Version 384 (modified by maronga, 5 years ago) (diff) |
PALM source code change log
Current revision:
Current fixed release: 6.0 (r3477)
The following table documents all changes to the PALM repository since 2020.
Previous changes:
Please follow the rules for developers when carrying out source code changes!
Entries in the fifth column specify the type of the change: change of existing code (C), new code (N) or bugfix (B). More detailed information about the changes may sometimes be found in the header comment lines of the respectively changed routines.
svn Revision | Date (YYYY/MM/DD) | Author | PALM version | Type | Description |
| 2020/02/04 | maronga | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Bugfix: harmonized config file naming in palmrungui (palmrungui). |
| 2020/02/04 | maronga | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: removed PALM_BIN dependencies in GUI tools (palm_gf, palm_jm, palmrungui, palm_gf_tools, palm_wd). |
| 2020/01/29 | raasch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Error messages refined for reading ASCII topo file, also reading of topo file revised so that statement labels and goto statements are not required any more (netcdf_data_input_mod) |
| 2020/01/28 | raasch | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix for error messages while reading ASCII topo file (netcdf_data_input_mod) |
| 2020/01/27 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Allocation statements, comments, naming of variables revised and _wp added to real type values (init_grid) |
| 2020/01/27 | hellstea | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Nesting-related error messages PA0425 and PA0426 made more specific (pmc_interface_mod) |
| 2020/01/22 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Header corrected (check_parameters) |
| 2020/01/22 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Error numbers related to closed channel flow revised to prevent double usage (check_parameters) |
| 2020/01/21 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Revise bad formatting of namelist (biomet) (biometeorology_mod) |
| 2020/01/20 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Land-surface model: Bugfix in nested soil initialization in case no dynamic input file is present; give local error messages only onces (land_surface_model_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2020/01/16 | Giersch | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Format of rms output in cpu measurements changed to allow values >= 100 (cpulog_mod) |
| 2020/01/15 | gronemeier | 6.0 | B | SVN commit message: bugfix: set fill value for output according to wall_flags_total_0 for non-terrain following output (data_output_mask) |
| 2020/01/14 | banzhafs | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: added namelist flag 'emiss_read_legacy_mode' to allow concurrent functioning of new emission read mode under development (chemistry_model_mod, chem_modules) |
| 2020/01/10 | raasch | 6.0 | B, N | SVN commit message: bugfixes for previous commit: unused variables removed, Temperton-fft usage on GPU, openacc porting of vector version of Obukhov length calculation, collective read switched off on NEC to avoid hanging; some vector directives added in prognostic equations to force vectorization on Intel19 compiler, configuration files for NEC Aurora added (bulk_cloud_model_mod, chemistry_model_mod, fft_xy_mod, netcdf_data_input_mod, ocean_mod, prognostic_equations, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, temperton_fft_mod, transpose, turbulence_closure_mod, new: .palm.config.aurora, .palm.config.aurora_debug) |
| 2020/01/09 | raasch | 6.0 | N | SVN commit message: code vectorization for NEC Aurora: vectorized version of Temperton FFT, vectorization of Newtor iteration for calculating the Obukhov length (Makefile, fft_xy_mod, poisfft_mod, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, surface_mod, temperton_fft_mod, transpose) |
| 2020/01/08 | oliver.maas | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Since revision 4185 all init-profiles (u_init, v_init, pt_init, q_init and s_init) are overwritten by the horizontally (and temporally) averaged profiles of the end of the precursor run, for initializing_actions == 'cyclic_fill' and turbulent_inflow = .TRUE.. This commit extends this functionality to all cyclic_fill-cases. (init_3d_model) |
| 2020/01/07 | suehring | 6.0 | C | SVN commit message: Input of plant-canopy variables from static driver moved from netcdf_data_input_mod to plant-canopy model (netcdf_data_input_mod, plant_canopy_model_mod) |
| 2020/01/07 | suehring | 6.0 | B, C | SVN commit message: Bugfix in output of time-averaged plant-canopy quanities; Output of plant-canopy data only where tall canopy is defined; land-surface model: fix wrong location strings; tests: update urban test case; all source code files: copyright update (land_surface_model_mod, module_interface, plant_canopy_model_mod, urban_environment_p3d, urban_environment_p3dr, + all *.f90 files for copyright update) |