Changes between Version 75 and Version 76 of project/publication

Mar 29, 2019 9:26:58 AM (6 years ago)



  • project/publication

    v75 v76  
    11= Journals =
    2 * '''Resler, J., P Krc, M. Belda, P. Jurus, N. Benesova, J. Lopata, O. Vlcek, D. Damaskova, K. Eben, P. Derbek, B. Maronga, and F. Kanani-Sühring, 2017:''' PALM-USM v1.0: A new urban surface model integrated into the PALM large-eddy simulation model, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3635–3659,
    3  doi:[ 10.5194/gmd-10-3635-2017].
    52* '''Gronemeier, T., S. Raasch, and E. Ng (2017):''' Effects of Unstable Stratification on Ventilation in Hong Kong. Atmosphere, 8 (9), 168, doi:[ 10.3390/atmos8090168].
    74* '''Gronemeier, T. and M. Sühring (2019):''' On the Effects of Lateral Openings on Courtyard Ventilation and Pollution – a Large-Eddy Simulation Study. Atmosphere, 10 (2), 63, doi:[].
     6* '''Kurppa M., A. Hellsten, P. Roldin, H. Kokkola, J. Tonttila, C. Kent, P. Kumar, B. Maronga, and L. Järvi (2019):''' Implementation of the sectional aerosol module SALSA into the PALM model system 6.0: Model development and first evaluation, Geosci. Model Dev., accepted, doi:[].
     8* '''Maronga, B., G. Groß, S. Raasch, S. Banzhaf, R. Forkel, W. Heldens, F. Kanani-Sühring, A. Matzarakis, M. Mauder, D. Pavlik, J. Pfafferott, S. Schubert, G. Seckmeyer, H. Sieker, K. Trusilova (2018):''' Development of a new urban climate model based on the model PALM - Project overview, planned work, and first achievements , Met. Z., accepted
     10* '''Resler, J., P Krc, M. Belda, P. Jurus, N. Benesova, J. Lopata, O. Vlcek, D. Damaskova, K. Eben, P. Derbek, B. Maronga, and F. Kanani-Sühring, 2017:''' PALM-USM v1.0: A new urban surface model integrated into the PALM large-eddy simulation model, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3635–3659,
     11 doi:[ 10.5194/gmd-10-3635-2017].
    914* '''Scherer, D., F. Antretter, S. Bender, J. Cortekar, S. Emeis, U. Fehrenbach, G. Gross, G. Halbig, J. Hasse, B. Maronga, S. Raasch, and K. Scherber (2019):''' Urban Climate Under Change [UC]² - A National Research Programme for Developing a Buildung-Resolving Atmospheric Model for Entire City Regions, Met. Z., accepted
    11 * '''Maronga, B., G. Groß, S. Raasch, S. Banzhaf, R. Forkel, W. Heldens, F. Kanani-Sühring, A. Matzarakis, M. Mauder, D. Pavlik, J. Pfafferott, S. Schubert, G. Seckmeyer, H. Sieker, K. Trusilova (2018):''' Development of a new urban climate model based on the model PALM - Project overview, planned work, and first achievements , Met. Z., accepted
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