Version 1 (modified by fricke, 15 years ago) (diff)


Development of a higher order advection scheme and its implementation in PALM
Responsible: Matthias Sühring
Project type: Diplomarbeit (equivalent to master thesis)
Duration: 19/10/2009-18/10/2010

The numerical solution of the advection equation holds qualitatively strong dependencies on the wavenumber. Even scales in the range of the grid length show large errors in amplitude and phase speed. Furthermore, lower order discretization of the advection term implicates non-physical oscillations at strong gradients. So Stevens at al. (1999) assume that the resolved entrainment flux at the top of the boundary layer depend on the quality of the advection scheme. The 5th order finite difference scheme of Wicker and Skamarock (2002) possesses a well trade-off between numerical properties and computational costs.

This thesis deals with the development of a higher order finite difference scheme based on the scheme of Wicker and Skamarock (2002) and its implementation in PALM. Also an optimization for large numbers of processors shall be accompanied. Furthermore, simulations of the convective boundary layer are planned to show the enhanced numerical properties of this higher order advection scheme.

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