Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of project/subproj/wpd4

Apr 11, 2017 9:07:38 AM (8 years ago)



  • project/subproj/wpd4

    v4 v5  
    1616   {{{#!tr
    1717      {{{#!td style="border: none; width:50%"
    18 The main goal of WP-D4 will be the calculation of the soil water content for all pervious surfaces using the water balance model (WBM) STORM.  The soil water content will be used as input data for the surface energy balance solver of <new model>. Moreover, the water balance for impervious surfaces is supposed to be simulated to investigate further climate relevant issues such as pluvial flooding.     
     18The main goal of WP-D4 will be the calculation of the soil water content for all pervious surfaces using the water balance model (WBM) STORM.  The soil water content will be used as input data for the surface energy balance solver of PALM-4U. Moreover, the water balance for impervious surfaces is supposed to be simulated to investigate further climate relevant issues such as pluvial flooding.     
    1919      }}}
    2020      {{{#!td align=left style="border: none; vertical-align:top; width: 50%"
    3030''WP-D 4.0: Small scale Water balance modelling''
    32 A small scale sample area within the city of Berlin will be modelled and soil moisture outcomes will be used to investigate the interface with <new model>.
     32A small scale sample area within the city of Berlin will be modelled and soil moisture outcomes will be used to investigate the interface with PALM-4U.
    34 ''WP-D4.1: Software interface STORM – <new model>''
     34''WP-D4.1: Software interface STORM – PALM-4U''
    36 Outcomes of the soil STORM water model will be used as input data for the water and vegetation module. This will be done for a selected Demo city within Germany, however the Water Balance Module (in STORM) will be integrated within <new model> in order to create an automated interface offering a worldwide flexibility in soil moisture computation.
     36Outcomes of the soil STORM water model will be used as input data for the water and vegetation module. This will be done for a selected Demo city within Germany, however the Water Balance Module (in STORM) will be integrated within PALM-4U in order to create an automated interface offering a worldwide flexibility in soil moisture computation.
    3838''WP-D4.2: Large-scale Pre-processing for water balance model''
  | Impressum | ©Leibniz Universität Hannover |