Dynamic input file

The dynamic input file (see PIDS_DYNAMIC) comprises all data which might change depending on the day of year, such as initialization data, large-scale forcing tendencies or boundary data. Utilizing the pre-processing tool INIFOR, the respective data can be derived directly from the larger-scale COSMO model (except for active or passive chemical components which are not considered in the COSMO model). Another tool WRF interface extracts meteorological and chemical initialization and boundary data from WRF and CAMx outputs. This way, the dynamic input file acts as a interface between a larger-scale model and PALM, being a so-called mesoscale nesting. In case of a nested model run (online), only the parent domain considers the dynamic input_file for inititialization and offline-nesting, while embedded child models itself will be initialized and forced via its parent domains. In order to activate input from the dynamic input file, setting of initializing_actions = 'read_from_file' is required. For more information of how to create a dynamic input file, please see the INIFOR documentation or the WRF interface documentation, respectively.

Further, the dynamic input file can also be used to setup a turbulent inflow, where temporarily high resolution inflow boundary data obtained from a respective precursor run is read from the dynamic input file. The pre-processing tool pcycle can be used to create a respective dynamic input file by reading and processing the precursor data accordingly.

Input variable Type LOD Explanation / Remarks

init_atmosphere_pt (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of potential temperature.

lod=2: Initial volume data of potential temperature.

init_atmosphere_qv (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of mixing ratio.

lod=2: Initial volume data of mixing_ratio.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if humidity = .T..

init_atmosphere_u (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of the wind component in the x-direction.

lod=2: Initial volume data of the wind component in the x-direction.

init_atmosphere_v (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of the wind component in the y-direction.

lod=2: Initial volume data of the wind component in the y-direction.

init_atmosphere_w (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of the wind component in the z-direction.

lod=2: Initial volume data of the wind component in the z-direction.

init_atmosphere_s (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of any passive scalar.

lod=2: Initial volume data of any passive scalar.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if passive_scalar = .T.. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

init_atmosphere_no (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of nitrogen monoxide.

lod=2: Initial volume data of nitrogen monoxide.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the chemistry model is switched on. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

init_atmosphere_no2 (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of nitrogen dioxide.

lod=2: Initial volume data of nitrogen dioxide.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the chemistry model is switched on. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

init_atmosphere_no3 (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of nitrate.

lod=2: Initial volume data of nitrate.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the chemistry model is switched on. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

init_atmosphere_pm10 (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of PM10.

lod=2: Initial volume data of PM10.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the chemistry model is switched on. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

init_atmosphere_hno3 (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of nitric acid.

lod=2: Initial volume data of nitric acid.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the chemistry model is switched on. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

init_atmosphere_so4 (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of sulfate.

lod=2: Initial volume data of sulfate.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the chemistry model is switched on. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

init_atmosphere_yyy (z,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial profile of any further species.

lod=2: Initial volume data of any further species.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the chemistry model is switched on. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

init_atmosphere_aerosol (z,Dmid)



lod=1: Initial profile of aerosol number concentration per aerosol size bin (# m-3). The bin mean diameter Dmid given in nm.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the aerosol module SALSA is switched on. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

init_atmosphere_mass_fracs_a (z,composition_index)



Vertical profile of the mass fractions of background/initial aerosol concentration: subrange a.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the aerosol module SALSA is switched on. Please note, this quantity is currently not provided by inifor.

composition_name (composition_index, max_string_length)


List of chemical components of aerosol particles.

init_soil_t (zsoil,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial vertical profile of soil temperature.

lod=2: Initial volume data of soil temperature.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the land-surface model is switched on. In case of a nested run and no dynamic input file is present for the child domain, soil temperature in the child domain will be initialized by horizontal mean vertical soil-temperature profiles derived from the respective parent domain. Moreover, please note zsoil need to have the same dimensions as in the static input file

init_soil_m (zsoil,(y),(x))


1, 2

lod=1: Initial vertical profile of soil moisture.

lod=2: Initial volume data of soil moisture.

Input of this quantity becomes only effective if the land-surface model is switched on. In case of a nested run and no dynamic input file is present for the child domain, soil moisture in the child domain will be initialized by horizontal mean vertical soil-temperature profiles derived from the respective parent domain. Moreover, please note zsoil need to have the same dimensions as in the static input file

nudging_pt (time,z)



Nudging data for potential temperature. Requires cyclic boundary conditions as well as nudging = .T. to become effective.

nudging_qv (time,z)



Nudging data for the mixing ratio. Requires cyclic boundary conditions as well as nudging = .T. and humidity = .T. to become effective.

nudging_u (time,z)



Nudging data for the wind in the x-direction. Requires cyclic boundary conditions to become effective.

nudging_v (time,z)



Nudging data for the wind in the y-direction. Requires cyclic boundary conditions to become effective.

nudging_w (time,z)



Nudging data for the wind in the z-direction. Requires cyclic boundary conditions to become effective.

nudging_s (time,z)



Nudging data for a passive scalar. Requires cyclic boundary conditions as well as nudging = .T. and passive_scalar = .T. to become effective.

nudging_tau (time,z)



Nudging relaxation time scale. Requires cyclic boundary conditions as well as nudging = .T. to become effective.

ls_forcing_ug (time,z)



Large­-scale forcing data for the geostrophic wind component in x-direction.

ls_forcing_vg (time,z)



Large­-scale forcing data for the geostrophic wind component in y-direction.

ls_forcing_sub_w (time,z)



Large­-scale forcing data for the subsidence velocity. Requires cyclic boundary conditions as well as large_scale_forcing = .T. to become effective.

ls_forcing_adv_lpt (time,z)



Large­-scale forcing data for the advection tendency of potential temperature. Requires cyclic boundary conditions as well as large_scale_forcing = .T. to become effective.

ls_forcing_adv_qv (time,z)



Large­-scale forcing data for the advection tendency of mixing ratio. Requires cyclic boundary conditions as well as large_scale_forcing = .T. to become effective.

ls_forcing_left_pt (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at left (west) model boundary for the potential temperature. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_left_qv (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at left (west) model boundary for the mixing ratio. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_left_u (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at left (west) model boundary for the wind component in x-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_left_v (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at left (west) model boundary for the wind component in y-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_left_w (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at left (west) model boundary for the wind component in z-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_right_pt (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at right model boundary for the potential temperature. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_right_qv (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at right (east) model boundary for the mixing ratio. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_right_u (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at right (east) model boundary for the wind component in x-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_right_v (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at right (east) model boundary for the wind component in y-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_right_w (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at right (east) model boundary for the wind component in z-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_south_pt (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at front (south) model boundary for the potential temperature. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_south_qv (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at front (south) model boundary for the mixing ratio. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_south_u (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at front (south) model boundary for the wind component in x-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_south_v (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at front (south) model boundary for the wind component in y-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_south_w (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at front (south) model boundary for the wind component in z-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_north_pt (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at back (north) model boundary for the potential temperature. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_north_qv (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at back (north) model boundary for the mixing ratio. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_north_u (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at back (north) model boundary for the wind component in x-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_north_v (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at back (north) model boundary for the wind component in y-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_north_w (time,z,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at back (north) model boundary for the wind component in z-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_top_pt (time,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at top model boundary for the potential temperature. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_top_qv (time,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at top model boundary for the mixing ratio. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_top_u (time,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at top model boundary for the wind component in x-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_top_v (time,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at top model boundary for the wind component in y-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

ls_forcing_top_w (time,(x),(y))


1, 2

Boundary condition at top model boundary for the wind component in z-direction. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

surface_forcing_shf (time)



Large-scale forcing for the surface sensible heat flux. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

surface_forcing_qsws (time)



Large-scale forcing for the surface latent heat flux. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

surface_forcing_pt_surface (time)



Large-scale forcing for the surface potential temperature. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

surface_forcing_qv_surface (time)



Large-scale forcing for the surface specific humidity. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

surface_forcing_surface_pressure (time)



Large-scale forcing for the surface pressure. Requires nesting_offl_parameters to be enabled to become effective.

External radiative forcing

Input variable Type LOD Explanation / Remarks

rad_lw_in (time_rad)



Longwave downwelling radiation (mandatory if radiation_scheme = 'external').

rad_sw_in (time_rad)



Shortwave downwelling radiation (mandatory if radiation_scheme = 'external').

rad_sw_in_dif (time_rad)



Shortwave downwelling diffuse radiation, which can be optionally input. In case it is missing, the incoming shortwave radiation will be split into direct and diffuse fractions based on clear-sky assumptions.

Turbulent inflow (available from Nov 2022 on)

Input variable Type LOD Explanation / Remarks

time_inflow (time_inflow)



Time dimension of turbulent inflow data (mandatory if turbulent_inflow_method ?= 'read_from_file').

inflow_plane_u (time_inflow, z, y )



Inflow boundary data for the u-component (mandatory if turbulent_inflow_method ?= 'read_from_file').

inflow_plane_v (time_inflow, z, yv )



Inflow boundary data for the v-component (mandatory if turbulent_inflow_method ?= 'read_from_file').

inflow_plane_w (time_inflow, zw, y )



Inflow boundary data for the w-component (mandatory if turbulent_inflow_method ?= 'read_from_file').

inflow_plane_e (time_inflow, z, y )



Inflow boundary data for the SGS-TKE (mandatory if turbulent_inflow_method ?= 'read_from_file').

inflow_plane_pt (time_inflow, z, y )



Inflow boundary data for the potential temperature (mandatory if turbulent_inflow_method ?= 'read_from_file' and neutral = .F.).

inflow_plane_q (time_inflow, z, y )



Inflow boundary data for the mixing ratio (mandatory if turbulent_inflow_method ?= 'read_from_file' and humidity = .T.).

Last modified 5 weeks ago Last modified on Aug 12, 2024 10:11:28 AM