Version 4 (modified by maronga, 3 years ago) (diff) |
UMMIP Stage 0: Michelstadt, no thermodynamics ¶
Description ¶
In this stage, a steady-state flow over a complex urban geometry is simulated. For this purpose the so-called Michel-Stadt scenario is used for which reference measurement data is available from wind-tunnel experiments (c/o University of Hamburg, Germany). The atmosphere is considered to be neutral (no thermodynamics) and the simulations are to be performed until steady state is reached.
Model parameters:
- Grid spacing:
- Background wind: Constant inflow wind profile (see input data)
- Roughness length: 0.01 m
- Lateral boundary conditions: arbritrary (cyclic or non-cyclic). For cyclic boundary conditions, a sufficiently large precursor domain should be considered.
- Surface boundary conditions: Local Monin-Obukhov Similarity or similar
- Further settings:
Input data ¶
- Building heights in NetCDF format
- Inflow wind profile