Changes between Version 69 and Version 70 of gallery/movies

Sep 3, 2012 10:02:02 AM (12 years ago)



  • gallery/movies

    v69 v70  
    475 ||||='''Cumulus clouds (2012)''' =||
     475||||='''First sequence''' =||
    476476{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"
     514||||='''Second sequence''' =||
     515{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"
     518    type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
     519    id="player"
     520    name="player"
     521    src=""
     522    width="512"
     523    height="358"
     524    allowfullscreen="true"
     525    flashvars="file="
     529{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid""
     530'''Project:''' [[wiki:imuk/projects/2008_02|Investigations on in-cloud turbulence effects on drop growth and precipitation formation]]\\
     532'''Responsible:''' [[imuk/members/franke|Theres Riechelmann]], [[imuk/members/maronga|Björn Maronga]]\\
     534'''Description:''' \\
     535This animation shows the development of cumulus clouds at an accelerated pace in the homogeneously-heated convective boundary layer. The shown time period spans approx. 80 minutes, the shown region is of size 1.4 km x 1.4 km in the horizonzal and 1.5 km in the vertical direction. The clouds are represented through the liquid water content. Darker (gray) shades refer to a higher water content than white shades. The background scenary here is not physical and used for decorational reasons only.
     536||||='''Model Setup'''  =||
     537||Total domain size (x|y|z):||4096m x 4096m x 1900m||
     538||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||4m x 4m x 4m||
     539||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||1024 x 1024 x 448||
     540||Simulated time:||2h||
     542||Number of CPUs:||1024||
     543||Machine/ processor type:||SGI Altix ICE at [ HLRN]||
     544||Visualization software:||VAPOR||
     546||||||='''Download'''  =||
     547||Video Format  ||File size  ||
     548||Flash (.flv)  ||  3.9mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cloud2_flash.flv|Download]]  ||
     549||MPEG (.avi)   ||  3.6mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cloud2_mpeg.avi|Download]]  ||
     553||||='''Third sequence''' =||
     554{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"
     557    type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
     558    id="player"
     559    name="player"
     560    src=""
     561    width="512"
     562    height="358"
     563    allowfullscreen="true"
     564    flashvars="file="
     568{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid""
     569'''Project:''' [[wiki:imuk/projects/2008_02|Investigations on in-cloud turbulence effects on drop growth and precipitation formation]]\\
     571'''Responsible:''' [[imuk/members/franke|Theres Riechelmann]], [[imuk/members/maronga|Björn Maronga]]\\
     573'''Description:''' \\
     574This animation shows the development of cumulus clouds at an accelerated pace in the homogeneously-heated convective boundary layer. The shown time period spans approx. 80 minutes, the shown region is of size 1.4 km x 1.4 km in the horizonzal and 1.5 km in the vertical direction. The clouds are represented through the liquid water content. Darker (gray) shades refer to a higher water content than white shades. The background scenary here is not physical and used for decorational reasons only.
     575||||='''Model Setup'''  =||
     576||Total domain size (x|y|z):||4096m x 4096m x 1900m||
     577||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||4m x 4m x 4m||
     578||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||1024 x 1024 x 448||
     579||Simulated time:||2h||
     581||Number of CPUs:||1024||
     582||Machine/ processor type:||SGI Altix ICE at [ HLRN]||
     583||Visualization software:||VAPOR||
     585||||||='''Download'''  =||
     586||Video Format  ||File size  ||
     587||Flash (.flv)  ||  3.9mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cloud1_flash.flv|Download]]  ||
     588||MPEG (.avi)   ||  3.6mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cloud1_mpeg.avi|Download]]  ||