Version 30 (modified by schwenkel, 5 years ago) (diff) |
Bulk Cloud Model Parameters
Core Parameters
Module Parameters
- Agent system
- Aerosol (Salsa)
- Biometeorology
- Bulk cloud physics
- Chemistry
- FASTv8
- Indoor climate
- Land surface
- Nesting
- Nesting (offline)
- Ocean
- Particles
- Plant canopy
- Radiation
- Spectra
- Surface output
- Synthetic turbulence
- Turbulent inflow
- Urban surface
- User-defined
- Virtual flights
- Virtual measurements
- Wind turbine
- Alphabetical list (outdated!)
This page is part of the Bulk Cloud Model (BCM) documentation.
Since revision 3274 the bulk cloud model (before named with microphysics)
is modularized and has a own parameter namelist.
It contains a listing of all PALM input parameters used to steer the BCM.
For an overview of all BCM-related pages, see the Bulk Cloud Model main page.
Parameter list
NAMELIST group name: bulk_cloud_parameters
Parameter Name | FORTRAN Type | Default Value | Explanation |
aerosol_bulk | C*20 | 'nacl' |
Parameter to choose the used aerosol type. Currently three approximations are available:
The molecular weight, denisty and the solubility (vant Hoff factor) of this specific type is considered. |
bulk_cloud_model | L | .F. |
Parameter to switch on the bulk cloud model. |
c_sedimentation | R | 2.0 | Courant number for sedimentation process. A Courant number that is too big inhibits microphysical interactions of the sedimented quantity. There is no need to use the limiter (limiter_sedimentation) if c_sedimentation <= 1.0. This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) is used (cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'). |
call_microphysics_at_all_substeps | L | .F. | Parameter to control how often 2-moment cloud microphysics (cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng') are computed during a model time step. Using the default, cloud microphysics are computed once before the time step. Using call_microphysics_at_all_substeps = .T., cloud microphysics are computed before every substep of the applied time step scheme, which is, however, not necessary to gain acceptable results. Note that advection and diffusion of rainwater mixing ratio (qr) and rain drop concentration (nr) are not affected by this parameter (these processes are computed as any other scalar). |
cloud_scheme | C*20 | 'saturation_adjust' |
Parameter to choose microphysics for bulk cloud physics (which requires bulk_cloud_model = .TRUE.).
cloud_water_sedimentation | L | .F. | Parameter to consider sedimentation of cloud water according to Ackerman et al. (2009). This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) (cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng') or by Kessler (1969) (cloud_scheme = 'kessler') is used. |
collision_turbulence | L | .F. | Turbulence effects on the collision process, namely the autoconversion and accretion according to Seifert, Nuijens and Stevens (2010). This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) is used (cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'). |
curvature_solution_effects_bulk | L | .F. | Parameter to switch on an activation scheme which considers curvature and solution effects of cloud droplet activation. Therefore a parameterization of Khvorostyanov and Curry (2006) is used. The physio-chemical aerosol properties can be prescribed with aerosol_bulk, dry_aerosol_radius and sigma_bulk. |
dry_aerosol_radius | R | 0.05E-6 | The mean geometric radius of the dry aerosol spectrum. |
limiter_sedimentation | L | .T. | Slope limiter in sedimentation process according to Stevens and Seifert (2008). This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) is used (cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'). If c_sedimentation <= 1.0 there is no need to use the limiter. |
microphysics_ice_phase | L | .F. | Parameter to turn on ice phase and calculate prognostic equations for ice crystal number concentration and mixing ratio. If temperatures allow ice crystal can form due nucleation and grow due to water vapor deposition. Liquid phase is considered by default. Right now mixed phase microphysics scheme is implemented for (cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng', 'morrison'). |
na_init | R | 100.0E6 | Background dry aerosol concentration. If cloud_scheme = 'morrison' is used this parameter replaces nc_const. Activation is parameterized assuming that the number of activated CCN cannot be larger than na_init. This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Morrison and Grabowski (2007) is used (cloud_scheme = 'morrison'). |
nc_const | R | 70.0E6 | Fixed cloud droplet number density (in 1/m3). The default value is applicable for marine conditions. This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) is used (cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'). |
sigma_bulk | R | 2.0 | The dispersion of the dry aerosol spectrum. |
ventilation_effect | L | .T. | Parameter to consider the ventilation effect on evaporation of raindrops according to Seifert (2008). This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) is used (cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'). |