Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of doc/tec/lpm

Jun 23, 2016 7:11:47 PM (9 years ago)



  • doc/tec/lpm

    v4 v5  
    1 [[NoteBox(warn,This site is currently under construction!)]]
    31= Lagrangian particle model (LPM) =
    132130== Boundary conditions and release of particles ==
     132Different boundary conditions can be used for particles. They can be either reflected or absorbed at the surface and top of the model. The
     133lateral boundary conditions for particles can either be set to absorption or cyclic conditions.
     135The user can explicitly prescribe the release location and events as well as the maximum lifetime of each particle. Moreover, the embedded
     136LPM provides an option for defining different groups of particles. For each group the horizontal and vertical extension of the particle source volumes as well as the spatial distance between the released particles can be prescribed individually for each source area. In this
     137way it is possible to study the dispersion of particles from different source areas simultaneously.
    134139== Recent applications ==
     141The embedded LPM has been recently applied for the evaluation of footprint models over homogeneous and heterogeneous terrain ([#steinfeld2008 Steinfeld et al., 2008]; [#markkanen2009 Markkanen et al., 2009], [#markkanen2010 2010]; [#suehring2014 Sühring et al., 2014]). For example, [#steinfeld2008 Steinfeld et al. (2008)] calculated vertical profiles of crosswind-integrated particle concentrations for continuous point sources and found good agreement with the convective tank experiments of [#willis1976 Willis and Deardorff (1976)], as well as with LES results presented by [#weil2004 Weil et al. (2004)]. Moreover, [#steinfeld2008 Steinfeld et al. (2008)] calculated footprints for turbulence measurements and showed the benefit of the embedded LPM for footprint prediction compared to Lagrangian dispersion models with fully parametrized turbulence. [#noh2006 Noh et al. (2006)] used the LPM to study the sedimentation of inertial particles in the OML. Moreover, the LPM has been used for visualizing urban canopy flows as well as dust-devil-like vortices ([#raasch2011 Raasch and Franke, 2011]).
    136144== References ==
    145153* [=#rodean1996] '''Rodean HC.''' 1996. Stochastic Lagrangian models of turbulent diffusion. Meteor. Mon. 26: 1–84. [ doi].
     155* [=#steinfeld2008] '''Steinfeld G, Raasch S, Markkanen T.''' 2008. Footprints in homogeneously and heterogeneously driven boundary layers derived from a Lagrangian stochastic particle model embedded into large-eddy simulation. Bound.-Lay. Meteorol. 129: 225–248.
     157* [=#markkanen2009] '''Markkanen T, Steinfeld G, Kljun N, Raasch S, Foken T.''' 2009. Comparison of conventional Lagrangian stochastic footprint models against LES driven footprint estimates. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 9: 5575–5586. [ doi]. 
     159* [=#markkanen2010] ''' Markkanen T, Steinfeld G, Kljun N, Raasch S, Foken T.''' 2010. A numerical case study on footprint model performance under inhomogeneous flow conditions.  Meteorol. Z. 19: 539–547.
     161* [=#suehring2014] '''Sühring M, Maronga B, Herbort F, Raasch S.''' 2014. On the effect of surface heat-flux heterogeneities on the mixed-layer top entrainment. Bound.-Lay. Meteorol. 151: 531–556.
     163* [=#willis1976] '''Willis GE and Deardorff JW.''' 1976. A laboratory model of diffusion into the convective boundary layer. Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 102: 427–445.
     165* [=#noh2006] '''Noh Y, Kang IS, Herold M, Raasch S.''' 2006. Large-eddy simulation of particle settling in the ocean mixed layer. Phys. Fluids. 18: 085109. [ doi].
     167* [=#raasch2011] '''Raasch S, Franke T.''' 2011. Structure and formation of dust-devil-like vortices in the atmospheric boundary layer -- a high resolution numerical study. J. Geophys. Res. 116: D16120. [ doi].