Version 553 (modified by suehring, 5 years ago) (diff) |
PALM source code change log
Current revision:
Current fixed release: 6.0 (r3477)
The following table documents all changes to the PALM repository since 2020.
Previous changes:
Please follow the rules for developers when carrying out source code changes!
Entries in the fifth column specify the type of the change: change of existing code (C), new code (N) or bugfix (B). More detailed information about the changes may sometimes be found in the header comment lines of the respectively changed routines.
svn Revision | Date (YYYY/MM/DD) | Author | PALM version | Type | Description |
| 2020/07/14 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Synthetic turbulence generator: Bugfix in initialization from ASCII file - x-length scales at the bottom boundary were not initialized properly (synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod) |
| 2020/07/14 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Bugfix in level 3 initialization of pavements - wrongly assumed existence of pavement_subsurface_pars; Add missing initialization of albedo type with values given from static input file (so far albedo type was only initialized via the values given in the *_pars lists) (land_surface_model_mod, urban_surface_model_mod) |
| 2020/07/14 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Chemistry: Bugfix in variable name separation in profile-output initialization; Bugfix in counting the number of chemistry profiles; Surface-data output: Minor simplification in name creation for IO variables in restart files; init_grid: minor formatting adjustments (chemistry_model_mod, init_grid, surface_data_output_mod) |
| 2020/07/13 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: adjustmens for mpi-io - surface data is transformed to a 2D-based surface array before writing; bugfix in counting of surface elements; bugfix in data-output of averaged surface data in case of restarts (surface_data_output_mod) |
| 2010/02/02 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: set no-fill mode per variable (data_output_netcdf4_module.f90) |
| 2020/07/10 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Revise and bugfix surface-element mapping and 3D soil array in mpi-io restart branch (restart_data_mpi_io_mod, surface_mod) |
| 2020/07/09 | gronemeier | 6.0 | N, C, B | Summary:
| 2020/07/09 | suehring | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: Surface flux calculation: Pre-calculate ln(z/z0) at each timestep in order to reduce the number of log-calculations; Bugfix - add missing density to fluxes of passive-scalars, chemistry and cloud-phyiscal quantities at upward-facing surfaces; Move if-statement out of inner loop; Remove unnecessary index referencing (surface_layer_fluxes_mod, surface_mod) |
| 2020/07/08 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (random_function_mod, random_gauss, random_generator_parallel_mod) |
| 2020/07/06 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (restart_data_mpi_io_mod, run_control, shared_memory_io_mod, singleton_mod, sor, spectra_mod, subsidence_mod, sum_up_3d_data) |
| 2020/07/06 | suehring | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: Biomet: Enable restart via mpi-IO; Restart: Bugfix in allocation of hom and hom_sum in case of mpi-io restart when chemistry or salsa are employed (biometeorology_mod, module_interface, read_restart_data_mod) |
| 2020/07/06 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Simplify particle-speed interpolation in logarithmic layer (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2020/07/01 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: renamed Richardson flux number into gradient Richardson number (model_1d_mod.f90, turbulence_closure_mod.f90, header.f90, surface_mod.f90) and zeta (header.f90); do not add whitespaces at current-revision section (document_changes) |
| 2020/06/30 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Limit logarithmically interpolated particle speed to the velocity component at the first prognostic grid point (since no stability corrected interpolation is employed the particle speed could be overestimated in unstable conditions violating the CFL restriction made for particle speeds) (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2020/06/29 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (data_output_tseries, diagnostic_output_quantities_mod, diffusion_s, diffusion_u, diffusion_v, diffusion_w, disturb_field) |
| 2020/06/29 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C, N | SVN commit message: mesoscale nesting: omit explicit pressure forcing via geostrophic wind components; chemistry: enable profile output of vertical fluxes; urban-surface: bugfix in initialization in case of cyclic_fill (advec_ws, chem_modules, chemistry_model_mod, flow_statistics, land_surface_model_mod, modules, nesting_offl_mod, time_integration, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2020/06/29 | raasch | 6.0 | B, N | SVN commit message: bugfix for aborts in case of nested runs, data handling with MPI-IO for cyclic-fill added (so far only for global data) (message, read_restart_data_mod) |
| 2020/06/25 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: corrected formatting to follow PALM coding standard (data_output_module, data_output_binary_module, data_output_netcdf4_module) |
| 2020/06/25 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: message.f90: - bugfix : do not save input values from last call of routines debug_message and location_message - changes: layout changes according to PALM coding standards time_integration.f90: - bugfix: removed unused variables |
| 2020/06/25 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: further re-formatting to follow the PALM coding standard (biometeorology_mod, bulk_cloud_model_mod, check_open, chem_modules, chem_photolysis_mod, chemistry_model_mod, cpulog_mod, data_output_binary_module, data_output_module, data_output_netcdf4_module, data_output_profiles, data_output_spectra, surface_data_output_mod) |
| 2020/06/24 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: pt_surface_heating_rate: calculate pt(0) incrementally by using dt_3d instead of calculating it absolutely by using time_since_reference_point, because time_since_reference_point is set to zero for initializing_actions = 'cyclic_fill', add statement for pt_surface_heating_rate in header.f90 (header.f90, time_integration.f90) |
| 2020/06/24 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Revise description of rotation_angle (modules.f90) |
| 2020/06/24 | sebschub | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in vertical lad_s coordinate in radiation_model_mod |
| 2020/06/24 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: update HLRN config: unload default netCDF module to prevent conflicts with (.palm.config.atos[b|g], .palm.config.atos[b|g]_debug) |
| 2020/06/19 | eckhard | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Removed unused variable (inifor_io) |
| 2020/06/19 | eckhard | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Handle COSMO soil data with and without additional surface temperature (inifor_defs, inifor_grid, inifor_, inifor_io, inifor_types, inifor_util) |
| 2020/06/19 | eckhard | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Don't let 'clean' remove code files if BIN_PATH is set to tests directory (inifor/tests) |
| 2020/06/16 | suehring | 6.0 | N, C | SVN commit message: synthetic turbulence generator: revise parametrization for reynolds-stress components, turbulent length- and time scales; revise computation of velocity disturbances to be consistent to Xie and Castro (2008); change default value of time interval to adjust turbulence parametrization; bugfix in computation of amplitude-tensor (vertical flux of horizontal momentum) (synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod) |
| 2020/06/15 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: added new surface temperature forcing method for bc_pt_b = 'dirichlet': surface temperature pt(0) can be linearly increased by pt_surface_heating_rate (in K/h) (check_parameters, modules, parin, time_integration,) |
| 2020/06/12 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Vertical nesting method of Huq et al. (2019) removed (Makefile, check_parameters, init_coupling, init_grid, init_pegrid, local_stop, nesting_offl_mod, parin, read_restart_data_mod, time_integration, timestep, write_restart_data_mod, removed: vertical_nesting_mod) |
| 2020/06/12 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (check_parameters, surfaces_layer_fluxes_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod) |
| 2020/06/12 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: mesoscale nesting: Adapt mass-flux correction also for the anelastic approximation (nesting_offl_mod) |
| 2020/06/11 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in calculation of vertical momentum and scalar fluxes (diagnostic_output_quantities_mod) |
| 2020/06/11 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (check_parameters, chem_emissions_mod, chem_modules, chem_photolysis_mod, chemistry_model_mod, close_file, compute_vpt, coriolis, cpulog_mod, cuda_fft_interfaces, data_log, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_binary_module, data_output_flight, data_output_mask, surface_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, temperton_fft_mod) |
| 2020/06/10 | moh.hefny | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in RTM output average quantities |
| 2020/06/10 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION replaced by MPI_REAL (vdi_internal_controls) |
| 2020/06/08 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for determining the ssh-key givn in the configuration file (palmbuild) |
| 2020/06/04 | eckhard | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Resolve PyYAML deprecation warning. PyYAML raises the warning: palmtest:685: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details. This commit adds the SafeLoader as recommended on (palmtest) |
| 2020/06/03 | eckhard | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Fixed domain extend check, readablity and documentation improvements (inifor_defs, inifor_grid, inifor_io, inifor_transform, inifor_types) |
| 2020/06/02 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in summation for statistical regions (flow_statistics) |
| 2020/05/29 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for reading local restart data (chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2020/05/29 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for r4539: values for min/max/rms stored in separate arrays (cpulog_mod) |
| 2020/05/27 | moh.hefny | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: surface data module: new surface data (albedo and emissivity) |
| 2020/05/24 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Variables iran and iran_part completely removed, added I/O of parallel random numbers to restart file, file re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (check_open, lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2020/05/22 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Add gaussian random number generator to parallel random generator and using parallel random number in lpm (lagrangian_particle_model_mod, random_generator_parallel_mod) |
| 2020/05/21 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: conc_av changed from pointer to allocatable array, array spec_conc_av removed (chem_modules, chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2020/05/20 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Remove non-required check for canyon height (init_grid) |
| 2020/05/19 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard, redundant if statement removed (bulk_cloud_model_mod, buoyancy, calc_mean_profile, check_for_restart, chemistry_model_mod) |
| 2020/05/18 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (biometeorology_mod, time_integration_spinup, time_to_string, timestep, timestep_scheme_steering, transpose) |
| 2020/05/18 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: checks added, if index limits in header are exceeded (restart_data_mpi_io_mod), bugfix in rrd_mpi_io_int_2d, location and log_point names added/modified, cpu time per grid point and timestep does not included initialization and spinup any more (cpulog_mod) (cpulog_mod, palm, read_restart_data_mod, restart_data_mpi_io_mod) |
| 2020/05/18 | eckhard | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: inifor: Fix issue where --elevation/-z option was ignored, make it mandatory (inifor_defs, inifor_grid, inifor_io, inifor_types) |
| 2020/05/18 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: reset n_turbines_max to 1E4 (10 000), because it was set to 1 000 in r4497 by mistake (wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2020/05/17 | raasch | 6.0 | N, C, B | SVN commit message: messages and debug output converted to PALM routines (restart_data_mpi_io_mod), binary version number set to 5.0, heeader output for restart data format added, restart data filesize and I/O transfer speed added in cpu_measures, handling of single restart files (created with MPI-I/O) added to palmrun, bugfix: preprocessor directive adjusted (virtual_measurement_mod), location message format changed (cpulog_mod, header, message, read_restart_data_mod, restart_data_mpi_io_mod, virtual_measurement_mod, write_restart_data_mod, palmrun) |
| 2020/05/15 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for restart data format query (biometeorology_mod, bulk_cloud_model_mod, check_parameters, chemistry_model_mod, diagnostic_output_quantities_mod, gust_mod, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, land_surface_model_mod, ocean_mod, palm, parin, plant_canopy_model_mod, radiation_model_mod, salsa_mod, surface_data_output_mod, surface_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, urban_surface_mod, user_module, virtual_flight_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2020/05/14 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: I/O on reduced number of cores added (using shared memory MPI) (Makefile, check_parameters, land_surface_model_mod, read_restart_data_mod, restart_data_mpi_io_mod, new: shared_memory_io_mod) |
| 2020/05/14 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Calculate mean droplet radius assuming gamma distibution for condensation (bulk_cloud_model) |
| 2020/05/12 | moh.hefny | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: New features in coupling RTM-radiation model: consider PC-LW interactions, consider PC emiss. in the effective urban emiss., new algorithm for better performance, minor formatting changes |
| 2020/05/11 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: added wind_turbine_parameters-namelist parameter smearing_kernel_size (wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2020/05/11 | monakurppa | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: salsa_mod: bug fixes in salsa_wrd_global, salsa_check_data_output and TEST/cases/urban_environment_salsa (salsa_mod, TEST/cases/urban_environment_salsa) |
| 2020/05/11 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: added files for NREL 5MW and 15MW reference wind turbines (trunk/DATA) |
| 2020/05/10 | raasch | 6.0 | N, B | SVN commit message: salsa: added reading/writing of global restart data + reading/writing restart data with MPI-IO, bugfix for MPI-IO in plant_canopy_model_mod, tutorial user-interface dispersion_eularian_and_lpm_extended updated (Makefile, module_interface, plant_canopy_model_mod, salsa_mod, dispersion_eulerian_and_lpm_extended/USER_CODE/user_module.f90) |
| 2020/05/07 | eckhard | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: fixed constant-density pressure extrapolation, respect integer working precision (inifor, inifor_control, inifor_defs, inifor_grid, inifor_io, inifor_transform, inifor_types, inifor_util) |
| 2020/05/06 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: user_init_flight modularized and renamed to user_init_flight_mod (Makefile, user_init_flight, virtual_flight_mod) |
| 2020/05/06 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: add error number (bulk_cloud_model, compute_vpt, flow_statistics, init_masks, surface_mode, time_integration) |
| 2020/05/06 | schwenkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: add error number (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2020/05/05 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Add missing computation of passive scalar scaling parameter (surface_layer_fluxes_mod) |
| 2020/05/04 | suehring | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: Diagnostic output: Define arrays over ghost points in order to allow for standard mpi-io treatment. By this modularization of restart-data input is possible with the module interface. Move input of restart data to doq_rrd_local. Enable mpi-io for restart data. Bugfix: add missing restart input of wtheta_av, wq_av, wu_av, and wv_av. (Makefile, data_output_2d, diagnostic_output_quantities, module_interface, read_restart_data_mod) |
| 2020/05/03 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: added restart with MPI-IO for reading local arrays (Makefile, biometeorology_mod, bulk_cloud_model_mod, chemistry_model_mod, diagnostic_output_quantities_mod, dynamics_mod, gust_mod, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, land_surface_model_mod, module_interface, ocean_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod, radiation_model_mod, read_restart_data_mod, surface_data_output_mod, surface_mod, urban_surface_mod, user_module) |
| 2020/04/30 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Rename error number again since this was recently given in -r 4511 (plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2020/04/30 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C, N | SVN commit message: Bugfix in plant-canopy model for output of averaged transpiration rate after a restart; Revise check for output for plant heating rate and rename error message number; Surface-data output: enable output of mixing ratio and passive scalar concentration at the surface; Surface-data input: Add possibility to prescribe surface sensible and latent heat fluxes via static input file (average_3d_data, check_parameters, data_output_2d, init_3d_model, module_interface, modules, plant_canopy_model_mod, read_restart_data_mod, sum_up_3d_data, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2020/04/30 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: dependencies from chemistry modules updated (Makefile, check_parameters) |
| 2020/04/30 | monakurppa | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bug fix in salsa_mod: segmentation fault in initialising chemical components when all possible chemical components were used |
| 2020/04/30 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: chemistry decycling replaced by explicit setting of lateral boundary conditions (check_parameters, chem_modules. chemistry_model_mod, time_integration) |
| 2020/04/29 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (tridia_solver_mod, turbulence_closure_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2020/04/26 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (advec_w_up, advec_ws, average_3d_data, basic_constants_and_equations_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2020/04/24 | raasch | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: salsa decycling replaced by explicit setting of lateral boundary conditions (Makefile, pmc_interface_mod, salsa_mod, time_integration, urban_environment_salsa_p3d,, |
| 2020/04/22 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B, C |
SVN commit message:
| 2020/04/21 | schwenkel | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Use magnus formula for liquid water temperature (bulk_cloud_model) |
| 2020/04/20 | schwenkel | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Add flag for saturation check (dynamics_mod, modules, parin) |
| 2020/04/20 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: file re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard, hint for setting rmask arrays added (virtual_measurements_mod, user_module) |
| 2020/04/17 | schwenkel | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Implementation of ice microphysics (advec_s_bc, advec_ws, basic_constants_and_equations, bulk_cloud_model, compute_vpt, flow_statistics, init_masks, modules, netcdf_interface_mod, surface_data_output, surface_mod, time_integration) |
| 2020/04/17 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Surface output: correct output of ground/wall-heat flux at USM surfaces; add conversion factor to heat- and momentum-flux outputs; data_output_2d: Unify output conversion of sensible and latent heat flux; data-output module: avoid uninitialized variables; restart_data_mpi_io: fix overlong lines (data_output_2d, data_output_module, restart_data_mpi_io_mod, surface_data_output_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2020/04/16 | eckhard | 6.0 | B, N | SVN commit message: bugfix for explicit loop in 'reverse' subroutine, updated test suite (inifor_defs, inifor_util, test-reverse-even, test-reverse-odd, test-stretching) |
| 2020/04/15 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: bugfix for creation of filetypes, argument removed from rd_mpi_io_open, files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (read_restart_data_mod, restart_data_mpi_io_mod, user_data_output_mask, user_flight, user_init_3d_model, user_init_flight; user_init_grid, virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2020/04/15 | raasch | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: last bugfix deactivated because of compile problems, files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (restart_data_mpi_io_mod, user_init_land_surface, user_init_plant_canopy, user_init_radiation, user_init_urban_surface, user_lpm_advec, user_lpm_init, user_module, user_spectra, vdi_internal_controls, virtual_flight_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2020/04/15 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfixes for restart with MPI-IO: problem with posix read arguments for surface data fixed, MPI barrier removed, coupling character added to restart input and output filename (palm, read_restart_data_mod, restart_data_mpi_io_mod) |
| 2020/04/13 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: restart data handling with MPI-IO added, first part (Makefile, biometeorology_mod, bulk_cloud_model_mod, check_parameters, dynamics_mod, gust_mod, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, land_surface_model_mod, module_interface, modules, ocean_mod, palm, parin, plant_canopy_model_mod, radiation_model_mod, read_restart_data_mod, surface_data_output_mod, surface_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, turbulence_closure_mod, urban_surface_mod, user_module, virtual_flight_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod, write_restart_data_mod, New: posix_interface_mod, restart_data_mpi_io_mod) |
| 2020/04/11 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: some test case results updated to match last commit (result files for urban_environment_... test cases) ATTENTION: r4493 updated the radiation- and urban surface model and significantly affected the respective model results. |
| 2020/04/10 | pavelkrc | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Merge brach resler (Makefile, biometeorology_mod, check_parameters, init_3d_model, radiation_model_mod, urban_surface_mod) Avoid unstable direct normal radiation near horizon (radiation_model_mod). Remove reading of deprecated input parameters c_surface and lambda_surf, and calculate them from parameters of the outer wall/roof layer (urban_surface_mod). |
| 2020/04/10 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix in palm_csd (palm_csd) |
| 2020/04/04 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (wrd_write_string, write_restart_data_mod) |
| 2020/04/03 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: files re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard (advec_s_bc - advec_w_pw) |
| 2020/04/03 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for subroutine calls that contain the decycle_chem and decycle_salsa switches as arguments (chemistry_model_mod, salsa_mod, |
| 2020/04/02 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: 1.5-order-dai SGS schema modified for use with topography (turbulence_closure_mod) |
| 2020/04/01 | maronga | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: added functionality to create new jobs and delete multiple files in palmrungui (palmrungui) |
| 2020/03/31 | maronga | 6.0 | B,C | SVN commit message: Bugfix for copyright updates in document_changes; copyright update applied to all files (document_changes, all files that required copyright update) |
| 2020/03/31 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: module load command in config files revised for intel and intel mpi compiler (.palm.config.atosb, .palm.config.atosb_debug, .palm.config.atosg, .palm.config.atosg_debug) |
| 2020/03/30 | monakurppa | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: salsa_mod.f90: bug fix to the previous commit + according update of the test case (salsa_mod.f90) |
| 2020/03/27 | monakurppa | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bug fixes in salsa_mod.f90 and update of urban_environment_salsa (salsa_mod.f90) |
| 2020/03/27 | maronga | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: added a modified Deardorff subgrid-scale model (turbulence_closure_mod, modules) The Deardorff 1.5-order closure scheme was modified after Dai et al. (2020) and can now optionally be used. See turbulence_closure. |
| 2020/03/26 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: bugfixes/changes to INIFOR:
| 2020/03/26 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for correct usage of alternative communicators in case of 1d-decompositions and in non-parallel mode (exchange_horiz_mod) |
| 2020/03/25 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: revised naming of mixing length and some further cleaning of mixing-length calculation (turbulence_closure_mod, header, modules) The changes do not lead to any differences within the simulation results but lead to a re-definition of the grid-size based threshold for the mixing length (Delta). Eq. 14 and 15 from Maronga et al. (2015) change so that (Delta) is now defined as Delta = MIN( 1.8z, (dx*dy*dz)1/3 ). |
| 2020/03/24 | schwenkel | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in lpm_droplet_interactions_ptq (lagrangian_particle_model_mod) |
| 2020/03/24 | maronga | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: funtionality improvements in palmrungui (palmrungui, palmrungui_files/mainwindow.ui, palmrungui_files/about.ui, palmrungui_files/history.ui) |
| 2020/03/23 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: bugfix for last commit in openacc branch; some loop bounds revised (only to be consistent with cache version, no effect on solution); setting of nzb_max_l for advection of the w-component revised (no effect on the solution) (advec_ws) |
| 2020/03/20 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: cleanup for last wind turbine model commit (wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2020/03/20 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Vector branch in advec_ws optimized, symmetric boundary conditions implemented in vector branch (advec_ws, Makefile, time_integration) |
| 2020/03/20 | maronga | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: added output of rotor and tower diameters and removed ASCII output in wind turbine model (wind_turbine_model_mod, .palm.iofiles) |
| 2020/03/17 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Reset last change (r4463) (flow_statistics) |
| 2020/03/17 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Calculation of horizontally averaged w profile moved to the calculations for the other horizontally averaged velocity profiles (flow_statistics) |
| 2020/03/13 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Test case topo_from_ASCII_file revised: 3d output removed, simulation time reduced (topo_from_ASCII_file_p3d, topo_from_ASCII_file_rc.000,, |
| 2020/03/12 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: extensions to allow usage of alternative communicators in exchange_horiz (exchange_horiz_mod, modules, init_pegrid) |
| 2020/03/12 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: avoid division by zero in tip loss correction factor calculation (wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2020/03/11 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for r4457: missing dependency added (Makefile) |
| 2020/03/11 | raasch | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: ghost point exchange modularized, bugfix for wrong 2d-exchange (Makefile, advec_ws, average_3d_data, bulk_cloud_model_mod, chemistry_model_mod, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_mask, diagnostic_output_quantities_mod, disturb_field, init_grid, init_pt_anomaly, init_rankine, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, nesting_offl_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, palm, plant_canopy_model_mod, poismg_mod, poismg_noopt_mod, pres, radiation_model_mod, salsa_mod, sor, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, time_integration, time_integration_spinup, turbulence_closure_mod, urban_surface_mod, vertical_nesting_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod, deleted: exchange_horiz, exchange_horiz_2d, new: exchange_horiz_mod) |
| 2020/03/11 | Giersch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Axis attribute added to netcdf output (netcdf_interface_mod) |
| 2020/03/11 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: obsolete IF check about nesting removed (Makefile, exchange_horiz_2d) |
| 2020/03/10 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in calc_albedo (radiation_model_mod) |
| 2020/03/10 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: kpp4 scripts converted from ksh to bash, default mechanism changed from smog to phstatp (run_kpp4palm, kpp4palm) |
| 2020/03/09 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix, missing from_file check for a variable from static input file (land_surface_model_mod) |
| 2020/03/09 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix in 1D model: Set intermediate_timestep_count back to zero after 1D-model integration. This is required e.g. for initial calls of calc_mean_profile. (model_1d_mod) |
| 2020/03/06 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: renamed wind_turbine_parameters namelist variables (wind_turbine_model_mod, wind_turbine_model test case input file) |
| 2020/03/06 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for r4443: cycle number zero added to all monitoring and output file in TESTS and TUTORIALS folders (all monitoring and output files in TESTS and TUTORIALS folders) |
| 2020/03/05 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: cpp-directives for serial mode added (check_open, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_mask, exchange_horiz_2d, flow_statistics, header, init_coupling, init_grid, init_masks, init_pegrid, lagrangian_particle_model_mod, land_surface_model_mod, local_stop, multi_agent_system_mod, palm, pmc_interface_mod, pmc_particle_interface, surface_data_output_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, time_integration, time_integration_spinup, timestep, vertical_nesting_mod, virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2020/03/05 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: add cycle number to initial files too (000), remove compatibility for cycle numbers which are less than three digits wide (batch_scp, palmrun) |
| 2020/03/04 | suehring | 6.0 | C, B | SVN commit message: Change order of dimension in surface arrays %frac, %emissivity and %albedo to allow for better vectorization in the radiation interactions; Set back turbulent length scale to 8 x grid spacing in the parametrized mode for the synthetic turbulence generator (was accidentally changed in last commit) (chemistry_model_mod, data_output_2d, flow_statistics, indoor_model_mod, land_surface_model_mod, radiation_model_mod, salsa_mod, sum_up_3d_data, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, urban_surface_mod) |
| 2020/03/04 | Giersch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Config files for Berlin/Lise added (.palm.config.atosb, .palm.config.atosb_debug) |
| 2020/03/03 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Synthetic turbulence: performance optimizations - random numbers only defined and computed locally, option to compute velocity seeds locally without need of global communication; paralell random number generator: new routine to initialize 1D random number arrays; virtual measurements: CPU-log points added (random_generator_parallel_mod, synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod, virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2020/03/03 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Bugfix: shifted netcdf preprocessor directive to correct position (wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2020/03/03 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for message that reports about files that are read from in case that the virtual PE grid has chenged (in case of large number of files format was exceeded), detailed messages about the files are now output to the debug file, temporary bugfix to avoid compile problems with older NetCDFD libraries on IMUK machines (netcdf_data_input_mod, read_restart_data_mod) |
| 2020/03/03 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: added optional netcdf data input for wtm array input parameters (netcdf_data_input_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod, .palm.iofiles, Makefile) |
| 2020/02/28 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: remove warning for newly implemented RANS mode (turbulence_closure_mod) |
| 2020/02/28 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for previous revision (vector directive was changed by mistake) (poismg_mod) |
| 2020/02/27 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B, N | SVN commit message: diagnostic_output_quantities: added wspeed and wdir output; bugfix: set fill_value in case of masked output |
| 2020/02/27 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Lagrangian particle model: Bugfix in logarithmic interpolation of near-ground particle speed (density was not considered); Revise CFL-check when SGS particle speeds are considered; .palm.iofiles: missing output file connection for child particle statistics (lagrangian_particle_model_mod, .palm.iofiles) |
| 2020/02/27 | raasch | 6.0 | N, B | SVN commit message: serial (non-MPI) test case added, several bugfixes for the serial mode (TESTS/builds/gfortran_serial_default, TESTS/cases/example_cbl_serial, advec_s_bc, cpulog_mod, data_output_netcdf4_module, exchange_horiz, global_min_max, inflow_turbulence, land_surface_model_mod, poisfft_mod, poismg_mod, poismg_noopt_mod, radiation_model_mod, spectra_mod, surface_coupler, transpose) |
| 2020/02/27 | maronga | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: small adjustments in palmrungui, bugfix for last commit. fix in .palm.iofiles (palmrungui, .palm.iofiles) |
| 2020/02/26 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: hard coded path to the fileconnection file replaced by a path that is based on the source path which has been given in the configuration file (palmrun) |
| 2020/02/25 | maronga | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Switched back to serial NetCDF output for wind turbine output (wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2020/02/24 | suehring | 6.0 | B,N | SVN commit message: Output of character station_name (required for UC2 standard); bugfix - missing coupling_char for opening NetCDF file (virtual_measurement_mod) |
| 2020/02/24 | maronga | 6.0 | B,C | SVN commit message: added steering for NetCDF output for wind turbine model; minor fix in palmrungui (palmrungui, Makefile, time_integration, wind_turbine_model_mod) |
| 2020/02/21 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for raindrop number adjustment (bulk_cloud_model_mod) |
| 2020/02/20 | monakurppa | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Bug fixes in restart and reformatting av data output - add missing arrays (averaged data output) in salsa_wrd_local and salsa_rrd_local - set write_binary_salsa and read_restart_data_salsa to .T. by default - restructure the average arrays for gases and total mass concentrations of chemical components: set to 4d arrays instead of separate arrays - add allocation checks for averaged data output arrays (transpose, vdi_internal_controls) |
| 2020/02/20 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for misplaced/missing preprocessor directives (transpose, vdi_internal_controls) |
| 2020/02/19 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Remove deprecated topography arrays; Move basic initialization of numerics into an extra module interface (Makefile, advec_ws, init_grid, module_interface, modules, palm, poismg_noopt_mod) |
| 2020/02/19 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: All the USE-statements within subroutines moved to the module declaration section (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2020/02/18 | maronga | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Added NetCDf output for wind turbine model. Added new features to palmrungui (Makefile, palmrungui, module_interface, wind_turbine_model) |
| 2020/02/17 | Giersch | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: config files for Göttingen/Emmy updated (.palm.config.atosg, palm.config.atosg_debug) |
| 2020/02/14 | Giersch | 6.0 | C, N | SVN commit message: Tutorials updated, all tested with revision 4402 (TUTORIALS) |
| 2020/02/12 | maronga | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: revisions in palmrungui, merged with palm_jm (palmrungui) |
| 2020/02/12 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Fix misplaced preprocessor directives in netcdf data input (netcdf_data_input_mod) |
| 2020/02/11 | suehring | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: Indoor model: major bugfix in calculation of energy demand - floor-area-per-facade was wrongly calculated leading to unrealistically high energy demands and thus to unreallistically high waste-heat fluxes. (indoor_model_mod) |
| 2020/02/11 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Define a default list of coordinate reference system variables used when no static driver input is available |
| 2020/02/10 | suehring | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: Revision of the virtual-measurement module: data input from NetCDF file; removed binary output - instead parallel NetCDF output using the new data-output module; variable attributes added; further variables added that can be sampled, file connections added; Functions for coordinate transformation moved to basic_constants_and_equations; netcdf_data_input_mod: unused routines netcdf_data_input_att and netcdf_data_input_var removed; new routines to inquire fill values added; Preprocessing script (palm_cvd) to setup virtual-measurement input files provided; postprocessor combine_virtual_measurements deleted |
| 2020/02/10 | monakurppa | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: salsa_mod: time index error in salsa_emission_setup, lod=2 |
| 2020/02/08 | gronemeier | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: updated tutorials flow_around_cube_cyclic flow_around_cube_noncyclic flow_around_cube_precursor |
| 2020/02/04 | maronga | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Bugfix: harmonized config file naming in palmrungui (palmrungui). |
| 2020/02/04 | maronga | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: removed PALM_BIN dependencies in GUI tools (palm_gf, palm_jm, palmrungui, palm_gf_tools, palm_wd). |
| 2020/01/29 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Error messages refined for reading ASCII topo file, also reading of topo file revised so that statement labels and goto statements are not required any more (netcdf_data_input_mod) |
| 2020/01/28 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for error messages while reading ASCII topo file (netcdf_data_input_mod) |
| 2020/01/27 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Allocation statements, comments, naming of variables revised and _wp added to real type values (init_grid) |
| 2020/01/27 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Nesting-related error messages PA0425 and PA0426 made more specific (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2020/01/22 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Header corrected (check_parameters) |
| 2020/01/22 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Error numbers related to closed channel flow revised to prevent double usage (check_parameters) |
| 2020/01/21 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Revise bad formatting of namelist (biomet) (biometeorology_mod) |
| 2020/01/20 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Land-surface model: Bugfix in nested soil initialization in case no dynamic input file is present; give local error messages only onces (land_surface_model_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2020/01/16 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Format of rms output in cpu measurements changed to allow values >= 100 (cpulog_mod) |
| 2020/01/15 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: set fill value for output according to wall_flags_total_0 for non-terrain following output (data_output_mask) |
| 2020/01/14 | banzhafs | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: added namelist flag 'emiss_read_legacy_mode' to allow concurrent functioning of new emission read mode under development (chemistry_model_mod, chem_modules) |
| 2020/01/10 | raasch | 6.0 | B, N | SVN commit message: bugfixes for previous commit: unused variables removed, Temperton-fft usage on GPU, openacc porting of vector version of Obukhov length calculation, collective read switched off on NEC to avoid hanging; some vector directives added in prognostic equations to force vectorization on Intel19 compiler, configuration files for NEC Aurora added (bulk_cloud_model_mod, chemistry_model_mod, fft_xy_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, ocean_mod, prognostic_equations, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, temperton_fft_mod, transpose, turbulence_closure_mod, new: .palm.config.aurora, .palm.config.aurora_debug) |
| 2020/01/09 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: code vectorization for NEC Aurora: vectorized version of Temperton FFT, vectorization of Newtor iteration for calculating the Obukhov length (Makefile, fft_xy_mod, poisfft_mod, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, surface_mod, temperton_fft_mod, transpose) |
| 2020/01/08 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Since revision 4185 all init-profiles (u_init, v_init, pt_init, q_init and s_init) are overwritten by the horizontally (and temporally) averaged profiles of the end of the precursor run, for initializing_actions == 'cyclic_fill' and turbulent_inflow = .TRUE.. This commit extends this functionality to all cyclic_fill-cases. (init_3d_model) |
| 2020/01/07 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Input of plant-canopy variables from static driver moved from netcdf_data_input_mod to plant-canopy model (netcdf_data_input_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2020/01/07 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Bugfix in output of time-averaged plant-canopy quanities; Output of plant-canopy data only where tall canopy is defined; land-surface model: fix wrong location strings; tests: update urban test case; all source code files: copyright update (land_surface_model_mod, module_interface, plant_canopy_model_mod, urban_environment_p3d, urban_environment_p3dr, + all *.f90 files for copyright update) |