| 30 | ||Crash in nested runs. ||April-May ||... ||Smaller test simulations run well. || |
| 31 | ||Memory demand for calculation of view factors (radiative transfer) ||01/08/2019 ||03/08/2019 ||OOM killer aborted processes randomly. Using not all cores on node fixed this. || |
| 32 | ||Parent and child grids do not overlap (required after revision of the nesting) ||05/08/2019 ||05/08/2019 ||New child drivers are required as number of grid points changed. || |
| 33 | ||Driver problem with bridges at the boundary. ||05/08/2019 ||05/08/2019 ||Child was moved a few meter northward. || |
| 34 | ||Bug in building parameters, wrong dimension in static input file ||08/08/2019 ||08/08/2019 || || |
| 35 | ||Bug when green roofs are present. ||09/08/2019 ||10/10/2019 ||Green roofs where disabled in the simulation. Fixed now. || |
| 36 | ||MPI network problems on the cray machine in Berlin ||10/08/2019 ||19/8/2019 ||Recurring MPI failures at different locations in the code, appeared only in the large winter IOP simulations, not in smaller ones. As a consequence, all runs were carried-out on the Atos machine in Göttingen. || |
| 37 | ||Minor bug in new implementation of external radiative forcing ||21/08/2019 ||21/08/2019 || || |
| 38 | ||Failure due to MPI errors. ||05/09/2019 ||21/09/2019 ||Appeared also in smaller test simulations. Need to be fixed on HLRN side. || |