Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of doc/tec/wtm

May 24, 2019 12:43:04 PM (6 years ago)



  • doc/tec/wtm

    v8 v9  
    53 where ''U'',,N,, is the velocity in axial direction and ''U'',,θ,, the velocity in tangential direction (along the circular movement of the rotor blade element, as shown in Figure 2). Ω denotes the rotational speed of the rotor.
     53where ''U'',,N,, is the velocity in axial direction and ''U'',,θ,, the velocity in tangential direction (along the circular movement of the rotor blade element, as shown in Figure 2).''Ω'' denotes the rotational speed of the rotor.
    55 Finally, the forces are smeared and interpolated to the PALM grid points. To optimise the performance of the time-consuming 3d smearing process. the smearing is done with a Polynomial function instead of the standard Gaussian smearing and confined to the region around the rotor ().
     55Finally, the forces are smeared and interpolated to the cartesian PALM grid. To optimise the performance of the time-consuming 3d smearing process. the smearing is done with a Polynomial function instead of the standard Gaussian smearing and confined to the region around the rotor:
     60f_{\epsilon}(x,y,z) = \sum_{seg=1}^{N_{seg}}\left( f_{N} + f_{\theta} \right) \eta \left( d_{b,r}(x,y,z) \right)
     64It is being summed over the number of rotor segments ''N'',,seg,,. ''η'' is the regularisation kernel which is a function of distance ''d'',,b,r,,''(x,y,z)'' between the center of the current rotor segment and each PALM grid point:
     69\eta \left( d_{b,r}(x,y,z) \right) = \frac{105}{32 \pi \epsilon_{min}^{3}} \left( \left( \frac{1}{\epsilon_{min}^{4}} d(x,y,z) - \frac{2}{\epsilon_{min}^{2}} \right) d(x,y,z) + 1 \right)
     73''ϵ'',,min,, denotes the zero of the polynomial function and thus confines the region where the smearing is applied (position of current rotor segment +/- ''ϵ'',,min,, in all directions):
     78\epsilon_{min} = \left( \frac{105}{32}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}} \pi^{\frac{1}{6}} \epsilon
     82The smearing width ''ϵ'' is set to twice the grid spacing the horizontal grid spacing which has turned out to be a reasonable value (see e.g. [#troldborg Troldborg et al. (2013)]).
    6594== References ==
     96* [=#calaf]'''Calaf M, Meneveau C, Meyers J''' 2010. Large eddy simulation study of fully developed wind-turbine array boundary layers. Phys. Fluids, 22, 015110, doi:10.1063/1.3291077.
    6797* [=#jonkman]'''Jonkman JM, Butterfield S, Musial W, Scott G''' 2009. Definition of a 5-MW reference wind turbine for offshore system development. Technical Report NREL/TP-500-38060, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado.
     98* [=#troldborg]'''Troldborg N, Sørensen JN, Mikkelsen R, Sørensen NN''' 2013. A simple atmospheric boundary layer model applied to large eddy simulations of wind turbine wakes. Wind Energy, 17(4), 657-669, doi:10.1002/we.1608.
     99* [=#wu]'''Wu Y-T, Porté-Agel F''' 2011. Large-Eddy Simulation of Wind-Turbine Wakes: Evaluation of Turbine Parametrisations. Boundary Layer Meteorol., 138, 345-366, doi:10.1007/s10546-010-9569-x.
    71101== old ==