Mar 5, 2009 3:33:42 PM (15 years ago)

Output of messages replaced by message handling routine.

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/DOC/tec/message_identifiers

    r247 r254  
    267267    PA0171           NetCDF: no 64-bit offset allowed on this machine
    268268    PA0172           no OPEN-statement for file-id ...
     269    PA0173           wrong component: ...
     270    PA0174           wrong argument  expected: ... given: ...
     271    PA0175           no time measurement defined on this host
     272    PA0176           negative time interval occured
     273                      PE ... L=PAUSE "..." new=...  last=...
     274    PA0177           negative time interval occured
     275                      PE ... L=STOP "..." new=... last=... isum=...
     276    PA0178           negative time interval occured
     277                      PE ... L=STOP "..." sum=...  mtime=...
     278    PA0179           unknown modus of time measurement: ...
     279    PA0180           unknown cross-section: ...
     280    PA0181           no output provided for: ...
     281    PA0182           no output available for: ...
     282    PA0183           if humidity/passive_scalar = FALSE output of ... is not provided
     283    PA0184           if cloud_physics = FALSE output of ... is not provided
     284    PA0185           data_output_profiles: normalizing cross ...
     285                      is not possible since one of the  normalizing factors is zero!
     286                      cross_normx_factor(...,...) = ...
     287                      cross_normy_factor(...,...) = ...
     288    PA0186           no spectra data available
     289    PA0187           fft method "..." currently does not work on NEC
     290    PA0188           no system-specific fft-call available
     291    PA0189           fft method "..." not available
     292    PA0190           flow_statistics is called two times within one timestep
     293    PA0191           unknown action(s): ...
     294    PA0192           timestep has exceeded the lower limit dt_1d = ... s   
     295                      simulation stopped!
     296    PA0193           unknown initializing problem
     297    PA0194           number of time series quantities exceeds its maximum
     298                      of dots_max = ... Please increase dots_max in modules.f90.
     299    PA0195           dvrp_username is undefined
     300    PA0196           dvrp_output="..." not allowed
     301    PA0197           dvrp_file="..." not allowed
     302    PA0198           mode_dvrp="..." not allowed
     303    PA0199           split of communicator not realized with  MPI1 coupling
     304                      atmosphere-ocean'
     305    PA0200           missing dz
     306    PA0201           dz=... <= 0.0
     307    PA0202           grid anisotropy exceeds threshold given by only local
     308                      horizontal reduction of near_wall mixing length l_wall
     309                      starting from height level k = ... .
     310    PA0203           inconsistent building parameters: bxl=... bxr=... bys=...
     311                      byn=... nx=... ny=...
     312    PA0204           no street canyon width given
     313    PA0205           inconsistent canyon parameters: cxl=... cxr=...
     314                      cwx=... ch=... nx=... ny=...
     315    PA0206           inconsistent canyon parameters:... cys=... cyn=...
     316                      cwy=... ch=... nx=... ny=...
     317    PA0207           inconsistent canyon parameters: street canyon can
     318                      only be oriented either in x- or in y-direction
     319    PA0208           file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA does not exist
     320    PA0209           errors in file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA
     321    PA0210           nzb_local values are outside the model domain
     322                     MINVAL( nzb_local ) = ...
     323                      MAXVAL( nzb_local ) = ...
     324    PA0211           nzb_local does not fulfill cyclic boundary condition
     325                      in x-direction
     326    PA0212           nzb_local does not fulfill cyclic boundary condition
     327                      in y-direction   
     328    PA0213           max_number_of_particle_groups =...
     329                      number_of_particle_groups reset to ...
     330    PA0214           version mismatch concerning data from prior run
     331                      version on file    = ...
     332                      version in program = ...
     333    PA0215           particle group # ...  has a density ratio /= 0
     334                      but radius = 0
     335    PA0216           number of initial particles (...) exceeds
     336                      maximum_number_of_particles (...) on PE ...
     337    PA0217           unknown boundary condition bc_par_b = "..."
     338    PA0218           unknown boundary condition bc_par_t = "..."
     339    PA0219           unknown boundary condition bc_par_lr = "..."
     340    PA0220           unknown boundary condition bc_par_ns = "..."
     341    PA0221           number of PEs of the prescribed topology (...) does not match
     342                      the number of PEs available to the job ()
     343    PA0222           if the processor topology is prescribed by the user,
     344                      both values of "npex" and "npey" must be given
     345                      in the NAMELIST-parameter file
     346    PA0223           psolver = "poisfft_hybrid" can only be used in case of
     347                      a 1d-decomposition along x
     348    PA0224           no matching grid for transpositions found
     349    PA0225           x-direction: gridpoint number (...)is not an
     350                      integral divisor of the number of procesors (...)
     351    PA0226           x-direction: nx does not match the requirements given
     352                      by the number of PEs used
     353                      please use nx = ... instead of nx =...
     354    PA0227           y-direction: gridpoint number (...) is not an
     355                      integral divisor of the number of processors (...)
     356    PA0228           y-direction: ny does not match the requirements given
     357                      by the number of PEs used
     358                      please use ny = ... instead of ny =...
     359    PA0229           1d-decomposition along x chosen but nz restrictions
     360                      may occur since ups-scheme is activated
     361    PA0230           transposition z --> x:
     362                      nz=... is not an integral divisior of pdims(1)= ...
     363    PA0231           transposition x --> y:
     364                      nx+1=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(2)= ...
     365    PA0232           transposition y --> z:
     366                      ny+1=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(1)=...
     367    PA0233           transposition x --> y:
     368                      ny+1=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(1)=...
     369    PA0234           direct transposition z --> y (needed for spectra):
     370                       nz=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(2)=...
     371    PA0235           mg_switch_to_pe0_level out of range and reset to default (=0)     
     372    PA0236           not enough memory for storing gathered multigrid data on PE0
     373    PA0237           multigrid gather/scatter impossible in non parallel mode
     374    PA0238           more than 10 multigrid levels
    270377    UI0001           The value for "topography_grid_convention" is not set.
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