding subroutines (init_3d_model, Makefile, modules, module_interface, palm, surface_data_output_mod, time_integration) |
| 2019/01/02 | kanani | 6.0 | B, C |
SVN commit message: Bugfix: add time_since_reference_point to IF clause for data_output calls (time_integration) (time_integration)
The query time_since_reference_point >= skip_time_* had to be added to the IF clauses around calls to data_output_* routines, otherwise the chosen values for skip_time_* parameters don't come into affect in case namelist parameters dt_do* = 0.0 (see ticket:798). Change: Clean up indoor_model and biometeorology model calls. |