Investigation of coherent structures in the surface layer with the help of highly-resolved LES data
Responsible: Sonja Weinbrecht
Project type: Research (not funded)
Duration: 01/01/2003 - 26/10/2003
Within the scope of the comparison of LES-data with data gained by acoustic tomography (see project Acoustic Tomography of the ABL for the Validation of an LES Model) a simulation with a very high resolution had been performed. The simulation results showed streaky structures which occured near the surface and were visible in the temperature field, the vertical wind field and the wind component in the mean wind direction. Such structures have already been observed in several simulation results and experiments, but not yet in such a high resolution. So these data will be further analysed with respect to the turbulent structures in the surface layer to get a better understanding of the turbulent flow near the surface.
Last modified 14 years ago
Last modified on Sep 16, 2010 2:46:07 PM