Version 6 (modified by raasch, 6 years ago) (diff)


Setup for ocean mixed layer runs

Since revision r3294 the ocean mode of PALM has been modularized and is activated by adding a &ocean_parameters NAMELIST to the Fortran NAMELIST file for model steering (see doc/app/par). A complete list of parameters available for steering the ocean mode is described here.

A Fortran NAMELIST example file for simulating an ocean mixed layer (OML) can be downloaded from the repository here.

In this example, the Stokes drift is activated (generating a Langmuir circulation) and turbulence generating effects of wave breaking have been switched on. The case follows the one described and analyzed by Noh et al. (2004).

After downloading the NAMELIST file, some parameters need to be adjusted manually by editing the file in order to adjust to the original Noh et al. (2004) setup. These adjustments are required because the NAMELIST file is used by our testserver for carrying out short test runs with reduced demand of computational resources. Please set the following parameters:

  nx = 239,
  ny = 239,
  end_time = 28800.0,

  salinity = .FALSE.,   ! Noh et al. did not consider salinity effects in their simulations
