Version 2 (modified by maronga, 13 years ago) (diff) |
Cloud physics
Theory and Numerics
- Fundamentals of LES
- Basic equations
- Subgrid-scale Model
- Numerics and boundary conditions
- Parallelization
- Embedded Lagrangian particle model
- Topography
- Ocean version
- Atmosphere-ocean coupling
- Canopy model
- Cloud physics
PALM user manual
- PALM overview
- Program control?
- Carrying out runs with mrun?
- Steering parameters
- Data output and analysis
- Program structure
- Carrying out restart runs?
- User-defined code
- Debugging
- Data visualization with NCL
- Exercise 1: Convection between plates
- Exercise 2: Neutrally-stratified boundary layer
- Exercise 3: User interface
- Exercise 4: Restart run
- Exercise 5: Flow over a cube
- Exercise 10: Cumulus cloud with bulk cloud physics
Advanced Examples (from research projects)
Downloads & Rules for developers
T U T O R I A L - G U I D E
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