6 years |
knoop |
removed calc_radiation.f90 and related cloud_top_radiation namelist …
6 years |
kanani |
reintegrate branch resler to trunk
6 years |
raasch |
Craik-Leibovich force and wave breaking effects added to ocean mode, …
6 years |
kanani |
Merge chemistry branch at r3297 to trunk
6 years |
raasch |
modularization of the ocean code
6 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
6 years |
suehring |
Bugfix in allocation of mean_inflow_profiles in case of restarts
6 years |
knoop |
Modularization of all bulk cloud physics code components
7 years |
Giersch |
Bufgix for an error message in case of restarts and user-defined profiles
7 years |
sward |
Bugfix in MAS output, added related messages, reworked MAS cpu logging
7 years |
raasch |
references to mrun replaced by palmrun, and updated
7 years |
sward |
Added MAS end time, used time_since_reference_point, corrected …
7 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
7 years |
suehring |
New Inifor features: grid stretching, improved command-interface, …
7 years |
Giersch |
Default value of dz_max has changed to a more uncommon value of 999. …
7 years |
sward |
Added multi agent system
7 years |
maronga |
added local free convection velocity scale in calculation of …
7 years |
gronemeier |
merge with branch rans: update of rans mode and data output
7 years |
gronemeier |
implementation of dynamic sgs model
7 years |
gronemeier |
merge with branch rans
7 years |
Giersch |
New vertical stretching procedure has been introduced
7 years |
Giersch |
Code adjusted according to coding standards, renamed namelists, error …
7 years |
schwenkel |
Changed the name specific humidity to mixing ratio
7 years |
maronga |
series of bugfixes
7 years |
Giersch |
precipitation_rate removed, further allocation checks for data output …
7 years |
Giersch |
Bugfix: W* and Z_I in the first line of the run control file of …
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfixes in initalization of land-surface model as well as timeseries …
7 years |
Giersch |
Bugfix in the calculation of fixed number of output time levels for …
7 years |
gronemeier |
moved initialization of mixing length to turbulence_closure_mod; …
7 years |
Giersch |
new procedure for reading/writing svf data, initialization of local …
7 years |
Giersch |
Reading/Writing? data in case of restart runs revised
7 years |
maronga |
bugfix in land surface model and new option in spinup
7 years |
suehring |
Output of ground-heat flux at natural- and urban-type surfaces in one …
7 years |
Giersch |
Skipping of module related restart data changed + adapting synthetic …
7 years |
maronga |
major bugfix in calculation of aerodynamic resistance for vertical …
7 years |
suehring |
Read information from statitic driver for resolved vegetation …
7 years |
suehring |
Output of surface temperature tsurf* at urban- and natural-type surfaces
7 years |
suehring |
Output of resistance also urban-type surfaces
7 years |
maronga |
deleting of deprecated files; headers updated where needed
7 years |
kanani |
Correction of "Former revisions" section
7 years |
kanani |
Merge of branch palm4u into trunk
7 years |
raasch |
file attributes and activation strings in .palm.iofiles revised, file …
7 years |
maronga |
bugfix in radiation model and improvements in land surface scheme
7 years |
Giersch |
Restart runs with the usage of the wind turbine model are possible …
7 years |
boeske |
enable simulations with complex terrain
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfixes in SGS-TKE buoyancy production; revised initialization of …
7 years |
kanani |
minor bugfixes
8 years |
gronemeier |
Changed default value of mg_cycles from -1 to 4
8 years |
schwenkel |
improved aerosol initialization for bulk microphysics
8 years |
sward |
y_shift for periodic boundary conditions
8 years |
gronemeier |
corrected timestamp in header
8 years |
gronemeier |
modularized 1d model
8 years |
gronemeier |
changes to the 1D model
8 years |
gronemeier |
Updated variable description
8 years |
suehring |
large-scale forcing and nudging modularized
8 years |
raasch |
NEC related code partly removed, host variable partly removed, host …
8 years |
raasch |
write_binary is of type LOGICAL now, MPI2-related code removed, …
8 years |
maronga |
added new spinup mechanism for surface/radiation models
8 years |
schwenkel |
implementation of new bulk microphysics scheme
8 years |
kanani |
code documentation and cleanup
8 years |
gronemeier |
Implemented synthetic turbulence generator
8 years |
suehring |
change default value of zeta_min; enable scalar/heat/water-fluxes at …
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Adjustments according new topography and surface-modelling concept …
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Bugfixes in radiation_model; monotonic limiter in 5th order advection …
8 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
8 years |
maronga |
nesting extended for cloud physics quantities, bugfixes in nesting, …
8 years |
knoop |
Default random generator switched to random-parallel
8 years |
knoop |
Bugfix: in write statement for parallel random number generator
8 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
8 years |
raasch |
all OpenACC directives and related parts removed from the code
8 years |
kanani |
last commit documented
8 years |
kanani |
Preparation for doxygen comments
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
gronemeier |
last commit documented
8 years |
gronemeier |
Implement turbulent outflow condition
8 years |
knoop |
last commit documented
8 years |
knoop |
Anelastic approximation implemented
8 years |
knoop |
last commit documented
8 years |
knoop |
Renamed variable rho to rho_ocean, rho_init to rho_ocean_init and …
8 years |
kanani |
last commit documented
8 years |
kanani |
changes related to steering and formating of urban surface model
9 years |
kanani |
last commit documented
9 years |
kanani |
changes in the course of urban surface model implementation
9 years |
knoop |
last commit documented
9 years |
knoop |
Forced header and separation lines into 80 columns
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
Prescribing scalar flux at model top; several bugfixes concering data …
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
PE-wise reading of topography file
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
Separate balance equations for humidity and passive_scalar
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
flight module added
9 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
9 years |
raasch |
bugfixes for calculating run control quantities, bugfix for …
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
default value of mg_switch_to_pe0_level changed
9 years |
hoffmann |
last commit documented