Some remarks on using Trac
- The login names and passwords should be the same as your svn-account.
- If you are not logged in, only this Wiki can be used. No Source-Code browsing, no roadmap etc.
- Please set up your e-mail in the Preferences above.
- How to access Trac from outside MUK can be found here [LotzWikihome?]
- More information on using Trac can be found below! -> see [WikiFormatting]
If some errors occur
- Until now administrative rights are granted to Siggi and Johannes.
- Contact:
- personally.
- if you are logged in open a ticket with "Trac" as Component where you explain the problem - I'll get an email.
Some ideas concerning the Wiki-content
- every member creates a particular page
- a central collection of palm-errors & solutions (one responsible person; via ticket-system)
For the ADMIN
- Installation and Configuration
- To remove bad tickets
- solved tickets should be set to "closed"
- in case thats not enough: trac-admin $path_to_trac ticket remove $number_of_ticket
- To install latex macro (allow latex code in wiki) visit
- and
- (its a new style macro)
- For changing the maximum attachment size have a look at $trac/conf/trac.ini -- the following lines define a maximum of 1.2MB
[attachment] max_size = 1262144
- To do:
- internal PDF-viewer for TRAC
- enable different write/change-permission for every wiki-site
Official Trac Introduction
Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on Jul 15, 2010 8:32:09 AM