400 | | ||Total domain size (x|y|z):||m x m x m|| |
401 | | ||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||m x m x m|| |
402 | | ||Number of grid points (x|y|z):|| x x || |
403 | | ||Simulated time:||h|| |
404 | | ||CPU-time:||s|| |
405 | | ||Number of CPUs:|||| |
406 | | ||Machine/ processor type:|||| |
407 | | ||Visualization software:|||| |
| 400 | ||Total domain size (x|y|z):||5120m x 5120m x 1024m|| |
| 401 | ||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||4m x 4m x 4m|| |
| 402 | ||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||1280 x 1280 x 1024|| |
| 403 | ||Simulated time:||2h 13m|| |
| 404 | ||CPU-time:||10h 30m|| |
| 405 | ||Number of CPUs:||1024|| |
| 406 | ||Machine/ processor type:||SGI Altix ICE at [https://www.hlrn.de/home/view/Service HLRN] / Intel Xeon Gainestown|| |
| 407 | ||Visualization software:||[http://www.ittvis.com/ProductServices/IDL.aspx IDL]|| |