Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of doc/tec/mas/agent_preprocessing

Aug 30, 2018 1:34:05 PM (7 years ago)



  • doc/tec/mas/agent_preprocessing

    v2 v3  
    1 === Visibility graph ===
     1= Visibility graph =
    22Prior to a simulation using the MAS navigation information for the agents must be preprocessed. The result is a navigation mesh (visibility graph) that agents can use to find their way around obstacles toward their target.
    4 '''Concept'''\\\\
     4== Concept ==
    55For agents to be able to find a path through an area containing obstacles (such as a city) some sort of graph is needed on which pathfinding can be performed. Such a graph consists of nodes that indicate physical locations and connections between these nodes annotated with a cost to travel between the two nodes.\\
    66The concept used here is called "visibility graph". It hinges on the idea that pedestrians use '''outer corners''' of obstacles to navigate. All spaces that pedestrians will not or cannot cross, such as buildings, trees, certain types of streets, etc are considered obstacles. The agent will walk toward the next visible corner on their way to their final target, make a turn, and walk toward the next corner. Thus, the nodes are the obstacle corners and a connection is established between two nodes if they are in view of each other and given the cost of the direct distance between the two. \\\\
    15 '''Creating the visibility graph'''\\\\
     15== Creating the visibility graph ==
    1616A tool separate from PALM (Agent Preprocessing Tool for PALM - APT-P) has been developed to calculate the visibility graph. It is a standalone Fortran program (find it at {{{UTIL/agent_preprocessing/agent_preprocessing.f90}}}). \\
    1717To use it,