Changes between Version 186 and Version 187 of todo

Nov 21, 2018 3:52:52 PM (6 years ago)



  • todo

    v186 v187  
    1010||Discussion   ||Discuss the treatment of package parameters, regarding their appearance in {{{rrd_global}}} and {{{wrd_global}}}. Discuss the general treatment / separation of {{{inipar}}} and {{{d3par}}} parameters. ||Sebastian  ||
    1111||  ||  ||  ||
    12 ||Homepage  || replace the provisional picture (showing Kelvin-Helmholtz waves) by a nicer one from an urban canopy simulation ||Tobias  ||
    13 ||  ||  ||  ||
    1412||PALM code    ||~~Check for double-use of error numbers~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Sebastian)]] ||
    1513||PALM code    ||Clean up / extend location messages / time measurements, remove output of '--- finished' in ''advance'' mode ||Farah, Matthias, Siggi ||
    1715||PALM code    ||~~Known bug: W* and Z_I in the first line of the run control file don't correspond to the values in the last run control output line of the previous run.~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Sebastian)]] ||
    1816||PALM code    ||~~ Known bug: Restart crashes in sum_up_3d_data if an {{{_av}}} quantity is given in the restart run NAMELIST file (_p3dr) but not in the initial run NAMELIST file (_p3d) --> Implement check?! ~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Sebastian)]]  ||
    19 ||PALM code    ||~~Revise variable/dimension names and attributes in the NetCDF data input and PIDS input according to the [UC]² data policy~~ Revised PIDS --> V1.9, renamed variables which are already implemented in PALM||[[span(style=color: #008000, Tobias)]]||
    20 ||PALM code    || Make use of already implemented 'long_name' attribute of variables, i.e. give possibility to assign a long_name for user defined variables ||Tobias  ||
    21 ||PALM code    || Make proper use of global attributes; especially do not write time average interval in title if there exists a specific attribute ({{{time_avg}}}) for this. [[span(style=color: #FF0000, I think this information in the title is quite helpful for interpreting the plot. If it is omitted in the title, we need to add this information to the plot at some other place. Siggi)]] ||Tobias  ||
    22 ||PALM code    ||~~Add georeferencing (lat/lon) and global attributes according to [UC]² data policyto NetCDF output~~ ||Tobias  ||
    2317||PALM code    ||Extend plant canopy model to handle basal area (trunks, branches) ||Björn ||
    2418|| PALM code || Implement and homogenize output of cloud-physical variables derived from bulk and Lagrangian cloud physics (e.g., qc, ql, qr, lpt, pt) || Johannes  ||
    3125||Scripts      ||Finalize first version of new palmplot script (python) ||Helge ||
    3226||Scripts      ||palmrun does not yet interpret variables in IC commands ||Siggi ||
    33 ||Scripts      ||~~Remove deprecated vapor scripts~~ (already removed since r1611)||[[span(style=color: #008000, Tobias)]]||
    3427||  ||  ||  ||
    3528||Test suite  ||~~ Design test cases for microphysic and lagrangian particles~~ ||Johannes  ||
    4639||Web docu     ||~~Update links from manual to Tutorial (new: PALM seminar material) ~~||[[span(style=color: #008000, Farah)]] ||
    4740||Web docu     ||Revise description of timeseries output ||Farah ||
    48 ||Web docu     ||~~Update VAPOR page~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Tobias)]]||
    4941||Web docu     ||documentation of the PIDS and of surface model (e.g. how to create drivers, or the different level-of-details) ||Matthias  ||
    5042||Web docu     ||automatic generation of a machine-readable list of all NAMELIST-parameters including their default values ||tba  ||
    8577||data_output  ||implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC ||  ||
    8678||PALM code  ||~~Create temporary job sub-directories via mrun (does not work properly with the FORTRAN system call function)~~ There is currently no proper solution for this. Postponed.  || ||
    87 ||Example runs ||Modify the "building" example run (example_building_p3d), since topography is allowed with WS-scheme || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Tobias)]] ||
    8879||PALM code  ||For reference_state='horizontal_average' round the averaged profile (e.g. 3.3 digits) to make runs repeatable || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Siggi)]] ||
    8980||PALM code  ||Avoid repeating code blocks in {{{data_output}}} routines and use subroutines instead ||  ||