Jun 21, 2007 8:23:15 AM (18 years ago)

ocean version including prognostic equation for salinity and equation of state for seawater. Routine buoyancy can be used with both temperature and density.
+ inipar-parameters bc_sa_t, bottom_salinityflux, ocean, sa_surface, sa_vertical_gradient, sa_vertical_gradient_level, top_salinityflux

advec_s_bc, average_3d_data, boundary_conds, buoyancy, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, diffusion_e, flow_statistics, header, init_grid, init_3d_model, modules, netcdf, parin, production_e, prognostic_equations, read_var_list, sum_up_3d_data, swap_timelevel, time_integration, user_interface, write_var_list, write_3d_binary

eqn_state_seawater, init_ocean


inipar-parameter use_pt_reference renamed use_reference

hydro_press renamed hyp, routine calc_mean_pt_profile renamed calc_mean_profile

format adjustments for the ocean version (run_control)

advec_particles, buoyancy, calc_liquid_water_content, check_parameters, diffusion_e, diffusivities, header, init_cloud_physics, modules, production_e, prognostic_equations, run_control


Bugfix: height above topography instead of height above level k=0 is used for calculating the mixing length (diffusion_e and diffusivities).

Bugfix: error in boundary condition for TKE removed (advec_s_bc)

advec_s_bc, diffusion_e, prognostic_equations

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/DOC/app/chapter_4.4.html

    r62 r97  
    10 <body style="direction: ltr;" lang="en-US"><h3 style="line-height: 100%;">4.4 Example of a minimum
    11 parameter set</h3>
    12 <p style="line-height: 100%;">In this chapter a brief,
    13 simple and
    14 complete parameter set is described, which can be used to carry out a
    15 model run. The presented example is available via <a href="http://www.muk.uni-hannover.de/%7Eraasch/PALM_group/INSTALL/example_p3d">example
    16 file</a> and can be used (together with the <a href="http://www.muk.uni-hannover.de/%7Eraasch/PALM_group/INSTALL/.mrun.config">configuration
    17 file</a> described in <a href="chapter_3.2.html">chapter
    18 3.2)</a> for the execution of a simple model run. </p>
    19 <p style="line-height: 100%;">This run simulates a
    20 quasi-stationary,
     10<body style="direction: ltr;" lang="en-US"><h3 style="line-height: 100%;">4.4 Examples of
     11parameter sets</h3>
     12<p style="line-height: 100%;">This chapter gives examples of complete
     13parameter sets for a variety of model runs. These parameter files can
     14be found in the directory <span style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,monospace;">trunk/INSTALL</span> and can be used together with the <span style="font-weight: bold;">mrun</span> configuration file (<span style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,monospace;">.mrun.config</span>) to carry out the respective model runs.</p><p style="line-height: 100%;">For
     15a description of the basic parameter settings which are generally
     16required, see chapter 4.4.1, which explains the settings for a simple
     17run of a quasi-stationary,
    2118convective, atmospheric boundary layer with&nbsp; <font color="#000000">zero
    2219mean horizontal
    23 wind.</font> For evaluation purposes, cross sections and
    24 horizontally averaged vertical
    25 profiles of typical boundary layer variables
    26 are output at the end of the run. The run shall be carried out in
    27 batch mode on the IBM Regatta "hanni" of the HLRN.</p>
    28 <p style="line-height: 100%;">The parameter file necessary
    29 to carry
    30 out a run must be provided to the model as an input file under the
    31 local name <a href="chapter_3.4.html#PARIN">PARIN</a>
    32 and has the following contents:</p>
    33 <pre style="line-height: 100%;">&amp;inipar <a href="chapter_4.1.html#nx">nx</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">39</span>, <a href="chapter_4.1.html#ny">ny</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">39</span>, <a href="chapter_4.1.html#nz">nz</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">40</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.1.html#dx">dx</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">50.0</span>, <a href="chapter_4.1.html#dy">dy</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">50.0</span>, <a href="chapter_4.1.html#dz">dz</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">50.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.1.html#dz_stretch_level">dz_stretch_level</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">1200.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.1.html#fft_method">fft_method</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">'temperton-algorithm'</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.1.html#initializing_actions">initializing_actions</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">'set_constant_profiles'</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.1.html#ug_surface">ug_surface</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">0.0</span>, <a href="chapter_4.1.html#vg_surface">vg_surface</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">0.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.1.html#pt_vertical_gradient">pt_vertical_gradient</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">0.0</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">1.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.1.html#pt_vertical_gradient_level">pt_vertical_gradient_level</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">0.0</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">800.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.1.html#surface_heatflux">surface_heatflux</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">0.1</span>, <a href="chapter_4.1.html#bc_pt_b">bc_pt_b</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">'neumann'</span>,/<br><br>&amp;d3par <a href="chapter_4.2.html#end_time">end_time</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">3600.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#create_disturbances">create_disturbances</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">.T.</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#dt_disturb">dt_disturb</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">150.0</span>, <a href="chapter_4.2.html#disturbance_energy_limit">disturbance_energy_limit</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">0.01</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#dt_run_control">dt_run_control</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">0.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#data_output">data_output</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">'w_xy'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'w_xz'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'w_xz_av'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'pt_xy'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'pt_xz'</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#dt_data_output">dt_data_output</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">900.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#dt_data_output_av">dt_data_output_av</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">1800.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#averaging_interval">averaging_interval</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">900.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#dt_averaging_input">dt_averaging_input</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">10.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#section_xy">section_xy</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">2</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">10</span>, <a href="chapter_4.2.html#section_xz">section_xz</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">20</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#data_output_2d_on_each_pe">data_output_2d_on_each_pe</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">.F.</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#dt_dopr">dt_dopr</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">900.0</span>, <a href="chapter_4.2.html#averaging_interval_pr">averaging_interval_pr</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">600.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#dt_averaging_input_pr">dt_averaging_input_pr</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">10.0</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#data_output_pr">data_output_pr</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">'#pt'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'w&rdquo;pt&rdquo;'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'w*pt*'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'wpt'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'w*2'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'pt*2'</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#cross_profiles">cross_profiles</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">' pt '</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">' w"pt" w*pt* wpt '</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">' w*2 '</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">' pt*2 '</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#cross_xtext">cross_xtext</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">'pot. temperature in K'</span>,<br> <span style="font-style: italic;">'heat flux in K ms&gt;-&gt;1'</span>,<br> <span style="font-style: italic;">'velocity variance in m&gt;2s&gt;-&gt;2'</span>,<br> <span style="font-style: italic;">'temperature variance in K&gt;2'</span>,<br> <a href="chapter_4.2.html#z_max_do1d">z_max_do1d</a> = <span style="font-style: italic;">1500.0</span>, /</pre><p style="line-height: 100%;"><br><br></p>
    34 <p style="line-height: 100%;">The initialization
    35 parameters (<tt><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">&amp;inipar</font></tt>)
    36 are located at the beginning of the file. For analysis of a
    37 convective boundary layer of approx. 1000 m thickness the horizontal
    38 size of the model domain should amount to at least 2 km x 2 km. In
    39 order to resolve the convective structures a grid spacing of <b>dx</b>
    40 =
    41 <b>dy</b> = <b>dz</b> = <i>50 m</i>
    42 is enough, since the typical
    43 diameter of convective plumes is more than 100 m. Thereby the
    44 upper array index in the two horizontal directions needs to be <b>nx</b>
    45 = <b>ny</b> = <i>39</i>. <font color="#000000">Since in
    46 each case the lower array index has the value 0, 40 grid points are
    47 used along both horizontal directions.</font> In the vertical
    48 direction
    49 the domain must be high enough to include the entrainment processes at
    50 the top of the boundary layer as well as the propagation of gravity
    51 waves, which were stimulated by
    52 the convection. However, in the stably stratified region the grid
    53 resolution has not necessarily to be as high as within the boundary
    54 layer. This can be obtained by a vertical stretching of the grid
    55 starting
    56 from 1200 m via <b>dz_stretch_level</b> = <i>1200.0
    57 m.</i> This saves
    58 grid points and computing time. <font color="#800000">T</font><font color="#000000">he
    59 upper boundary of the model is located at (see </font><a href="chapter_4.1.html#dz_stretch_factor"><font color="#000000">dz_stretch_factor</font></a><font color="#000000">)
    60 &hellip; m (computed by the model)</font>.</p><p style="line-height: 100%;">Fast Fourier transformations are
    61 calculated using the Temperton-algorithm, which -on the IBM Regatta- is
    62 faster than the default system-specific algorithm (from IBM essl
    63 library).</p><p style="line-height: 100%;">The
    64 initial profiles for
    65 wind and temperature can be assigned via <b>initializing_actions</b>
    66 = <span style="font-style: italic;">'set_constant_profiles'</span>.
    67 The wind speed, constant with
    68 height, amounts to <b>ug_surface</b> = <b>vg_surface</b>
    69 = <i>0.0 m/s</i>. In order
    70 to allow for a fast onset of convection, a neutral stratified layer up
    71 to z
    72 = 800 m capped by an inversion with dtheta/dz = 1K/100 m is given:
    73 <b>pt_vertical_gradient</b> = <i>0.0, 1.0</i>,
    74 <b>pt_vertical_gradient_level</b> = <i>0.0, 800.0.</i>
    75 The surface
    76 temperature, which by default amounts to 300 K, provides the fixed
    77 point for the temperature profile (see <a href="chapter_4.1.html#pt_surface">pt_surface</a>).
    78 Convection is driven by a given, near-surface sensible heat flux via <b>surface_heatflux</b>
    79 = <i>0.1 K m/s.</i> A given surface sensible heta flux
    80 requires the
    81 bottom boundary condition for potential temperature to be <b>bc_pt_b</b>
    82 =
    83 <span style="font-style: italic;">'neumann'</span> .
    84 Thus
    85 all initialization parameters are determined. These can not be
    86 changed during the run (also not for restart runs). </p>
    87 <p style="line-height: 100%;">Now the run parameters (<tt><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">&amp;d3par</font></tt>)
    88 must be specified. To produce a quasi stationary boundary layer the
    89 simulated time should be at least one hour, i.e. <b>end_time</b>
    90 = <i>3600
    91 s.</i> To stimulate convection, the initially homogeneous (zero)
    92 wind
    93 field must be disturbed (<b>create_disturbances</b> = <i>.T.</i>).
    94 These perturbations should be repeated in a temporal interval of
    95 <b>dt_disturb</b> = <i>150.0 s</i> until the
    96 energy of the
    97 perturbations exceeds the value <b>disturbance_energy_limit</b>
    98 = 0.<i>01
    99 m<sup>2</sup>/s<sup>2</sup></i>. After
    100 each time step run time
    101 informations (e.g. size of the timestep, maximum velocities, etc.) are
    102 to be written to the local file <a href="chapter_3.4.html#RUN_CONTROL">RUN_CONTROL</a>
    103 (<b>dt_run_control</b> = <i>0.0 s</i>).</p><p style="line-height: 100%;">Instantaneous cross section data
    104 of vertical velocity (<span style="font-style: italic;">w</span>)
    105 and potential temperature (<span style="font-style: italic;">pt</span>)
    106 are to be output for horizontal (<span style="font-style: italic;">xy</span>)
    107 and vertical (<span style="font-style: italic;">xz</span>)
    108 cross sections, and additionally, time averaged (<span style="font-style: italic;">av</span>) vertical cross
    109 section data are to be output for the vertical velocity: <span style="font-weight: bold;">data_output</span> = <span style="font-style: italic;">'w_xy'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'w_xz'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'w_xz_av'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'pt_xy'</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">'pt_xz'</span>. Output of
    110 instantaneous (time averaged) data is done after each 900 (1800)s: <span style="font-weight: bold;">dt_data_output</span> = <span style="font-style: italic;">900.0</span>, <span style="font-weight: bold;">dt_data_output_av</span> = <span style="font-style: italic;">1800.0</span>. The
    111 averaged data are time averaged over the last 900.0 s, where the
    112 temporal interval of data entering the average is 10 s: <span style="font-weight: bold;">averaging_interval</span> =
    113 <span style="font-style: italic;">900.0</span>, <span style="font-weight: bold;">dt_averaging_input</span> =
    114 <span style="font-style: italic;">10.0</span>.
    115 Horizontal cross sections are output for vertical levels with grid
    116 index k=2 and k=10, vertical cross sections are output for index j=20: <span style="font-weight: bold;">section_xy</span> = <span style="font-style: italic;">2</span>, <span style="font-style: italic;">10</span>, <span style="font-weight: bold;">section_xz</span> = <span style="font-style: italic;">20</span>. For runs on
    117 more than one processor, cross section data are collected and output on
    118 PE0: <span style="font-weight: bold;">data_output_2d_on_each_pe</span>
    119 = <span style="font-style: italic;">.F.</span>.</p><p style="line-height: 100%;">Output
    120 of vertical profiles is to be done after each 900 s. The profiles shall
    121 be temporally averaged<font color="#000000"> over the last
    122 <font color="#000000">600 </font>seconds, </font>whereby
    123 the temporal interval of the profiles entering the average has to be
    124 10 s: <b>dt_dopr</b> = <i>900.0 s</i>, <b>averaging_interval_pr</b>
    125 =
    126 <i>600.0 s</i>, <b>dt_averaging_input_pr</b> =
    127 <i>10.0 s.</i> The temperature
    128 profile including the initial temperature profile (therefore <span style="font-style: italic;">'#pt'</span>),
    129 the subgrid scale, resolved and total vertical sensible heat flux as
    130 well as the variances of the vertical velocity and the potential
    131 temperature are to be output:&nbsp; <b>data_output_pr</b>
    132 = <span style="font-style: italic;">'#pt'</span><i>,
    133 'w"pt&rdquo;',
    134 'w*pt*', 'wpt', 'w*2', 'pt*2'</i>.</p><p style="line-height: 100%;">If the data output format for
    135 graphic software <span style="font-weight: bold;">profil</span>
    136 is selected (see <a href="chapter_4.2.html#data_output_format">data_output_format</a>),
    137 the temperature
    138 profile and the individual variances are to be drawn into independent
    139 coordinate systems, and in contrast to this all heat flux profiles are
    140 to
    141 be
    142 drawn into the same system: <b>cross_profiles</b> = <span style="font-style: italic;">'pt'</span><i>,
    143 'w"pt"w*pt*wpt', 'w*2', 'pt*2'</i>. The legend of the x
    144 axes of these systems is set to <b>cross_xtext</b>= <i>'pot.
    145 temperature in K', 'heat flux in K ms&gt;-&gt;1', 'velocity
    146 variance
    147 in m&gt;2s&gt;-&gt;2', 'temperature variance in K&gt;2'</i>.
    148 The profiles are to be drawn up to a height level of <b>z_max_do1d</b>
    149 =
    150 <i>1500.0 m</i>. </p>
    151 <p style="line-height: 100%;">Before starting the mo<font color="#000000">del
    152 on the parallel computer, the number of processing elements must be
    153 specified.</font> Since relatively few grid points are used for
    154 this run, choosing of e.g. 8 PEs is sufficient. By default, a 1d domain
    155 decomposition along x is used on the IBM-Regatta, which means that a
    156 virtual processor topology (grid) of 8*1 (x*y) is used. (<span style="font-weight: bold;">Note:</span> the user may
    157 adjust this
    158 default domain decomposition with the help of the parameters <a href="chapter_4.1.html#npex">npex</a>
    159 and <a href="chapter_4.1.html#npey">npey</a>).
    160 </p><p style="line-height: 100%;">Provided that the
    161 parameters
    162 file described above are set within the file </p>
    163 <ul> <pre style="margin-bottom: 0.5cm; line-height: 100%;"><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">~/palm/current_version/JOBS/example/INPUT/example_p3d</font></pre></ul><p style="line-height: 100%;">and that the conditions
    164 mentioned in the
    165 first sections of <a href="chapter_3.2.html">chapter
    166 3.2</a> are met, the model run can be started with the command </p>
    167 <p style="line-height: 100%;"><font face="Cumberland, monospace"><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">mrun
    168 -d example -h ibmh -K parallel -X 8 -T 8 -t 1800 -q cdev -r
    169 &ldquo;d3# xy# xz# pr#&rdquo;</font></font></p>
    170 <p style="line-height: 100%;">The output files will appear
    171 in the
    172 directories </p>
    173 <blockquote style="line-height: 100%;"><tt><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">~/palm/current_version/JOBS/example/MONITORING</font></tt><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2"><br> </font><tt><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">~/palm/current_version/JOBS/example/OUTPUT
    174 ,</font></tt></blockquote>
    175 <p style="line-height: 100%;">while the job protocol will
    176 appear in
    177 directory <font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2"><font face="Cumberland, monospace">~/</font></font><tt><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2"><font face="Cumberland, monospace">job_queue</font></font></tt>.
    178 <br>
     21All other examples only explain those settings which are specific for
     22the respective runs (e.g. only the specific ocean parameters are
     23described in the parameter set for simulating ocean convection).<br>
    17924&nbsp; </p>
    180 <hr><p style="line-height: 100%;"><br><font color="#000080"><font color="#000080"><a href="chapter_4.3.html"><font color="#000080"><img name="Grafik1" src="left.gif" align="bottom" border="2" height="32" width="32"></font></a><a href="index.html"><font color="#000080"><img name="Grafik2" src="up.gif" align="bottom" border="2" height="32" width="32"></font></a><a href="chapter_4.5.html"><font color="#000080"><img name="Grafik3" src="right.gif" align="bottom" border="2" height="32" width="32"></font></a></font></font></p><p style="line-height: 100%;"><i>Last change:&nbsp;
     25<hr><p style="line-height: 100%;"><br><font color="#000080"><font color="#000080"><a href="chapter_4.3.html"><font color="#000080"><img name="Grafik1" src="left.gif" align="bottom" border="2" height="32" width="32"></font></a><a href="index.html"><font color="#000080"><img name="Grafik2" src="up.gif" align="bottom" border="2" height="32" width="32"></font></a><a href="chapter_4.4.1.html"><font color="#000080"><img style="border: 2px solid ; width: 32px; height: 32px;" alt="" name="Grafik3" src="right.gif"></font></a></font></font></p><p style="line-height: 100%;"><i>Last change:&nbsp;
    18227<br>&nbsp; <br>
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