5 | | LES:: Per default, PALM is operated as an LES model using a subgrid-scale model to parameterize turbulence of size smaller than the grid size. //// |
6 | | RANS:: Switching on the RANS mode via the namelist paramter //[/wiki/doc/app/inipar#rans_mode rans_mode]//, PALM is operated as a RANS model. Now, all turbulence is parameterized using a turbulence model. //// |
| 5 | [wiki:doc/tec/sgs LES]:: Per default, PALM is operated as an LES model using a subgrid-scale model to parameterize turbulence of size smaller than the grid size. //// |
| 6 | [wiki:doc/tec/turbulence_parameterization RANS]:: By using one of the RANS-turbulence parameterizations, PALM is operated in RANS-mode. //// |