Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of doc/app/iofiles/pids/palm_csd

Oct 28, 2021 11:33:06 PM (3 years ago)



  • doc/app/iofiles/pids/palm_csd

    v29 v30  
    1515==== [global] ====
    1616A set of global attributes can be defined that will be passed to the static driver file. In details, the following attributes can be set (see also [wiki:doc/app/iofiles/pids/static static driver description]:
    17 ||='''Attribute'''  =||='''Data type''' =||='''Description'''  =||
    18 || {{{author}}} || string || Author of the static driver. Use the format: name, email ||
    19 || {{{contact}}} || string || Contact person, format as for {{{author}}} ||
    20 || {{{acronym}}} || string || Institional acronym (formating rules applies to static drivers used in the [ MOSAIK] project) ||
    21 || {{{comment}}} || string || Arbitrary text ||
    22 || {{{data_content}}} || string || Arbitrary text ||
    23 || {{{dependencies}}} || string || Arbitrary text ||
    24 || {{{keywords}}} || string || Arbitrary keywords ||
    25 || {{{source}}} || string || List of data sources used to generate the driver ||
    26 || {{{campaign}}} || string || Information on measurement capaign (if applicable) ||
    27 || {{{location}}} || string || Geo-location of the static driver content (if applicable) ||
    28 || {{{site}}} || string || Site description od the static driver content (if applicable) ||
    29 || {{{institution}}} || string || Institution of the driver creator ||
    30 || {{{palm_version}}} || float || PALM version for which the driver was generated (for comptatibility checks) ||
    31 || {{{rotation_angle}}} || float || Clockwise angle of rotation in degrees between North positive y axis and the y axis in the data, e.g. ''0.0''. This value overwrites the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/initialization_parameters#rotation_angle rotation_angle]  ||
    32 || {{{references}}} || string || Arbitrary text ||
     17||='''Attribute'''  =||='''Data type''' =||='''Default value''' =||='''Description'''  =||
     18|| {{{author}}}         || string || "" || Author of the static driver. Use the format: name, email ||
     19|| {{{contact_person}}} || string || "" || Contact person, format as for {{{author}}} ||
     20|| {{{acronym}}}        || string || "" || Institutional acronym (formatting rules apply to static drivers used in the [ MOSAIK] project) ||
     21|| {{{comment}}}        || string || "" || Arbitrary text ||
     22|| {{{data_content}}}   || string || "" || Arbitrary text ||
     23|| {{{dependencies}}}   || string || "" || Arbitrary text ||
     24|| {{{keywords}}}       || string || "" || Arbitrary keywords ||
     25|| {{{source}}}         || string || "" || List of data sources used to generate the driver ||
     26|| {{{campaign}}}       || string || "" || Information on measurement capaign (if applicable) ||
     27|| {{{location}}}       || string || "" || Geo-location of the static driver content (if applicable) ||
     28|| {{{site}}}           || string || "" || Site description od the static driver content (if applicable) ||
     29|| {{{institution}}}    || string || "" || Institution of the driver creator ||
     30|| {{{palm_version}}}   || float  || "" || PALM version for which the driver was generated (for comptatibility checks) ||
     31|| {{{rotation_angle}}} || float  || 0.0 || Clockwise angle of rotation in degrees between North positive y axis and the y axis in the data, e.g. ''0.0''. This value overwrites the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/initialization_parameters#rotation_angle rotation_angle]  ||
     32|| {{{references}}}     || string || "" || Arbitrary text ||
    53 Note that most of the global attributes have no effect on the PALM simulations, except {{{rotation_angle}}} and {{{palm_version}}}.
     53Note that most of the global attributes have no effect on the PALM simulations, except {{{rotation_angle}}}.
    5555==== [settings] ====
    5656This section describes global parameters used to create the static driver. All following parameters are mandatory!
    58 ||='''Variable'''  =||='''Data type''' =||='''Description'''  =||
    59 || {{{bridge_width}}} || float ||In case that the simulation domain contains bridges, this parameter (in m) defines the vertical thickness of all bridge elements in the domain. Note that bridges require LOD2 building information (i.e. {{{buildings_3d}}}) ||
    60 || {{{debug_mode}}} || logical ||Can be set to {{{True}}} or {{{False}}}. Used for debugging by model developers only, currently this parameter has no effect  ||
    61 || {{{lai_roof_extensive}}} || float ||Leaf are index for green roofs with extensive vegetation, defined by setting the appropriate {{{building_pars}}} field. The value is assigned to all extensive green roofs in the model domain ||
    62 || {{{lai_roof_intensive}}} || float ||Leaf are index for green roofs with intensive vegetation, defined by setting the appropriate {{{building_pars}}} field. The value is assigned to all intensive green roofs in the model domain  ||
    63 || {{{lai_high_vegetation_default}}} || float ||Default leaf area index for (high) vegetation used to generate the 3D leaf area density field. This value is used for all pixels for which no other leaf area density is available (i.e. to fill missing data)||
    64 || {{{lai_low_vegetation_default}}} || float ||Default leaf area index for (low) vegetation used to fill data gaps in the leaf area index distribution. This parameter only will a LOD2 leaf area index for parameterized vegetation via vegetation_type, i.e., through the {{{vegetation_pars}}} field ||
    65 || {{{lai_alpha}}} || float ||Parameter for reconstruction of vertical LAD profiles based on tree shape parameters (alpha, beta) and the integral leaf area index after Markkanen et al. (2003). This scheme is used for vegetation patches (parks, forests), where the canopy can be considered to be pseudo-1D and for which usually no information on individual trees is available. ||
    66 || {{{lai_beta}}} || float ||Parameter for reconstruction of vertical LAD profiles based on tree shape parameters (alpha, beta) and the integral leaf area index after Markkanen et al. (2003). This scheme is used for vegetation patches (parks, forests), where the canopy can be considered to be pseudo-1D and for which usually no information on individual trees is available.  ||
    67 || {{{patch_height_default}}} || float ||Default patch height (in m), which is used in the canopy generator to process canopy patches (parks, forests) for which data for individual trees is usually lacking. This parameter comes into affect for data gaps where no other vegetation height is available ||
    68 || {{{season}}} || string ||As palm_csd can work with different sets of input data regarding leaf area index, this switch parameter can be set to either {{{summer}}} or {{{winter}}} to select the most suitable leaf area index input file to account for differences in leaf amount. Data for summer is usually from August (fully leaved), while data for winter is usually from April. ||
     58||='''Variable'''  =||='''Data type''' =||='''Default value''' =||='''Description'''  =||
     59|| {{{bridge_width}}}               || float   || 3.0 || In case that the simulation domain contains bridges, this parameter (in m) defines the vertical thickness of all bridge elements in the domain. Note that bridges require LOD2 building information (i.e. {{{buildings_3d}}}) ||
     60|| {{{lai_roof_extensive}}}         || float   || 0.8 || Leaf are index for green roofs with extensive vegetation, defined by setting the appropriate {{{building_pars}}} field. The value is assigned to all extensive green roofs in the model domain ||
     61|| {{{lai_roof_intensive}}}         || float   || 2.5 || Leaf are index for green roofs with intensive vegetation, defined by setting the appropriate {{{building_pars}}} field. The value is assigned to all intensive green roofs in the model domain  ||
     62|| {{{lai_high_vegetation_default}}}|| float   || 6.0 || Default leaf area index for (high) vegetation used to generate the 3D leaf area density field. This value is used for all pixels for which no other leaf area density is available (i.e. to fill missing data) ||
     63|| {{{lai_low_vegetation_default}}} || float   || 1.0 || Default leaf area index for (low) vegetation used to fill data gaps in the leaf area index distribution. This parameter only will a LOD2 leaf area index for parameterized vegetation via vegetation_type, i.e., through the {{{vegetation_pars}}} field ||
     64|| {{{lai_tree_lower_threshold}}}   || float   || 0.0 || Lower threshold of LAI for trees. Trees with LAI < lai_tree_lower_threshold are either removed or considered to have LAI=lai_tree_lower_threshold, depending on the setting {{{remove_low_lai_tree}}}. ||
     65|| {{{lai_alpha}}}                  || float   || 5.0 || Parameter for reconstruction of vertical LAD profiles based on tree shape parameters (alpha, beta) and the integral leaf area index after Markkanen et al. (2003). This scheme is used for vegetation patches (parks, forests), where the canopy can be considered to be pseudo-1D and for which usually no information on individual trees is available. ||
     66|| {{{lai_beta}}}                   || float   || 3.0 || Parameter for reconstruction of vertical LAD profiles based on tree shape parameters (alpha, beta) and the integral leaf area index after Markkanen et al. (2003). This scheme is used for vegetation patches (parks, forests), where the canopy can be considered to be pseudo-1D and for which usually no information on individual trees is available.  ||
     67|| {{{patch_height_default}}}       || float   || 10.0 || Default patch height (in m), which is used in the canopy generator to process canopy patches (parks, forests) for which data for individual trees is usually lacking. This parameter comes into affect for data gaps where no other vegetation height is available ||
     68|| {{{season}}}                     || string  || "summer" || As palm_csd can work with different sets of input data regarding leaf area index, this switch parameter can be set to either {{{summer}}} or {{{winter}}} to select the most suitable leaf area index input file to account for differences in leaf amount. Data for summer is usually from August (fully leaved), while data for winter is usually from April. ||
     69|| {{{vegetation_type_below_trees}}}|| integer || 3 || If trees are added to the static driver, the vegetation type below the tree volumes is changed to this value. ||
    8586This section describes the location for the static driver output.
    87 ||='''Variable'''  =||='''Data type''' =||='''Description'''  =||
    88 || {{{path}}} || string ||Directory where the output file shall be stored. Note that the static driver can - depending on model domain size - be quite large (in the order of several GB). ||
    89 || {{{file_out}}} || string ||Output file name. The final output will be stored under {{{path}}}/{{{file_out}}}_{{{domain}}}, where {{{domain}}} will be "root" for the parent (root) domain, and "N01", "N02", etc., for child domains N01, N02, etc., respectively
    90 || {{{version}}} || integer ||User-specific setting to track updates of a static driver. This value will be added as global attribute to the static driver ||
     88||='''Variable'''  =||='''Data type''' =||='''Default value''' =||='''Description'''  =||
     89|| {{{path}}} || string || "" ||Directory where the output file shall be stored. Note that the static driver can - depending on model domain size - be quite large (in the order of several GB). ||
     90|| {{{file_out}}} || string ||  ||Output file name. The final output will be stored under {{{path}}}/{{{file_out}}}_{{{domain}}}, where {{{domain}}} will be "root" for the parent (root) domain, and "N01", "N02", etc., for child domains N01, N02, etc., respectively
     91|| {{{version}}} || integer || "" ||User-specific setting to track updates of a static driver. This value will be added as global attribute to the static driver ||
    161162This section contains settings for each model domain for the PALM run. The section for the root domain domain must be named [domain_root]. In case of non-nested runs, this is the default model domain. In case of a nested run, the sections for the non-root domains must be named [domain_N01], [domain_N02], etc. as it is done in the PALM parameter file.
    163 ||='''Variable'''  =||='''Data type''' =||='''Description'''  =||
    164 || {{{pixel_size}}} || float ||Grid spacing in x and y / pixel size (m) ||
    165 || {{{origin_x}}} || float ||x-origin of the model domain (m) with respect to the input data UTM coordinates ||
    166 || {{{origin_y}}} || float ||y-origin of the model domain (m) with respect to the input data UTM coordinates ||
    167 || {{{nx}}} || float ||Number of grid points in x-direction (equals the {{{nx}}} setting in the PALM parameter file ||
    168 || {{{ny}}} || float ||Number of grid points in y-direction (equals the {{{ny}}} setting in the PALM parameter file  ||
    169 || {{{buildings_3d}}} || logical ||Use 3D buildings via the {{{buildings_3d}}} array to buildings instead of {{{buildings_2d}}}. This parameter must be true if bridges are present in the simulation domain. Note that the processing of 3D buildings by palm_csd is slower than 2D buildings ||
    170 || {{{dz}}} || float ||Vertical grid spacing in PALM (m). This parameter is needed when {{{buildings_3d}, {{{street_trees}}}, {{{canopy_patches}}}, {{{interpolate_terrain}}}, or {{{use_palm_z_axis}}} is used ||
    171 || {{{allow_high_vegetation}}} || logical ||If set to {{{True}}}, it is allowed to have high vegetation classes according in the {{{vegetation_type}}} distribution. Note that this can involve very large roughness lengths > 0.5 m. If the vertical grid spacings is close or smaller than this threshold the PALM run will crash and/or does not provide meaningful results. It is generally recommended to set this parameter to {{{False}}} whenever the grid spacing in small enough to resolve canopy patches be 2 or more vertical grid levels. If set to {{{False}}} pixels where a high vegetation type was prescribed will be converted into a 3D leaf area density canopy using the canopy generator ||
    172 || {{{generate_vegetation_patches}}} || logical ||If set to {{{True}}} the embedded canopy generator will convert all surface pixels that contain high vegetation into a 3D leaf area density distribution. This applies to pixels where {{{vegetation_type}}} is set to a high vegetation type, or where the vegetation height field suggests high vegetation. Note that only pixels with heights {{{> 2*dz}}} are converted, while all other pixels will be parameterized via the {{{vegetation_type}}} field ||
    173 || {{{use_palm_z_axis}}} || logical ||If set to True, the static driver will raster the input data on the z-grid of PALM for output. Note that PALM will convert continuous static driver data itself on its grid and apply additional filtering procedures. It is thus recommended to set this parameter to {{{False}}} unless {{{interpolate_terrain = True}}} in nested set-ups.||
    174 || {{{interpolate_terrain}}} || logical ||If set to True, the terrain height is interpolated and blended over between parent and child domains in order to avoid severe steps in terrain height due to different grid spacings between parent and child ||
    175 || {{{domain_parent}}} || string ||Name of the parent domain of the current domain. If the current domain is the root domain, leave this parameter empty. ||
    176 || {{{vegetation_on_roofs}}} || logical ||If set to True, allow green roofs ||
    177 || {{{street_trees}}} || logical ||If set to true, information on individual street trees will be used to generate a 3D leaf area density and basal area density distribution for each tree. In contrast to vegetation patches, where a closed canopy is assumed and information is only distributed vertically for each pixel, street trees have a 3D shape that is mapped on the simulation domain ||
     164||='''Variable'''  =||='''Data type''' =||='''Default value''' =||='''Description'''  =||
     165|| {{{pixel_size}}}                 || float   ||  ||Grid spacing in x and y / pixel size (m) ||
     166|| {{{origin_x}}}                   || float   ||  ||x-origin of the model domain (m) with respect to the input data UTM coordinates ||
     167|| {{{origin_y}}}                   || float   ||  ||y-origin of the model domain (m) with respect to the input data UTM coordinates ||
     168|| {{{nx}}}                         || float   ||  ||Number of grid points in x-direction (equals the {{{nx}}} setting in the PALM parameter file ||
     169|| {{{ny}}}                         || float   ||  ||Number of grid points in y-direction (equals the {{{ny}}} setting in the PALM parameter file  ||
     170|| {{{dz}}}                         || float   ||  ||Vertical grid spacing in PALM (m). This parameter is needed when {{{buildings_3d}, {{{street_trees}}}, {{{canopy_patches}}}, {{{interpolate_terrain}}}, or {{{use_palm_z_axis}}} is used ||
     171|| {{{buildings_3d}}}               || logical || False ||Use 3D buildings via the {{{buildings_3d}}} array to buildings instead of {{{buildings_2d}}}. This parameter must be true if bridges are present in the simulation domain. Note that the processing of 3D buildings by palm_csd is slower than 2D buildings ||
     172|| {{{allow_high_vegetation}}}      || logical || False ||If set to {{{True}}}, it is allowed to have high vegetation classes according in the {{{vegetation_type}}} distribution. Note that this can involve very large roughness lengths > 0.5 m. If the vertical grid spacings is close or smaller than this threshold the PALM run will crash and/or does not provide meaningful results. It is generally recommended to set this parameter to {{{False}}} whenever the grid spacing in small enough to resolve canopy patches be 2 or more vertical grid levels. If set to {{{False}}} pixels where a high vegetation type was prescribed will be converted into a 3D leaf area density canopy using the canopy generator ||
     173|| {{{generate_vegetation_patches}}}|| logical || True ||If set to {{{True}}} the embedded canopy generator will convert all surface pixels that contain high vegetation into a 3D leaf area density distribution. This applies to pixels where {{{vegetation_type}}} is set to a high vegetation type, or where the vegetation height field suggests high vegetation. Note that only pixels with heights {{{> 2*dz}}} are converted, while all other pixels will be parameterized via the {{{vegetation_type}}} field ||
     174|| {{{use_palm_z_axis}}}            || logical || False ||If set to True, the static driver will raster the input data on the z-grid of PALM for output. Note that PALM will convert continuous static driver data itself on its grid and apply additional filtering procedures. It is thus recommended to set this parameter to {{{False}}} unless {{{interpolate_terrain = True}}} in nested set-ups.||
     175|| {{{interpolate_terrain}}}        || logical || False ||If set to True, the terrain height is interpolated and blended over between parent and child domains in order to avoid severe steps in terrain height due to different grid spacings between parent and child ||
     176|| {{{domain_parent}}}              || string  ||  ||Name of the parent domain of the current domain. If the current domain is the root domain, leave this parameter empty. ||
     177|| {{{vegetation_on_roofs}}}        || logical || True ||If set to True, allow green roofs ||
     178|| {{{street_trees}}}               || logical || True ||If set to true, information on individual street trees will be used to generate a 3D leaf area density and basal area density distribution for each tree. In contrast to vegetation patches, where a closed canopy is assumed and information is only distributed vertically for each pixel, street trees have a 3D shape that is mapped on the simulation domain ||
     179|| {{{overhanging_trees}}}          || logical || True ||If set to False, no LAD volumes of trees are generated above surfaces without a vegetation type. ||
     180|| {{{remove_low_lai_tree}}}        || logical || False ||If set to True, all trees with an LAI<{{{lai_tree_lower_threshold}}} are removed from the dataset. If set to False, those trees are considered with LAI=lai_tree_lower_threshold. ||