Version 15 (modified by kanani, 7 years ago) (diff)


Nesting parameters

NAMELIST group name: nesting_parameters

Parameter Name FORTRAN




General information about the nested domains to be used.

Up to 64 domains can be used. The derived data type has the structure

   TYPE pmc_layout

      CHARACTER(len=32) ::  name

      INTEGER  ::  id
      INTEGER  ::  parent_id
      INTEGER  ::  npe_total

      REAL(wp) ::  lower_left_x
      REAL(wp) ::  lower_left_y

   END TYPE pmc_layout

name is the domain name given by the user. id is the number of the domain (can be arbitrarily chosen, but it would be good practise to number the domains in ascending order starting with 1), while parent_id gives the number of the domain in which this domain is embedded. The so-called root-domain which includes all other nested-domains should have the id 1. The root-domain has no parent-domain and must be given -1 as its parent_id. npe_total is the number of PEs to be used for this domain. lower_left_x and lower_left_y are the coordinates in m of the south-left corner of the domain given in the root-model coordinate system. More precisely, lower_left_x is measured from the u-node at i=0 and lower_left_y from the v-node at j=0. The root-domain has lower_left_x = 0.0 and lower_left_y = 0.0. A nested-domain must be completely embedded in its parent-domain and there has to be a clearance between the lateral nest boundaries and its parent boundaries. This clearance has to be at least four parent-grid cells in case of Wicker-Skamarock advection scheme and at least two parent-grid cells in case of Piaseck-Williams advection scheme. Possible parallel nests, including their ghost-cell layers, are not allowed to overlap.

The following gives an example for defining a single nested-domain embedded in a root-domain:

domain_layouts = 'coarse',  1,  -1,  16,    0.0,    0.0,
                 'fine',    2,   1,  16,  320.0,  128.0, 

The total number of MPI-processes required by this configuration is 16 + 16 = 32. The numbers of PEs in the x- and y-directions can be additionally specified by setting npex and npey in &runtime_parameters for the respective domain. Of course, the condition npe_total = npex * npey must always hold.




Type of nesting datatransfer mode.

cascade, overlap, or mixed data transfer mode is allowed.




Type of nesting mode.

one-way, two-way, and 'vertical' nesting are allowed. The latter implies of a one-dimensional nesting in the vertical direction only (i.e. all domains have the the same horizontal extent).