Changes between Version 71 and Version 72 of gallery/movies

Sep 3, 2012 10:12:22 AM (12 years ago)



  • gallery/movies

    v71 v72  
    495495'''Description:''' \\
    496 This animation shows the development of cumulus clouds at an accelerated pace in the homogeneously-heated convective boundary layer. The shown time period spans approx. 80 minutes, the shown region is of size 1.4 km x 1.4 km in the horizonzal and 1.5 km in the vertical direction. The clouds are represented through the liquid water content. Darker (gray) shades refer to a higher water content than white shades. The background scenary here is not physical and used for decorational reasons only.
     496This sequence shows the development of cumulus clouds at an accelerated pace in the homogeneously-heated convective boundary layer. The shown time period spans approx. 80 minutes, the shown region is of size 1.4 km x 1.4 km in the horizonzal and 1.5 km in the vertical direction. The clouds are represented through the liquid water content. Darker (gray) shades refer to a higher water content than white shades. The background scenary here is not physical and used for decorational reasons only.
    497497||||='''Model Setup'''  =||
    498498||Total domain size (x|y|z):||4096m x 4096m x 1900m||
    534534'''Description:''' \\
    535 This animation shows the development of cumulus clouds at an accelerated pace in the homogeneously-heated convective boundary layer. The shown time period spans approx. 80 minutes, the shown region is of size 1.4 km x 1.4 km in the horizonzal and 1.5 km in the vertical direction. The clouds are represented through the liquid water content. Darker (gray) shades refer to a higher water content than white shades. The background scenary here is not physical and used for decorational reasons only.
     535As sequence one, but a different cloud at a different location. The shown region is of size 1.0 km x 1.2 km in the horizonzal and 1.5 km in the vertical direction. The arrows indicate the strength and direction of the wind in a vertical plane through the center of the cloud. Red and blue colors refer for up- and downdrafts, respectively.
    536536||||='''Model Setup'''  =||
    537537||Total domain size (x|y|z):||4096m x 4096m x 1900m||
    573573'''Description:''' \\
    574 This animation shows the development of cumulus clouds at an accelerated pace in the homogeneously-heated convective boundary layer. The shown time period spans approx. 80 minutes, the shown region is of size 1.4 km x 1.4 km in the horizonzal and 1.5 km in the vertical direction. The clouds are represented through the liquid water content. Darker (gray) shades refer to a higher water content than white shades. The background scenary here is not physical and used for decorational reasons only.
     574The third sequence shows the same cloud as sequence two, but from a different view angle. Arrows again indicate the flow circulation under the cloud (updrafts are in red colors). The bottom shows the near-surface vertical wind speed (high wind speeds in red).
    575575||||='''Model Setup'''  =||
    576576||Total domain size (x|y|z):||4096m x 4096m x 1900m||