29 | | * ''' Basit Khan, Renate Forkel, Sabine Banzhaf, Matthias Mauder, Emmanuele Russo, Farah Kanani-Sühring, Björn Maronga, Siegfried Raasch, Klaus Ketelsen, Mona Kurppa (2018):''' Model performance evaluation and computational efficiency of chemical |
30 | | mechanisms implemented in the microscale urban climate model PALM-4U?\\ Poster presentation\\ |
| 29 | * ''' Basit Khan, Renate Forkel, Sabine Banzhaf, Matthias Mauder, Emmanuele Russo, Farah Kanani-Sühring, Björn Maronga, Siegfried Raasch, Klaus Ketelsen, Mona Kurppa (2018):''' Model performance evaluation and computational efficiency of chemical mechanisms implemented in the microscale urban climate model PALM-4U?\\ Poster presentation\\ |