12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
unused variables remove from several routines
12 years |
hoffmann |
last commit documented
12 years |
hoffmann |
two-moment cloud physics implemented
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
code has been put under the GNU General Public License (v3)
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
leapfrog timestep scheme and upstream-spline advection scheme …
13 years |
fricke |
last commit documented
13 years |
fricke |
merge fricke branch back into trunk
13 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
13 years |
raasch |
bugfix for timestep calculation in case of Galilei transformation
14 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
14 years |
raasch |
In case of multigrid method, on coarse grid levels, gathered …
14 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
14 years |
suehring |
- Coupling with different resolution and …
14 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
14 years |
raasch |
Optional barriers included in order to speed up collective …
15 years |
raasch |
Adapted for machine lck
(mrun, mbuild, subjob)
bc_lr/bc_ns …
16 years |
maronga |
adjustments for lcxt4 and ibmy, allow user 2d xy cross section output …
16 years |
letzel |
- Bugfix for timestep criterion in case of simulations with …
16 years |
letzel |
- Modified timestep criterion in case of simulations with plant canopy …
16 years |
letzel |
- Additional timestep criterion in case of simulations with plant …
16 years |
heinze |
Indentation of the message calls corrected
16 years |
heinze |
Output of messages replaced by message handling routine.
16 years |
raasch |
preparations for the next release
16 years |
letzel |
- Bugfixes for nonparallel execution
16 years |
raasch |
ocean-atmosphere coupling realized with MPI-1, adjustments in mrun, …
17 years |
raasch |
Allows runs for a coupled atmosphere-ocean LES,
coupling …
17 years |
letzel |
- Improved coupler: evaporation - salinity-flux coupling for humidity …
18 years |
raasch |
Id keyword set as property for all *.f90 files
18 years |
raasch |
RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up
18 years |
raasch |
Initial repository layout and content