- Timestamp:
- Aug 25, 2009 8:06:27 AM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk
- Files:
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r346 r366 1092 1092 then 1093 1093 1094 print ". /usr/share/modules/init/bash; module load $mpilib; cd ${remote_md}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} 2>&1 | tee ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll1094 print ". /usr/share/modules/init/bash; module load ifort/11.0.069; module load $mpilib; cd ${remote_md}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} 2>&1 | tee ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll 1095 1095 # print ". /usr/share/modules/init/bash; module load mvapich2/1.2rc1-intel; cd ${remote_md}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} 2>&1 | tee ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll 1096 1096 # print ". /usr/share/modules/init/bash; module load mvapich2; cd ${remote_md}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} 2>&1 | tee ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll -
r362 r366 2426 2426 then 2427 2427 printf " compiler is called via ssh on \"hicegate2\" using module \"$mpilib\" \n" 2428 ssh -l $usern ". /usr/share/modules/init/bash; module load $mpilib; cd $TEMPDIR; make -f Makefile PROG=a.out F90=$compiler_name COPT=\"$cpp_options\" F90FLAGS=\"$fopts\" LDFLAGS=\"$lopts\" 2>&1 "2428 ssh -l $usern ". /usr/share/modules/init/bash; module load ifort/11.0.069; module load $mpilib; cd $TEMPDIR; make -f Makefile PROG=a.out F90=$compiler_name COPT=\"$cpp_options\" F90FLAGS=\"$fopts\" LDFLAGS=\"$lopts\" 2>&1 " 2429 2429 [[ ! -f a.out ]] && compile_error=true 2430 2430 continue # ANDERENFALLS IST STATUS=1, FALLS A.OUT VORHANDEN … … 3163 3163 then 3164 3164 # export MPI_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT=360 3165 # MPI_DSM_DISTRIBUTE not necessary when MPI_DSM_CPULIST is set 3166 # export MPI_DSM_DISTRIBUTE=1 3167 # MPI_DSM_CPULIST: pin MPI processes to cores 3168 export MPI_DSM_CPULIST="0,1,4,5,2,3,6,7:allhosts" 3169 # MPI_IB_RAILS: use both IB rails on ICE2 3170 export MPI_BUFS_PER_HOST=512 3171 export MPI_IB_RAILS=2 3165 3172 mpiexec_mpt -np $ii ./a.out $ROPTS < runfile_atmos 3166 3173 elif [[ $( echo $mpilib | cut -c1-3 ) = mva ]] -
r352 r366 101 101 # 24/06/09 - BjornM- adjustments for lcxt4 (loading modules manually) 102 102 # 08/07/09 - Siggi - option -e added (email notification on lcsgih/b) 103 # 20/07/09 - Siggi - On lcsgi, jobs for returning the job protocol are 104 # now run on the data nodes (feature=data) 103 105 104 106 … … 367 369 esac;; 368 370 (lcsgib|lcsgih) case $ndq in 369 (testq|serialq|smallq|bigq )error=false;;371 (testq|serialq|smallq|bigq|workq) error=false;; 370 372 (*) error=true;; 371 373 esac;; … … 706 708 then 707 709 708 if [[ $queue = testq ]]710 if [[ $queue = testq || $queue = workq ]] 709 711 then 710 712 queue_directive="#PBS -q $queue" … … 735 737 736 738 . /usr/share/modules/init/bash 739 module load ifort/11.0.069 737 740 module load $mpilib 738 741 # module load mvapich2/1.2rc1-intel 739 742 # module load mvapich2 740 743 module load netcdf 741 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sw/intel/cce/10.1.015/lib:/sw/intel/fce/10.1.015/lib:/sw/dataformats/netcdf/3.6.2/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH744 #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sw/intel/cce/10.1.015/lib:/sw/intel/fce/10.1.015/lib:/sw/dataformats/netcdf/3.6.2/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 742 745 echo ld_library_path=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 743 746 … … 1005 1008 echo "#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00" >> $job_to_send 1006 1009 echo "#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1" >> $job_to_send 1007 echo "#PBS -l feature= xe">> $job_to_send1010 echo "#PBS -l feature=data" >> $job_to_send 1008 1011 echo "#PBS -o \$HOME/job_queue/last_job_transfer_protocol" >> $job_to_send 1009 1012 echo "#PBS -j oe" >> $job_to_send -
r364 r366 1 1 New: 2 2 --- 3 bc_lr/bc_ns in most subroutines replaced by LOGICAL variables bc_lr_cyc, 4 bc_ns_cyc for speed optimization 5 (check_parameters, diffusion_u, diffusion_v, diffusion_w, modules) 6 3 7 Additional timestep criterion in case of simulations with plant canopy (timestep) 4 8 … … 113 117 Errors: 114 118 ------ 119 Bugfix: Output on unit 14 only if requested by write_binary. 120 (user_last_actions) 121 115 122 Bugfix to avoid zero division by km_neutral (production_e) 116 123 … … 165 172 Bugfix: initial setting of time_coupling in coupled restart runs (time_integration) 166 173 167 advec_particles, check_parameters, cpu_log, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, header, init_3d_model, init_particles, modules, netcdf, prandtl_fluxes, production_e, read_var_list, time_integration, write_var_list174 advec_particles, check_parameters, cpu_log, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, header, init_3d_model, init_particles, modules, netcdf, prandtl_fluxes, production_e, read_var_list, time_integration, user_last_actions, write_var_list -
r354 r366 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! bc_lr_cyc and bc_ns_cyc are set, 6 7 ! initializing_actions='read_data_for_recycling' renamed to 'cyclic_fill' 7 8 ! Check for illegal entries in section_xy|xz|yz that exceed nz+1|ny+1|nx+1 … … 1105 1106 1106 1107 ! 1108 !-- Internal variables used for speed optimization in if clauses 1109 IF ( bc_lr /= 'cyclic' ) bc_lr_cyc = .FALSE. 1110 IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic' ) bc_ns_cyc = .FALSE. 1111 1112 ! 1107 1113 !-- Non-cyclic lateral boundaries require the multigrid method and Piascek- 1108 1114 !-- Willimas advection scheme. Several schemes and tools do not work with -
r110 r366 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! bc_ns replaced by bc_ns_cyc 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 101 101 !-- velocity components parallel to the outflow boundary in 102 102 !-- the direction normal to the outflow boundary. 103 IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic') THEN103 IF ( .NOT. bc_ns_cyc ) THEN 104 104 kmyp_y = MAX( kmyp_y, km_damp_y(j) ) 105 105 kmym_y = MAX( kmym_y, km_damp_y(j) ) … … 134 134 !-- velocity components parallel to the outflow boundary in 135 135 !-- the direction normal to the outflow boundary. 136 IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic') THEN136 IF ( .NOT. bc_ns_cyc ) THEN 137 137 kmyp_y = MAX( kmyp_y, km_damp_y(j) ) 138 138 kmym_y = MAX( kmym_y, km_damp_y(j) ) … … 266 266 !-- parallel to the outflow boundary in the direction normal to the 267 267 !-- outflow boundary. 268 IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic') THEN268 IF ( .NOT. bc_ns_cyc ) THEN 269 269 kmyp_y = MAX( kmyp_y, km_damp_y(j) ) 270 270 kmym_y = MAX( kmym_y, km_damp_y(j) ) … … 302 302 !-- velocity components parallel to the outflow boundary in 303 303 !-- the direction normal to the outflow boundary. 304 IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic') THEN304 IF ( .NOT. bc_ns_cyc ) THEN 305 305 kmyp_y = MAX( kmyp_y, km_damp_y(j) ) 306 306 kmym_y = MAX( kmym_y, km_damp_y(j) ) -
r110 r366 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! bc_lr replaced by bc_lr_cyc 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 99 99 !-- velocity components parallel to the outflow boundary in 100 100 !-- the direction normal to the outflow boundary. 101 IF ( bc_lr /= 'cyclic') THEN101 IF ( .NOT. bc_lr_cyc ) THEN 102 102 kmxp_x = MAX( kmxp_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 103 103 kmxm_x = MAX( kmxm_x, km_damp_x(i) ) … … 132 132 !-- velocity components parallel to the outflow boundary in 133 133 !-- the direction normal to the outflow boundary. 134 IF ( bc_lr /= 'cyclic') THEN134 IF ( .NOT. bc_lr_cyc ) THEN 135 135 kmxp_x = MAX( kmxp_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 136 136 kmxm_x = MAX( kmxm_x, km_damp_x(i) ) … … 263 263 !-- parallel to the outflow boundary in the direction normal to the 264 264 !-- outflow boundary. 265 IF ( bc_lr /= 'cyclic') THEN265 IF ( .NOT. bc_lr_cyc ) THEN 266 266 kmxp_x = MAX( kmxp_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 267 267 kmxm_x = MAX( kmxm_x, km_damp_x(i) ) … … 301 301 !-- velocity components parallel to the outflow boundary in 302 302 !-- the direction normal to the outflow boundary. 303 IF ( bc_lr /= 'cyclic') THEN303 IF ( .NOT. bc_lr_cyc ) THEN 304 304 kmxp_x = MAX( kmxp_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 305 305 kmxm_x = MAX( kmxm_x, km_damp_x(i) ) -
r77 r366 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! bc_lr/bc_ns replaced by bc_lr_cyc/bc_ns_cyc 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 100 100 !-- velocity components parallel to the outflow boundary in 101 101 !-- the direction normal to the outflow boundary. 102 IF ( bc_lr /= 'cyclic') THEN102 IF ( .NOT. bc_lr_cyc ) THEN 103 103 kmxp_x = MAX( kmxp_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 104 104 kmxm_x = MAX( kmxm_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 105 105 ENDIF 106 IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic') THEN106 IF ( .NOT. bc_ns_cyc ) THEN 107 107 kmyp_y = MAX( kmyp_y, km_damp_y(j) ) 108 108 kmym_y = MAX( kmym_y, km_damp_y(j) ) … … 150 150 !-- velocity components parallel to the outflow boundary in 151 151 !-- the direction normal to the outflow boundary. 152 IF ( bc_lr /= 'cyclic') THEN152 IF ( .NOT. bc_lr_cyc ) THEN 153 153 kmxp_x = MAX( kmxp_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 154 154 kmxm_x = MAX( kmxm_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 155 155 ENDIF 156 IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic') THEN156 IF ( .NOT. bc_ns_cyc ) THEN 157 157 kmyp_y = MAX( kmyp_y, km_damp_y(j) ) 158 158 kmym_y = MAX( kmym_y, km_damp_y(j) ) … … 231 231 !-- parallel to the outflow boundary in the direction normal to the 232 232 !-- outflow boundary. 233 IF ( bc_lr /= 'cyclic') THEN233 IF ( .NOT. bc_lr_cyc ) THEN 234 234 kmxp_x = MAX( kmxp_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 235 235 kmxm_x = MAX( kmxm_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 236 236 ENDIF 237 IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic') THEN237 IF ( .NOT. bc_ns_cyc ) THEN 238 238 kmyp_y = MAX( kmyp_y, km_damp_y(j) ) 239 239 kmym_y = MAX( kmym_y, km_damp_y(j) ) … … 293 293 !-- velocity components parallel to the outflow boundary in 294 294 !-- the direction normal to the outflow boundary. 295 IF ( bc_lr /= 'cyclic') THEN295 IF ( .NOT. bc_lr_cyc ) THEN 296 296 kmxp_x = MAX( kmxp_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 297 297 kmxm_x = MAX( kmxm_x, km_damp_x(i) ) 298 298 ENDIF 299 IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic') THEN299 IF ( .NOT. bc_ns_cyc ) THEN 300 300 kmyp_y = MAX( kmyp_y, km_damp_y(j) ) 301 301 kmym_y = MAX( kmym_y, km_damp_y(j) ) -
r336 r366 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! Bugfix: First calculation of hyp(0) changed 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 50 50 rho_init(nzt) = rho_surface 51 51 52 DO k = nzt-1, 0, -152 DO k = nzt-1, 1, -1 53 53 hyp(k) = hyp(k+1) + rho_surface * g * dzu(k) 54 54 ENDDO 55 hyp(0) = hyp(1) + rho_surface * g * dzu(1) 55 56 56 57 IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN -
r354 r366 5 5 ! Current revisions: 6 6 ! ----------------- 7 ! +bc_lr_cyc, bc_ns_cyc 7 8 ! +output_for_t0 8 9 ! translation error of actual -> current revisions fixed … … 358 359 359 360 LOGICAL :: adjust_mixing_length = .FALSE., avs_output = .FALSE., & 361 bc_lr_cyc =.TRUE., bc_ns_cyc = .TRUE., & 360 362 call_psolver_at_all_substeps = .TRUE., & 361 363 cloud_droplets = .FALSE., cloud_physics = .FALSE., & -
r226 r366 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! Output on unit 14 only if requested by write_binary 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 18 18 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 19 19 20 USE control_parameters 20 21 USE user 21 22 … … 25 26 !-- Here the user-defined actions at the end of a job follow. 26 27 !-- Sample for user-defined output: 27 ! IF ( ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) THEN 28 ! WRITE ( 14 ) 'u2_av '; WRITE ( 14 ) u2_av 29 ! ENDIF 28 IF ( write_binary(1:4) == 'true' ) THEN 29 ! IF ( ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) THEN 30 ! WRITE ( 14 ) 'u2_av '; WRITE ( 14 ) u2_av 31 ! ENDIF 30 32 31 WRITE ( 14 ) '*** end user *** ' 33 WRITE ( 14 ) '*** end user *** ' 34 35 ENDIF 32 36 33 37 END SUBROUTINE user_last_actions
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