6 years |
suehring |
Revision of virtual-measurement module and data output enabled. …
6 years |
suehring |
Add ASCII file for plant canopy to io-files
6 years |
kanani |
Add netcdf input for uv exposure model (netcdf_data_input_mod, …
6 years |
suehring |
module for virtual measurements added (in a preliminary state); new …
6 years |
suehring |
Branch salsa @3446 re-integrated into trunk
6 years |
gronemeier |
new surface-data output; renamed output variables (pt to theta, …
6 years |
knoop |
palmrun: added _stdout monitoring file and output filter for "STOP 1" …
6 years |
kanani |
Minor formatting, clean-up
7 years |
raasch |
host identifier in header output renamed config. identifier, …
7 years |
sward |
Added multi agent system
7 years |
raasch |
-T option not required for interactive runs (tasks per node = total …
7 years |
Giersch |
The copying of spectra and time series output from temporary folder to …
7 years |
Giersch |
new procedure for reading/writing svf data, initialization of local …
7 years |
kanani |
Add file connection for sky view factors (SVF) binaries (.palm.iofiles)
7 years |
raasch |
fname renamed jobname
7 years |
raasch |
wildcard added for input precursor binary files
7 years |
raasch |
bugfix for BININ file connection statement
7 years |
raasch |
bugfix for file connection statement
7 years |
kanani |
Merge of branch palm4u into trunk
7 years |
raasch |
file attributes and activation strings in .palm.iofiles revised, file …
7 years |
gronemeier |
added netcdf output files to list of input files for restarts
7 years |
knoop |
enabled nesting file connection statements on default in .palm.oifiles
8 years |
kanani |
minor bugfixes
8 years |
gronemeier |
minor changes to .palm.iofiles
8 years |
raasch |
bugfix for palmrun, some default config files for new scripts added