6 years |
schwenkel |
Bugfix for microphysic scheme = saturation_adjustment
6 years |
schwenkel |
Bugfix in radiation_constant_surf
6 years |
sward |
Bugfix: maximum time per log point now includes PE0
6 years |
suehring |
Bugfixes in calculation of sky-view and canopy-sink factors
6 years |
kanani |
Correct revision messages of last commit
6 years |
kanani |
Fix for progress bar, minor changes
6 years |
suehring |
Bugfix for last commit
6 years |
suehring |
Introduction of addtional surface variables indicating type and name …
6 years |
suehring |
Revise calculation of index bounds for array index_list, prevent …
6 years |
suehring |
changes for commit 3209 documented
6 years |
suehring |
Additional namelist parameter to switch on/off the nesting of chemical …
6 years |
schwenkel |
Minor bugfix for sgs-velocities in case of cloud droplets
6 years |
raasch |
additional check for nz
6 years |
suehring |
Revise bulk parameter for emissivity at ground-floor level
7 years |
sward |
Added missing preprocessor directive, corrected default value for restarts
7 years |
suehring |
Missing pre-processor directive
7 years |
sward |
Added MAS end time, used time_since_reference_point, corrected …
7 years |
maronga |
set maximum value for aerodynamic resistance over horiztonal surfaces
7 years |
Giersch |
Interpolation to particle position revised, indent revised, bugfix in …
7 years |
sward |
Reworked agent pathfinding and modified output
7 years |
suehring |
Mask topography while imposing inflow perturbations at the boundaries; …
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix in setting of passive scalar and chemistry top boundary condary …
7 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
7 years |
suehring |
New Inifor features: grid stretching, improved command-interface, …
7 years |
suehring |
Revise concept for calculation of radiative temperature
7 years |
suehring |
Major bugfix in calculation of ol and ts at building roofs; bugfix in …
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix for commit 3172
7 years |
Giersch |
Bugfix in reading NAMELIST user_parameters, bugfix in wind turbine …
7 years |
suehring |
Further revision of 2D surface output for radiation and chemistry …
7 years |
suehring |
temporal work-around for calculation of effective radiative surface …
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix in radiation forcing in case of RRTMG; further bugfix in output …
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix, missing dependencies for multi-agent model
7 years |
sward |
Added agent ID output
7 years |
Giersch |
Default value of dz_max has changed to a more uncommon value of 999. …
7 years |
maronga |
increased roughness lengths for asphalt
7 years |
sward |
7 years |
sward |
Added multi agent system
7 years |
maronga |
added local free convection velocity scale in calculation of …
7 years |
knoop |
Bugfix: replaced usage of the pt array with the surf%pt_surface array …
7 years |
knoop |
Bugfix: replaced usage of the pt array with the surf%pt_surface array …
7 years |
suehring |
Further adjustments for surface structure
7 years |
raasch |
output of PALM code revision number in palmrun header, some …
7 years |
maronga |
correct accidental commit
7 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
7 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
7 years |
maronga |
major bugfix in calculation of Obukhov length and subsequent handling …
7 years |
gronemeier |
Use MOST for km only in RANS mode
7 years |
maronga |
modified calculation of surface resistance in land surface scheme
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix in referencing buildings on orography top; minor bugfix for …
7 years |
Giersch |
Bugfix in calculation of alpha_attack and Bugfix for restarts in …
7 years |
maronga |
bugfix for sea surfaces with constant_roughness = .F.
7 years |
maronga |
minor bugfix in radiation model
7 years |
suehring |
Limit roughness for heat and moisture in case it exceeds the …
7 years |
gronemeier |
Bugfix: add +1 to c_3 according to Sogachev et al. (2012)
7 years |
maronga |
bugfix for last commit
7 years |
gronemeier |
calculate km according to MOST within the surface layer
7 years |
gronemeier |
merge with branch rans: update of rans mode and data output
7 years |
maronga |
bugfix for high vegetation surface temperatures
7 years |
gronemeier |
bugfix for pgi compiler: assign value of c_0 directly to variable …
7 years |
suehring |
Correct working precision for REAL and INTEGER numbers
7 years |
maronga |
bugfix in radiation model that inhibited surface reflections
7 years |
gronemeier |
consider wall function for Km within production_e_init
7 years |
gronemeier |
implementation of dynamic sgs model
7 years |
maronga |
bugfixes in RRTMG interface
7 years |
suehring |
Output of radiation terms at surface
7 years |
suehring |
Separate bridges as 3D building objects from normal surface-mounted …
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix, missing index for dz
7 years |
suehring |
Slightly revise check for input of surface_fraction
7 years |
suehring |
Reference lowest terrain height to zero level; new check for negative …
7 years |
suehring |
Limit aerodynamic resistance at vertial building walls; check for …
7 years |
suehring |
Revise call for message routine in case of local data inconsistencies
7 years |
gronemeier |
bugfix: set standard value for rans_const_sigma
7 years |
gronemeier |
bugfix: limit increase of dt_3d only in case of RANS mode
7 years |
gronemeier |
merge with branch rans
7 years |
witha |
Initialization of some arrays changed
7 years |
Giersch |
Warning message related to vertical grid stretching has been added, …
7 years |
suehring |
Remove write statements
7 years |
Giersch |
Error messages related to the new vertical grid stretching revised, …
7 years |
Giersch |
New vertical stretching procedure has been introduced
7 years |
raasch |
bugfix: wrong error number in r3057 revised
7 years |
raasch |
bugfix: check that nz is even in case that optimized multigrid is used
7 years |
Giersch |
Bugfix in case of restarts using cyclic fill
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix, initialization of surface elements also in case of restart …
7 years |
gronemeier |
bugfix: force MPI abort if errors occur while reading bld heights from …
7 years |
suehring |
Revise checks for relative surface fractions of vegetation, pavement …
7 years |
raasch |
Do not open FORTRAN binary files in case of parallel netCDF I/O
7 years |
suehring |
Speed-up NetCDF input; Revise NetCDF-input routines and remove input …
7 years |
Giersch |
Revision history corrected
7 years |
gronemeier |
add variable description
7 years |
Giersch |
Remaining error messages revised, comments extended
7 years |
Giersch |
Code adjusted according to coding standards, renamed namelists, error …
7 years |
gronemeier |
add missing variable descriptions
7 years |
schwenkel |
Changed the name specific humidity to mixing ratio
7 years |
gronemeier |
Add read of global attributes of static driver
7 years |
schwenkel |
Changed the name specific humidity to mixing ratio
7 years |
schwenkel |
bugfix for lcm with grid stretching
7 years |
gronemeier |
updated variable description
7 years |
gronemeier |
renamed input dimension "depth" to "zsoil"
7 years |
gronemeier |
renamed input variables according to UC2 data standard
7 years |
schwenkel |
Add option to initialize warm air bubble close to surface