MOSAIK data ¶
This page describes the current state of available input data according to the PALM Input Data Standard (PIDS). All data sets are rastered and can be downloaded from the MOSAIK sftp server. If you need access, please request a user account via mail (F. Kanani or B. Maronga)
Berlin ¶
Domain size: 47208 m x 39309 m
Layer | Creation date | File | Supplier | Pixel size
Bridge height | 11/29/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Bridge id | 11/29/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Bridge pavement type | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Bridge street type | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Building height (2d) | 11/29/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Building type | 11/29/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Building id | 11/29/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Pavement type | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Street type | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Street crossings | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Terrain height | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Leaf area index (MODIS, summer) | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Leaf area index (MODIS, spring) | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Leaf area index (WANG, summer) | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Leaf area index (WANG, spring) | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Leaf area index (MODIS, summer) | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Tree age | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Tree crown diameter | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Tree height | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Tree species | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Tree trunk diameter | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Tree type | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Vegetation on roofs | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Vegetation type | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Vegetation patch age | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Vegetation patch diameter | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Vegetation patch height | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Vegetation patch type | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Water type | 11/07/18 | | DLR | X = 1m, 10m, 15m
Building height | V2 | | DLR |
Building type and age | V2 | | DLR |
Tree height | V2 | | DLR |
Tree crown diameter | V2 | | DLR |
Tree age | V2 | | DLR |
Tree species | V2 | | DLR |
Vegetation on roofs | V2 | |
LAI summer (Modis) | V3 | | DLR | summer, saturation at LAI = 6
LAI summer (Wang) | V3 | | DLR | summer, saturation at LAI = 6
LAI spring (Modis) | V3 | | DLR | summer, saturation at LAI = 6
LAI spring (Wang) | V3 | | DLR | summer, saturation at LAI = 6
Vegetation type | V3 | | DLR |
Water type | V2 | | DLR |
Pavement type | V2 | | DLR |
Building id | V2 | | DLR |
Tree type statistics | V2 | Strassenbaeume_Berlin_nachBezirken.pdf | GEO-NET |
Street type | V2 | | DLR
Street crossings | V2 | | DLR
Layer | Version | Status | Expected | Supplier | Notes
Building height | V2 | processing | unknown | DLR | 3D, correct buildings
Green fraction on roof | V2 | processing | 26/09/2017 | DLR |
Soil type | V2 | delivered | | Sieker |
Berlin (10 m) ¶
Layer | Version | File | Domain size | Supplier | Notes
Terrain height | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR |
Building height | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | preliminary version
Building type and age | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR |
Tree height | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | public trees only, defined at trunk location
Tree crown diameter | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | public trees only, defined at trunk location
Tree age | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | public trees only, defined at trunk location
Tree species | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | public trees only, defined at trunk location
Vegetation on roofs | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | valid values: 0 (extensive) and 1 (intensive)
LAI summer (Modis) | V3 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | summer, saturation at LAI = 6
LAI summer (Wang) | V3 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | summer, saturation at LAI = 6
LAI spring (Modis) | V3 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | summer, saturation at LAI = 6
LAI spring (Wang) | V3 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR | summer, saturation at LAI = 6
Vegetation type | V3 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR |
Water type | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR |
Pavement type | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR |
Building id | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR |
Tree type statistics | V2 | Strassenbaeume_Berlin_nachBezirken.pdf | - | GEO-NET |
Street type | V2 | | 47210 m x 39310 m | DLR
Street crossings | V2 | | 47219 m x 39310 m | DLR
Layer | Version | Status | Expected | Supplier | Notes
Building height | V2 | processing | unknown | DLR | 3D, correct buildings
Green fraction on roof | V2 | processing | 26/09/2017 | DLR |
Soil type | V2 | delivered | unknown | GEO-NET |
COSMO-DE forcing data for the full COSMO domain at hourly resolution and at least 3 continuous days.
Scenario | Status | Start date | End date | Description | Supplier | Notes
Summer 1 | available | 2013/07/20 0000 UTC | 2013/07/23 0000 UTC | summer.pdf | DWD | Exceptionally weak winds (below 4 m/s, frequently below 2 m/s) and at least 36 hours of clear sky in all democities. Temperatures rise above 30 °C in some regions. (recommended)
Summer 2 | available | 2013/08/01 0000 UTC | 2013/08/04 0000 UTC | summer.pdf | DWD | Greatest temperatures but slightly stronger winds. Temperatures rise above 30 °C almost everywhere in Germany; wind speeds frequently between 2 and 4 m/s. (recommended)
Summer 3 | available | 2016/08/23 0000 UTC | 2016/08/28 0000 UTC | summer.pdf | DWD | With over 48 hours of clear sky in Berlin and Stuttgart, top temperatures rise above 30 °C. Wind speeds vary between 2 and 5 m/s.
Winter 1 | available | 2016/11/28 0000 UTC | 2016/12/01 0000 UTC | winter.pdf | DWD | Intermittent cloudiness over Germany with clearest conditions in the south and south west. Moderate wind speeds around 4 m/s and below.
Winter 2 | available | 2017/02/14 0000 UTC | 2017/02/17 0000 UTC | winter.pdf | DWD | During 24 consecutive hours of relatively clear sky, weak winds blow at around 2 m/s in all democities. (recommended)
Storm 1 | available | 2012/05/23 0000 UTC | 2012/05/26 0000 UTC | wind.pdf | DWD | Intermittent cloudiness with instantaneous winds reaching 6 m/s. COSMO predicts gusts up to 12 to 14 m/s.
Storm 2 | available | 2016/05/07 0000 UTC | 2016/05/11 0000 UTC | wind.pdf | DWD | Intermittent but low cloudiness with instantaneous winds exceeding 6 m/s. COSMO predicts hourly gusts up to 12 to 14 m/s. During this scenario, on May 8th, German electricity price dropped below zero due to excess production from wind and solar. (recommended)
PALM-4U drivers ¶
Berlin Ernst-Reuter-Platz (960 m x 960 m @ 10 m) ¶
- File: berlin_nested_test_static (.nc)
- Version: 1.0
- Preprocessing: NCL (B. Maronga)
Layer | Variable name | Notes
building height (2D) | buildings_2D |
building height (3D) | buildings_3D | estimated from buildings_2D
building id | building_id |
building type | building_type |
terrain height | orography_2D |
vegetation type | vegetation_type |
water_type | water_type |
pavement_type | pavement_type |
building parameters | building_pars | green roof fraction, LAI of green roof fraction (dummy data)
vegetation parameters | vegetation_pars | LAI summer for low vegetation
surface fraction | surface_fraction |
soil type | soil_type | dummy data
leaf area density | leaf_area_density | estimated from LAI and canopy height
- File: berlin_nested_test_dynamic (.nc)
- Version: 1.0
- Preprocessing: INIFOR (B. Maronga)
Berlin Ernst-Reuter-Platz (96 m x 96 m @ 1 m) ¶
- File: berlin_nested_test_02_static (.nc)
- Version: 1.0
- Preprocessing: NCL (B. Maronga)
Layer | Variable name | Notes
building height (2D) | buildings_2D |
building height (3D) | buildings_3D | estimated from buildings_2D
building id | building_id |
building type | building_type |
terrain height | orography_2D |
vegetation type | vegetation_type |
water_type | water_type |
pavement_type | pavement_type |
building parameters | building_pars | green roof fraction, LAI of green roof fraction (dummy data)
vegetation parameters | vegetation_pars | LAI summer for low vegetation
surface fraction | surface_fraction |
soil type | soil_type | dummy data
leaf area density | leaf_area_density | estimated from LAI and canopy height
- File: berlin_nested_test_02_dynamic (.nc)
- Version: 1.0
- Preprocessing: INIFOR (B. Maronga)
Berlin (46800 m x 38400 m @ 10 m) ¶
- File: berlin_showcase_static (.nc)
- Version: 1.0
- Preprocessing: NCL (B. Maronga)
Layer | Variable name | Notes
building height (2D) | buildings_2D |
building height (3D) | buildings_3D | estimated from buildings_2D
building id | building_id |
building type | building_type |
terrain height | orography_2D |
vegetation type | vegetation_type |
water_type | water_type |
pavement_type | pavement_type |
building parameters | building_pars | green roof fraction, LAI of green roof fraction (dummy data)
vegetation parameters | vegetation_pars | LAI summer for low vegetation
surface fraction | surface_fraction |
soil type | soil_type | dummy data
leaf area density | leaf_area_density | estimated from LAI and canopy height
- File: berlin_showcase_dynamic (.nc) - processing
- Version: -
- Preprocessing: INIFOR (B. Maronga)
Berlin Ernst-Reuter-Platz (960 m x 960 m @ 1 m) ¶
- File: berlin_showcase_02_static (.nc)
- Version: 1.0
- Preprocessing: NCL (B. Maronga)
Layer | Variable name | Notes
building height (2D) | buildings_2D |
building height (3D) | buildings_3D | estimated from buildings_2D
building id | building_id |
building type | building_type |
terrain height | orography_2D |
vegetation type | vegetation_type |
water_type | water_type |
pavement_type | pavement_type |
building parameters | building_pars | green roof fraction, LAI of green roof fraction (dummy data)
vegetation parameters | vegetation_pars | LAI summer for low vegetation
surface fraction | surface_fraction |
soil type | soil_type | dummy data
leaf area density | leaf_area_density | estimated from LAI and canopy height
- File: berlin_showcase_02_dynamic (.nc) - processing
- Version: -
- Preprocessing: INIFOR (B. Maronga)