Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of doc/tec/gov
- Timestamp:
- Apr 14, 2016 8:39:46 AM (9 years ago)
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v8 v9 1 [[NoteBox(warn,This site is currently under construction!)]]2 3 1 = Governing equations = 4 2 By default, PALM has six prognostic quantities: the velocity components ''u'', ''v'', ''w'' on a Cartesian grid, the potential temperature ''θ'', specific humidity ''q'',,v,, or a passive scalar ''s'', and the SGS turbulent kinetic energy (SGS-TKE) ''e''. The separation of resolved scales and SGS is implicitly achieved by averaging the governing equations over discrete Cartesian grid volumes as proposed by [#schumann1975 Schumann (1975)]. Moreover, it is possible to run PALM in a direct numerical simulation mode by switching off the prognostic equation for the SGS-TKE and setting a constant eddy diffusivity. For a list of all symbols and parameters, that we will introduce in this section, see the following Table 1 and 2. … … 50 48 \end{align*} 51 49 }}} 52 with the specific gas constant for water vapor ''R'',,v,,, and the liquid water specific humidity ''q'',,l,,. For the computation of ''q'',,l,,, see the descriptions of the embedded cloud microphysical models in Sects. [wiki:doc/tec/microphysics cloud microphysics] and [wiki:doc/tec/lcm Lagrangian cloud model (LCM)]. Furthermore, ''L'',,V,, is the latent heat of vaporization, and ''Ψ'',,q ,,v,,,, and ''Ψ'',,s,, are source/sink terms of ''q'',,v,, and ''s'', respectively.50 with the specific gas constant for water vapor ''R'',,v,,, and the liquid water specific humidity ''q'',,l,,. For the computation of ''q'',,l,,, see the descriptions of the embedded cloud microphysical models in Sects. [wiki:doc/tec/microphysics cloud microphysics] and [wiki:doc/tec/lcm Lagrangian cloud model (LCM)]. Furthermore, ''L'',,V,, is the latent heat of vaporization, and ''Ψ'',,q_v,, and ''Ψ'',,s,, are source/sink terms of ''q'',,v,, and ''s'', respectively. 53 51 54 52 == References ==