Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of doc/app/examples/dns

Feb 22, 2021 5:11:28 PM (4 years ago)



  • doc/app/examples/dns

    v6 v7  
    25 Therefore, the governing equations implemented in the code are valid for DNS if a constant [../../inipar#km_constant eddy diffusivity] (''K'',,m,,) is used for the flow. In this way, no TKE is computed (''e''=0) and the not equal signs from the equation above change to equal signs. For DNS, the term eddy diffusivity is not valid anymore. Instead, we specify with [../../inipar#km_constant km_constant] the kinematic viscosity ''ν'',,m,, and molecular diffusivity ''ν'',,h,, for heat. In the medium air, these values are equal and have a magnitude of roughly 1.76e-5 if a [../../inipar#prandtl_number Prandtl number] of 1 is used.
     25Therefore, the governing equations implemented in the code are valid for DNS if a constant [../../initialization_parameters#km_constant eddy diffusivity] (''K'',,m,,) is used for the flow. In this way, no TKE is computed (''e''=0) and the not equal signs from the equation above change to equal signs. For DNS, the term eddy diffusivity is not valid anymore. Instead, we specify with [../../initialization_parameters#km_constant km_constant] the kinematic viscosity ''ν'',,m,, and molecular diffusivity ''ν'',,h,, for heat. In the medium air, these values are equal and have a magnitude of roughly 1.76e-5 if a [../../initialization_parameters#prandtl_number Prandtl number] of 1 is used.
    2727The grid spacings Δ need to be comparable to the Kolmogorov length characterizing the smallest scales inside the turbulent region to ensure a DNS. With the general assumption that the Kolmogorov length is comparable to the diffusion length ''z'',,0,, characterizing the diffusive sublayer next to the wall, we can estimate Δ from, e.g. (see [#mellado2012 Mellado (2012)])
    36 with ''b'',,0,, being the surface buoyancy, which is given from the boundary condition. Due to the fine grid spacing, only several tens of seconds can be simulated. A simulation with an [../../inipar#end_time end time] of 10s, 1024x1024x768 grid points, and grid spacings of 0.86e-3m needs about 1200 core hours on 512 CPUs already. Due to this short simulated time, the Coriolis force can be switched off.
     36with ''b'',,0,, being the surface buoyancy, which is given from the boundary condition. Due to the fine grid spacing, only several tens of seconds can be simulated. A simulation with an [../../initialization_parameters#end_time end time] of 10s, 1024x1024x768 grid points, and grid spacings of 0.86e-3m needs about 1200 core hours on 512 CPUs already. Due to this short simulated time, the Coriolis force can be switched off.
    3838The user code, which is also attached, can be used to provide similar initial conditions for the potential temperature/buoyancy profiles as described in [#mellado2012 Mellado (2012)] and to calculate further quantities like the convection scale or the convective Rayleigh number.